When you go would you have the guts to say

"I don't love you like I did yesterday?"

Well come on, come on!…

Rukia Kuchiki let the song blast in her ears, staring out the window of her adopted older brother's black catalac. She reveled in the feeling of being in the bubble while she was in the car, the music on her iPod turned up in her ears so that it was the only sound that reached her ears. It felt as if, while she was in this bubble, she could see everyone and observe but she was invisible to their eyes. She was forced to sit in the backseat of the car since her older brother, Byakuya, was driving and his "girlfriend" sat in the passenger seat.

Personally, Rukia hated her. She was bubbly and sweet like tooth-aching candy around Byakuya, but secretly turned sour and bratty around other people, namely Rukia. Her name was Suki, or something like that. Rukia never made a point to keep up with names. She looked up at the front where Suki was babbling on and on about something (probably something stupid), batting her mascara-drenched eyelashes and fixing her long blond hair every two second, while Byakuya sat stolidly at the wheel, keeping his eyes on the road while occasionally nodding at the appropriate times.

Byakuya looked a lot like Rukia; They were both very pale with dark black hair, though his was long and hers came out in flips at her shoulders. Both siblings had the tendency to be ice-cold if they needed to, and very stubborn, but that was where the similarities stopped. Where Rukia had large, indigo, doe-like eyes, Byakuya had fierce, unnerving black ones. While Byakuya was trimmed, well-kempt, and mannerly, Rukia had a rebellious streak and didn't think much of rules she didn't agree with.

I don't love you like I did yesterday

I don't love you like I did yesterday

Rukia sighed out loud, earning a glance from Suki who probably thought it was a complaint about her talking, but ignored it. Finally the car stopped and Rukia peered out the window up at the large school to which kids hurried towards across the campus, on their way to their classes. Rukia grabbed her bag and stepped out, waving to her brother, who nodded, and ignoring Suki before turning to walk calmly towards the building. It was her first day at this new school, and she had to admit that she was nervous.

Looking down at her schedule to see what class she had first, she walked inside the large building. She looked around, her eyes scanning at all the students for any signs or anything that would point new kids to their classes. Finding none, she side and started to pull out her pen and notepad out of her bag.

Rukia opened to a fresh piece of paper in the tiny notebook and wrote, No idea where to go on the first day. There are no signs, so get ready to ask people for directions. Sighing and started her way through the crowd, she was barely paying attention when she felt a body collide with hers, sending them both to the ground.

Hearing a body other than hers hit the floor, she opened her eyes to see another girl sitting up, flustered, across from her in the middle of the things that had scattered from their bags. The other girl looked at her in surprise.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, jumping forward to help gather the things Rukia had dropped, "I'm so, so sorry!" Rukia smiled at the girl's embarrassment.

"It's alright, it was my fault," she reassured her, "I wasn't paying attention." The other students curved around them, some giving them strange looks while others ignored them as they retrieved their things. Finally the two girls stood, and Rukia noticed that they were about the same size. The other girl blushed and smiled.

"Sorry about that," she said, then held out her hand, "I'm Momo, by the way. Momo Hinamori." Rukia smiled and took her hand.

"Rukia Kuchiki," she responded. They let their hands dropped and Momo looked around.

"So are you new here?" she asked, and Rukia nodded. Momo smiled.

"Me too! But I guess that means you don't know where to go, either?" Rukia smiled sadly and shook her head.

"No idea. I was just about to ask somebody before we ran into each other." Momo's childlike eyes lit up.

"That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" Now that they were standing, Rukia observed her new friend. She was about her height (which, sadly, isn't a lot) with brown hair tied into a messy bun and large, sweet brown eyes. She had a heart- shaped face and very petite.

"So who were you going to ask?" Momo asked, snapping Rukia out of her thoughts, "I don't see anyone that doesn't look kind of scary, you know?" Rukia now looked around to see what Momo was talking about. Most of the other students around them looked older, and most were with a group of friends or had intimidating looks on their faces. Rukia swallowed her fear and lifted her head. She refused to be intimidated by a bunch of older kids, and walked up to a girl that looked a few years older than them who was reading a book while leaning against one of the pillars. She had long, shiny blonde hair and bright turquoise eyes.

She seemed the least scary to Rukia; she wore simple jeans and a jacket over a blue v-neck. Rukia tapped on her shoulder, Momo hiding tentatively behind her back. The girl looked over at them in surprise for a second, and then closed her book.

"Hello," Rukia said confidently, "We're new here and were just wondering if you would show us to our classes or at least tell us how to get there." Rukia held her breath as the girl look them over thoughtfully.

"Hmmm…. Ok," she said, shrugging. Momo let out an audible sigh of relief while Rukia handed the older girl her schedule. She looked it over, then handed it back.

"Follow me," she said in a light voice before turning away and walking through the crowd. Rukia and Momo had to almost run to keep up with the girl's long legs so they didn't get lost amongst all the people. Finally the girl stopped in front of a door with a plaque on the wall outside reading Urahara- Band/Orchestra.

"Thanks," Rukia said, and the girl smiled.

"No problem. I like new kids. They make me laugh," she said, giggling. Rukia and Momo exchanged a glance. The older girl was surprisingly nice, but a little strange.

"You better get in there, too, Momo," the girl said, "You have that class, also." The two younger girls looked at her in surprise.

"I don't remember showing you my schedule," Momo said nervously, eying the girl.

"Or her name," Rukia added. The girl giggled.

"That's because you didn't. Don't glare at me, Rukia!" she laughed, "I love new kids, they're so funny! Well, I gotta go. Bye bye, Rukia, bye bye Momo!" The girl started walking back gracefully, almost at a skip, but something popped into Rukia's mind and she whipped around, calling after the girl.

"What's your name?" The girl stopped and turned to them, tilting her head thoughtfully.

"Myoka. Well, see you later, bye new kids!" And with that, she was gone.