Hey there... hehe ^^" been a while, eh? Sorry, I've been super duper busy (and lazy, but that's beside the point!) I hope you like this one! I do... And remember, this is NOT the end! This might sound like the ending but it's not the last one, I promise! Anyways,


Everyone could see that Byakuya Kuchiki was going over the edge. For once he had allowed a slightly worried expression cross his face, and his fingers tapped continuously on the steering wheel.

"Maybe we shouldn't go," he insisted, his eyes flitting hopefully to Rukia in the back seat in the review mirror. Rukia felt bad for her brother, but this gave her a chance to see Ichigo and maybe meet his dad, and perhaps Suki will grow jealous enough of the obvious feelings between her brother and ballet teacher that she'll throw a fit and leave.

"We have to, brother," Rukia told him like she had a million times before, "the principal really wanted to have everyone meet Yoruichi and let her explain what we do in class and stuff." Honestly, Rukia didn't know why the principal was so keen on having a 'meet the teacher's night'. She was just thinking of how she would act when she saw Ichigo there.

Urahara's Mad Hatter grin grew as more cars pulled up to the school, and he spotted the black, sleek car of Byakuya Kuchiki inching its way closer. Ah, finally he would get to see Yoruichi Shihōin and Byakuya Kuchiki reunited again. Let the show begin!

Rukia tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear nervously, her eyes fleeting for any sign of the strawberry. She didn't know exactly what had happened the past few days, but one thing was certain; she was falling hard for Ichigo Kurosaki. The small girl shook her head, making her dark curls bounce. If anyone had told her a few days ago that she was going to fall for Ichigo, she would have kicked their asses to Pluto and laughed. But here she was, her heart thumping hard at the mere thought of seeing him.

Oh, what was happening to her? Was she really so pathetic that she had to look around desperately just to get a shot at looking at him? Somehow, though, Rukia couldn't call herself pathetic when she did this. Maybe—hopefully, she thought—he was doing the same thing.

Ichigo gazed around the crowd while his dad went on about how he was growing up and being ungrateful or something. He trained his eye for any sign of the short, raven haired girl that had somehow caught his heart and opened all of his secrets without even trying. Not ever had he once brought someone outside of his family to his mothers' grave. Sure, people went there sometimes, maybe not specifically hers, but the graveyard.

But this was the first time he had willingly brought a stranger to stand with him and his sisters at his mother's grave. Of course, Rukia wasn't much of a stranger now. He felt she knew way more about him than even he did, and he about her, as if they had some unspoken understanding. Ichigo had to admit, it scared him a bit; such a strange connection with a strange girl was bound to turn up something good or bad, but he had decided after kissing her and walking her home that he would leave it at fate and go along for the ride.

Finally Ichigo spotted dark curls on a short person and, trying to hide the automatic blush that had arisen on his cheeks, moved forward and tapped her on the shoulder.

Rukia turned to see Ichigo standing in front of her, looking sheepish. She smiled at his expense but decided not to make him suffer too bad.

"Hey," he greeted softly, giving her a soft smile, those amber eyes melting into her. Rukia gave the same smile back.

"Hey," she replied quietly, and Ichigo could feel his heart fluttering at her doe- like indigo eyes seeping through him.

Byakuya immediately noticed the reaction between his sister and the Kurosaki boy. With a slight sting, he noticed that they gazed at each other like he had once looked at someone, and that person was here tonight. Usually Byakuya would threaten anyone who came within a five- meter range of Rukia, but when he spotted something so pure and genuine in the boy's eyes when he looked down at his sister, Byakuya knew better than to interfere.

"So where's Rukia's ballet class?" Suki asked, making Byakuya turn to her. She had been acting strangely for a while about going to the class, though Byakuya couldn't guess why. Perhaps she had figured out that something was going on between him and Yoruichi. Had gone on, Byakuya reminded himself. He was not with Yoruichi anymore. Glancing at Suki, Byakuya shook his head.

How in the world had he gotten here?

"Are you alright?" Rukia asked him. They both knew what she was talking about. Ichigo smiled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah… thanks," he said. Rukia rolled her eyes.

"Again with the thanks…" she reminded him, "You're hopeless!" With this said she through her hands up in the air dramatically. Ichigo grinned.

"It's not my fault you keep on getting more amazing, midget." Oops. He hadn't meant for that to come out. His eyes widened as soon as it slipped from his lips. Rukia looked up at him with large, shocked eyes, her cheeks cherry red. Ichigo rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably, and Rukia felt a soft smile grace her lips.

"Thanks," she told him quietly. Ichigo shrugged and avoided looking at her eyes, still embarrassed. Suddenly Ichigo felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down at a mini Rukia. He glanced up at Rukia and down at the kid and back. Then he kneeled before the little girl, who looked to be about five.

"Yous big," she said, pointing at him with a small, delicate finger.

"And you're small," Ichigo said back, poking her lightly in the chest. The girl giggled and grabbed a fistful of his hair.

"You have bwight hair!" Rukia moved forward automatically, thinking this would make Ichigo mad, but surprisingly he smiled at the girl.

"Yep," he responded, letting the girl continue to play with his hair, "What color is it?" Hisana frowned a bit in concentration.

"Umm….. Owange!" she exclaimed loudly, jumping up with an 'ah ha!' expression. Ichigo chuckled a bit.

"Yep could job, eh…"

"Hisana," Rukia answered for him, kneeling down to be level with them, "She's my little sister I told you about." Ichigo nodded, still smiling.

"She looks just like you," he told her, "she's beautiful." Rukia's face flushed and she looked away. If he kept on saying things like that, she might just give in and start kissing the living daylights out of him.

Nel wasn't stupid. No matter what people said, she knew Ichigo didn't want her. It wasn't that surprising; no one did. But when she saw the way Ichigo looked at the new girl, a way he had never looked at anyone before, Nel automatically knew it was over. She could no longer hang all over him and pretend to like him. Just then she heard a gruff voice behind her.

"Quite the pair, eh?" Nel turned to see Grimmjow standing there with a bottle of something in his hand, looking over at Ichigo and Rukia playing with her little sister.

"'Never seen Kurosaki that happy before unless he was with his sisters, but this is even different from that," he went on, motioning to the pair. Nel sighed and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I know," she answered, "Now I've got to stop pretending." Grimmjow raised an eyebrow at her.

"Pretending what?" he asked curiously, taking another swig of whatever was in his bottle.

"That I like him," Nel said with a sigh, "I never did, you know." It was silent for a moment.

"I know." Grimmjow took another drink, keeping his eyes on the couple before them and pointedly off the girl next to him. He had known she never wanted Kurosaki; he had known all along.

"I love you, you know," Nel went on, still watching Ichigo and Rukia. There was silence.

"I know." It was silent for a moment before Nel sighed, trying to ignore the pain in her heart.

"Well good bye, Grimmy." She turned and started to walk away from her childhood friend when suddenly a rough hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Grimmjow stood less than an inch away, his turquoise eyes melting into hers.

"I love you too, you know," he whispered gruffly. A small smile spilled onto Nel's lips.

"I know." And she had known. As Grimmjow brought his lips to hers, Nel realized that deep down, she had always known.

Byakuya felt his nerves building and building by the second as they inched closer to the dance room. Rukia was still laughing and gazing lovingly at the Kurosaki boy while he served in entertaining Hisana.

He had to admit, Hisana did seem to like him, and the kid was quite good at making her laugh. But Byakuya was drawn out of his thoughts, any of his thoughts, when his eyes went back to the dance room and he spotted her.

Yoruichi was absolutely gorgeous.

She had her purple hair up in a nice, curly pony tail with pretty, delicate curls down to frame her face. Her shirt was a long, billowing black one that framed her body perfectly and hung over dark jeans. Yoruichi wasn't completely dressed up, but Byakuya thought she was easily the most beautiful woman there.

Suki immediately saw Byakuya's change in mood and turned to see what he was gaping at. A gasp escaped her lips when she spotted Yoruichi. This was Rukia's dance teacher, Yoruichi? The one Rukia had said was back from Byakuya's past? This was what she was supposed to compete with?

The woman was absolutely gorgeous, with stunning honey gold eyes and the most white, dazzling smile Suki had ever seen. She looked over at Byakuya, whom was still looking at the woman, and over at Rukia, who was staring at the boy called Kurosaki. They boy had the same look in their eyes. Suki hated to admit it, but she had lost. There was no way Byakuya—or Rukia, for that matter—would pick bitchy her over the goddess.

Suki knew she should have been nicer to Rukia, but it was too late now. She placed a hand on Byakuya's shoulder and he snapped to her, looking slightly flustered at being caught staring at the other woman.

"I'm going now," she said. Byakuya gave her a slight frown. He was definitely not himself around that woman. Suki knew of no one else who could break his shield that easily, much less without even talking to him.

"Why?" he asked. Suki glanced over at Yoruichi, and as Byakuya followed her gaze his eyes lit up in realization.

"It's fine," Suki interrupted him before he could even speak, "I understand. You see Rukia? The way she looks at that boy? I'm sure you can't miss it, Byakuya. She's clearly infatuated, maybe even in love. But I don't think you've realized yet that you look at that woman from your past in the same way. Go, Byakuya. You can at least try. I'll be by to pick up my things in the morning."

With that Suki left without letting Byakuya speak one word. What had just happened? Had Suki broken up with him? How had she known that he knew Yoruichi in his past? Finally he came to terms with what happened and looked over at his childhood love. Suki had given him a chance. A chance to take back what he had at childhood, as much as a far shot it was. Hmm, perhaps Suki wasn't as bad as everyone thought she was. After a second Byakuya gathered his nerves, and, taking a deep breath, he approached Yoruichi.

"Yoruichi." The sound of his voice saying her name sent chills up her back and Yoruichi had to gather her breath before turning to smile at Byakuya Kuchiki, her old love.

"Byakuya," she greeted kindly, "I'm glad you made it." She spotted Rukia and Ichigo playing with Hisana, looking at each other with such pureness in their eyes it made her smile.

"Are you not here with someone? I thought I saw someone with you earlier." Yes, Yoruichi had noticed the woman. She had been looking around for a certain icy Kuchiki when she spotted him. Yoruichi knew what she felt must have shown in her eyes, for when she glanced over at the woman by Byakuya's side, she was looking wide- eyed between them, though Byakuya had not yet noticed.

Yoruichi hadn't been surprised that he was with someone, but it hurt just as much.

"You could say we… came to terms with reality," Byakuya answered her, a small smile on his lips, but it went away when he asked, "And what about you?" Yoruichi smiled a bit.

"All on my own tonight," she answered, "Well, and every night, but you know." Byakuya smiled as the woman laughed, believing it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"I missed you a lot when you left," he told her quietly as soon as her laughter had died down. Yoruichi smiled sadly at him.

"I missed you, too," she said, "But we were young, remember? We didn't think a long- distance relationship would have worked out, and I still don't know if it would have, since we were so immature." Byakuya shook his head and stepped a bit closer to her.

"There is no distance between us now, my love," he told her quietly, and her eyes widened at the old pet name she hadn't realized she'd been desperate to hear for a while.

"That is," Byakuya said, even quieter, as though afraid, "If the feelings remain the same in you as they do in me." Yoruichi couldn't believe her ears. This man, the one she had loved since childhood and never stopped loving, had finally shown up again in her life and now made it obvious that he had never stopped loving her, either. Yoruichi smiled a bit.

"Always, love." And Byakuya met Yoruichi's gaze, the feelings in their eyes unmistakable.

I don't love you

Like I loved you


Right now, those words could not be more wrong. And as Byakuya brought Yoruichi closer for a kiss, he knew everything was as it was supposed to be.

Rukia gasped when she spotted her brother kissing her ballet teacher; it wasn't every day she got to see her brother kiss someone. No days, actually. But she wasn't the only one in the hall that was shocked. Everyone quieted down and stared at the strange anomaly before them; icy, stoic Byakuya Kuchiki kissing gorgeous, playful, fun-loving Yoruichi Shihōin. Hisana got up from her spot in between Rukia and Ichigo and toddled over to the kissing pair.

She tugged on Byakuya's pant leg and the two pulled apart. They stared at each other in surprise for a moment before smiling. Hisana, being the 'oh –so- patient' one, tugged even harder on Byakuya's pant leg, causing them both to look down. Now that she had the adult's attention, she sent them a toothy grin.

"Baku kiss pwetty lady," she giggled. Everyone laughed and Yoruichi picked Hisana off the floor and held her, making the young girl squeal in delight.

"Ooh, you bootiful," she said, tangling her small fingers in Yoruichi's hair. Yoruichi laughed.

"Thank you, darling," she said, "You must be Hisana." Rukia smiled as Yoruichi continued to talk to Hisana, watching as Byakuya also gazed at the scene with a small smile on his lips. Suddenly Ichigo stood from where they had sat to play with Hisana and held out a hand. Rukia smiled and took it. Once she was standing, Rukia gazed up at him.

"I'm glad you're so stubborn, strawberry," she said randomly. Ichigo frowned.

"Where did that come from?" Rukia smiled.

"If you hadn't been so pig- headed and moved from your seat, none of this would have happened." Ichigo smirked a bit at that.

"You know you love me, midget." Rukia smiled back.

"I know you love me, strawberry." With that Rukia wrapped her tiny arms around his neck while his went around her waist and kissed him.

Byakuya glanced over and saw Ichigo kissing his sister, but he was too happy now to kill the boy. Besides, he wasn't taking it any further and Rukia seemed happy, so he decided to let the boy live. For now.

Rukia pulled away blushing madly and smiled up at Ichigo.

"It's looks like everything is like it's supposed to be," she said. Ichigo nodded.

"Yep." Suddenly Rukia frowned.

"But hey, what about your dad? I didn't get to meet him. Didn't he come with you?" Ichigo frowned, also, and looked around.

"I don't know where the hell he could be…"


There we are :) I hope you liked it! I know the Nel/Grimmjow thing was a bit random, but it just came to me and I started typing it so yeah... And remember, THIS IS NOT THE END! 'Cuz next you finally get to meet Ichigo's dad :D Well, hope you liked it, my peoples! Peace out!