Well, I somehow managed to finshi this chapter early so I'll be publishing it now. Remember to please read and review because if you do I'll give you a cookie.

Disclaimer: The usual...

That night, Hinagiku found herself behind a tree on Sakura Lane. In her bag there was a spray can filled with water, some holy water she got from Tatsumiya at her shrine, a bright LED flashlight and a bunch of garlic. Maybe she really did go overboard but at least she was prepared. The night grew longer and longer s the dorm's curfew drew closer. She had fallen asleep when she finally heard a noise. The swordsman jumped to her feet, pulling out her sword, Wooden Masamune, in the matter of seconds. She jumped as if she came from a random ninja movie and only stopped herself from slashing the dark figure into pieces by latching onto a tree.

The figure turned out to be Nodoka slowly strolling through the street. Her bangs covered her face but Hina could tell she was worried.

"Ha Ha, there's nothing to be worried about Nodoka. Just going down the usual street after work. Not like a vampire is gonna pop out of nowhere or anything." The librarian assured herself walking in slow wimpy steps. Suddenly, wind arose from its slumber and ran across the lane touching its frosted fingers on Nodoka's back.

"Uh, that's just the industrial fan. Nothing to be scared about. It's not creepy at all."

Suddenly, a discarded book landed on the roots of Hina's tree and a scream echoed throughout the night. Hina let go and jumped into the light screaming "Hold it right there!"

The image she saw was weird. There was Nodoka on the verge of fainting, a figure dressed in a dark cloak with a pointy hat, the same size as Nagi, and Negi~sensei…

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. Yup, no change at all.

Her homeroom teacher, Negi, was flying in the air, his movement too forward to be a leap. Blasts of light, probably chi blasts, arose from his hand launching them as he chanted something of a foreign language, probably Greek, at the dark figure in the witch costume. It jumped dodging the blast and threw a bottle of purple liquid. The bottle exploded into a burst of crystals which collided with even more chi blasts. The force of the blasts blew Hina away into the trees, a chilly and frosted air surrounding her.

Negi flew down, landing with a wooden staff wrapped in bandages in his hand. He checked up on Nodoka who was still unconscious. The dark figure landed on a lamppost, the wind blowing its hat off. Hinagiku blinked as she was staring at the girl that she noted to be similar to Nagi. Evangeline was her name, right?

"Not bad, Negi Springfield! You got some fight in you I see.' She said. Hinagiku squinted her eyes to make sure the scene in front of her was real. Blood poured out of Evangeline's left ring finger.

"You're from my class." Negi stated as if it wasn't obvious. Hinagiku crept closer her sword at hand. She was considerably angry for two reasons. The first was because her great mystery novel had turned into an action manga. Secondly, it was because a ten-year old kid was more skilled in the art of chi blasts then her.

"Well, sensei. If my memory is correct this would be our first real conversation. Let's make it a memorable one!" Evangeline snickered as she leapt off from the lamppost, several other bottles at hand. Negi once again chanted unfamiliar words and prepared to launch another assault. Abruptly, several bulbs of garlic, two cans of different water and a very heavy book found themselves slamming into Evangeline's small body.

Hinagiku didn't dare throw the holy cross and the flashlight was meant for flashing. She moved into the street to help her sensei, even though it was more of an emotional and "I'm right behind you, so give it your all" kind of support. Anyone who could throw Chi blasts like they were Son Goku was obviously not gonna need her physical help.

Once she stepped out of hiding she found herself with a new problem. Normally, when she faced a new situation in which she knew her instincts would be of no help, she turned to Conan for help. She would constantly ask herself what Conan would do in this situation. If that didn't work she would turn to an expert at handling situations like this. She was sure neither could provide help on this task. There was only one thing to do: Mouth her way out of this like Hayate would.

"Ya know, between the ninjas, the robots, the Mary sues, the child prodigies, the swordsman stalkers and the rich girls, I should have known there would have been a vampire wannabee around town. What's next? Superman?" She shouted trying to copy the self confident smile Nagi always had on her face. She looked up finally mustering the courage to do so. She managed to make a few hits with the garlic that entered her mouth. Her cloak was completely soaked and she was sure there was a bruise from the encyclopedia she threw.

"Katsura~san, what are you doing here?" Negi said with an amplomb. The kid's face was a mixture of shock fear and grief. He must be really worried about his students.

"I came vampire hunting, Negi~sensei." She said as if pretending that you were part of the myth busters' crew was an average hobby for the regular 16-year old. At least she was sure her voice didn't so much emotion, a skill she learned from Miki. She once again looked up at Evangeline who was starting to get annoyed.

"Hinagiku Katsura, you have managed to make me mad in the time period of less than two days. I think that is a new record. Come here so I can give you your prize…" Evangeline snorted, her voice speaking volumes of her displeasure.

"Evangeline, explain yourself, why are you doing this!" Negi shouted interrupting the girl's speech.

"Alright sensei, let me make this simple for you. There are good guys and there are bad guys. Which one am I?" This time she didn't even wait for an answer, unleashing a barrage of test tubes and bottles, all filled with the same purple liquid. They all collided with each other creating a thousand purplish crystal blast. Negi placed his palm in the air to block the attack while Hina tried to drag Nodoka away from the battle. If there was anything she learned from back in her home town than it was to treat every item thrown at you as if it was a bomb.

The blast sprang to life tearing through Negi's defences, not to mention the cloth on his left arm. It broke into Hinagiku destroying her blouse and her blazer, while most of Nodoka's skirt and part of her right rib cage area cloth was destroyed.

"What's with this entire racket? It that you Negi~kun?" Someone from behind them shouted. At the same time, Evangeline took the time to flee. The person who shouted was Asuna. She ran to the scene, Konoka following her. With a few moments of quick observation, the redhead went to a conclusion.

"I thought we were trying to refrain from the pervert jokes." She concluded her answer sounding pretty darn convincing.

"No someone attacked Miyazaki~san." Hinagiku explained. Asuna nodded her head in understanding before she saw Negi in a crouching stance.

"Konoka, Asuna, please take care of Katura~san and Miyazaki~san." He shouted before dashing off, his speed probably at par with Hayate. Without skipping a beat, Hinagiku chased after him.

"Oh no you don't, this is my case!" She screamed her legs going as fast as they would take her. Asuna followed quickly behind to her surprise.

"I'm not gonna let you hog all the spot light." The baka replied grinning as the two followed the light show that lit the way.

After an epic montage of searching for the two combatants, their only clue being the random sparks of light that occasionally popped up notifying the two pursuers, they managed to find Negi on the roof of a building. He was being held by a tall figure while a short one semmed to latch onto him. In the dim light, she could barely see the dark masses but she guessed the short one was Evangeline. The other was Chachamaru, coming from the antennas.

Asuna charged at the two shouting something along the lines of "Back of you freak!" Hinagiku was right behind her, a sword in one hand, and a flashlight in another. Even if they tried their attacks couldn't have been more co-ordinated. Asuna kicked the two off of Negi, the assault followed up by a wooden slash and a convenient light beam attack.

Asuna stopped in her tracks to make sure Negi was okay but Hinagiku didn't. She pressed on knowing that she would probably have a hard time taking Chachamaru on in a fair fight much less a vampire. Chahchamaru got up trying to maintain her balance but she was quickly faced by Hinagiku. The swordsman opened the battle with a forward stab which met with its target. She didn't stop there as she pressed further and further smacking her sword into Chachamaru's abdomen. It was like trying to break steel, her arms growing number the more she slashed. Chachamaru, who seemed to be somewhat injured, seized the opportunity and countered. Her fist leaped from the rest of her arm, the two pieces attached by black rope, and punched Hinagiku in the stomach. The swordsman flew backwards, the punch itself probably giving her whiplash.

Hinagiku stood panting from the battle. At least she was right about Chachamaru being a robot. Chachamaru stepped out of stance when it became clear that Hinagiku wasn't gonna want another round.

"Are you the guys behind all this!" Asuna said indignantly, while Hinagiku just focused on the pain. How did Hayate do this all the time? She had felt pain before but this was just crazy. The force of Chachamaru's blow was equivalent to getting hit by a 3-ton truck, which Hayate easily survives through. She found herself grudgingly admitting maybe it wasn't such a bad thing Hayate had never really hit her that first and only time they'd really battled. Every other time they fought, the battles were one sided or they were on the same team. "Scaring kids? Tormenting them? What possible, lame-ass excuse could you have for pulling stuff like this!"

Evangeline got up a giant red mark on where Asuna kicked her. "You, Asuna Kagurazaki, are gonna pay for kicking me. I hope you learn to sleep with your eyes open because you're gonna need it. Until then, Au Revoir!" The two jumped off the ledge.

"What a minute, we're 11 stories high." Asuna wondered not believing the current situation. The number sounded relatively right.

Behind them a pitiful sound reminded them of Negi's existence. The boy lied on the ground groaning in pain. Blood poured out of his neck and onto the floor. Suddenly there was a slight pause.

" ASUNA~SAN!" Negi broke down onto Asuna's arm his grip like that of a baby koala.

Hiangiku finally turned to find Asuna moving herself from Negi, who was crying and shaking like a leaf. Now that all the excitement as over, she realized how cold it was, this high up at night. "We'd better get inside," she said, surprised her voice was so level. "It's not healthy to be out this late." She checked her pockets and pulled out a handkerchief. "Hold still. I don't think she hit any arteries, or else you'd have died already, but better to cover them up."

"Thanks Katsura-san," Asuna said as she helped her lead Negi back inside. She paused and went to pick up the long staff half-covered by bandages that they'd seen him ride. The pink-haired swordsman eyed it curiously, warily, but Asuna handled it like it was just another piece of wood.

Once inside, Hinagiku couldn't hold her many questions anymore. "Negi~sensei, what are you? You can't be a martial artist, you don't have enough strength in those tiny arms of yours and yet you can shoot chi blasts like you came from DBZ."

Negi flinched from the question and then went back to crying. He shoke all over as if he was … was a ten year old brat that just got his blood sucked dry.

"Katsura~san, we can talk about this later. Negi had a bad night." Asuna replied while lifting Negi and started down the stairs. Wait, Negi? No Negi~sensei? Not even a ~kun. Hina made sure she'd check up on it later in time.

'Well, I better get back before the someone finds out. I doubt Hasegawa~san will be able to cover up for me this late at night. Will he be okay?" Hina asked mercifully.

"Yeah, no need to worry. I'll get him back to our room." Asuna replied half smiling that they were off the subject. Wait, our room? If Hinagiku didn't know better than she would jump to the conclusion that something fishy was happening in that dorm room.

When she got to her room, Chisame had already retired for the night. She quickly slipped into her bed without much noise. She was tired as she was. Why did stuff like this always happen to her? You never see Conan run into situations like this. A talk with the client, a short visit to the crime scene, a little genius and Bam, case closed. She suddenly remembered Evangeline saying "I hope you learn to sleep with your eyes open because you're gonna need it." She hoped that she still had some garlic left in the now light bag of hers.

The next few days seemed to move in a giant blur. They were relatively normal. She would wake up, go to school, and pay attention and leave. No vampire sucking, no hordes of diabolic robots, no hormone driven maniacs. The most exciting thing that happened was a pillow fight the class had before the great blackout. It was even more boring than watching one of Miki's movies. When she finally had a chance to talk with Asuna again the entire Evangeline case was solved.

"We kicked their asses." Asuna declared, her voice filled with pride.

"By kissing sensei…" Hinagiku countered.

Asuna looked at her as if she was slapped across the face. "How … do y-you… know?"

"It's pretty obvious if you ask me.' Hinagiku answered. She decided that know was a better chance than any to ask for an explanation 'First, you call him without any honorifics. Next you sleep in the same room and now you are kissing him. I try to be an unbiased and fair person, Asuna, but you might want to add something because the image I'm getting in my head is highly indecent."

That was when she learned about magic.

Dear Miki,

I'm starting to miss everyone. We'll all be going to Kyoto in a week and I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm mostly excited about Cinema Town. I was thinking of a nice pink kimono. I was also thinking of a samurai, karate queen, Princess Judo, and Kung Fu mistress.

Why, thank you for your compliments, Hayate~kun. Yes, I know the roles were meant for me. That was what you were about to say weren't you. Yes, I can read your mind. Girls, please hit him for me.

Anyways, I heard that there was going to be a visit to Nara. With my luck, I'll probably be attacked by the deer and get po…

Thank you for volunteering to bring everyone Nagi~chani. No cameras allowed!

Isumi~san, put down that potion. Wataru~kun will probably swallow it.

Wataru~kun, that's Sakuya~san's bag you're raiding. She won't be happy.

Rika, Miki, as I said before, no cameras allowed.

Izumi, please put that candy down.

Ayumu, Maria, give them all a smack.

Sis, the next letter will pay for all the damage I've done.

Love Hina!

To Be Continued

A Nodoka Omake!

Nodoka: Hmm, I wish Negi~kun would look after me like he did when Evangeline~san caught the fever.

Setsuna: Then why don't you catch a cold.

Nodoka: You can't catch a cold in this season.

Setsuna: Are you sure?

Nodoka: Huh!

...Outside Nodoka and Setsuna were strapped to a japanese kite while it was raining.

Setsuna: You'll catch a cold two times as fast if you do this.

Nodoka: I'll die before I catch a cold...

Mahora Fight!