Chapter 15

He didn't know how things had gone from a wonderful night out to a collision with his brother. Though their relationship wasn't as terrible as it once was, they both had a silent agreement to never meet unless it was necessary. This moment now was definitely not in any way necessary.

Kuae's questioning stare had gone to understanding when he explained it was his brother. He recalled telling her once that they were not close.

"It's so nice to see you against Sesshoumaru," the girl at his brother's side greeted pleasantly; leaving Inuyasha's side to come closer.

"Kagome, don't talk to that asshole!"

"Inuyasha," the girl said in warning.

To his surprise Kuae released his hand and took a couple steps forward; her form aggressive.

"Don't call him an asshole, asshole!" she all but growled, "He didn't say anything to you."

"W-what did you just say?" his brother nearly stammered with his own surprise.

"You hear me you-"

"That is enough Kuae," he cut her off.

If it wouldn't cause Inuyasha to gock and mock him, he would have laughed at her outburst, Nothing would have pleased him more than to watch the fool get verbally beaten by a teenager, but they didn't need to gather public attention.

"It is a pleasure, Kagome," he greeted with a nod in her direction, "Are you and the half wit close to picking a date?"

"Yes we were thinking sometime next spring. We both hope that you will be able to make it," the raven haired girl said cheerfully, "Inuyasha won't say it, but I can tell that he wants you to come."

He didn't miss how Kagome kept glancing in Kuae's direction, who had returned to his side; not taking her eyes off Inuyasha.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" the boy shouted angrily; not having moved from his spot.

"Then move up here and act like an adult Inuyasha," Kagome said curtly.

At the remark his brother begrudgingly made his way to them, muttering the entire way.

"So, who's the brat?" Inuyasha asked, "Are you babysitting now Sesshoumaru?"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome reprimanded, swatting the boy in the back of the head.

Beside him Kuae's posture stiffened and her glare hardened. His brother was leaving a very poor first impression.

Wrapping an arm around Kuae's waist, he pulled her to his side and held her there, trying to give some reassurance.

"This is Kuae," he stated, giving Inuyasha a hardened stare before continuing, "Kuae, this is my idiot half brother and his intended, Kagome."

"It's nice to meet you Kuae," Kagome greeted with a smile and a polite bow.

She hadn't missed the way he held on to the girl at his side and the pointed look he had given her fiance. Inuyasha on the other hand had.

"Nice to meet you, brat."

"Okay, that's it!" Kuae said angrily, shrugging out of his hold, "Why don't you stop being an immature prick for five god damn seconds and have a normal conversation? Or is that too difficult for you?"

He knew that Inuyasha wasn't always the smartest of people, but he wasn't a complete idiot either. In this moment though, he was choosing to be the latter. Not only was the boy invoking Kuae's wrath, but his and Kagome's as well. If Inuyasha wanted to take shots at his person then that was fine, but he didn't need to hurt Kuae in order to do it. He was about to learn that the hard way.

Inuyasha took a step forward at Kuae's accusation and his brows pushed together in response.

"What is your problem?" his brother asked.

Kuae reached forward and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward.

"You are, with your condescending attitude."

"C-condescending? How is that condescending when you're a brat? It's what you are."

He was about to intervene when Kagome managed to beat him to it.

"That's enough Inuyasha!" the girl yelled directly into her intended's ear.

Both Kuae and his brother jumped at the volume of her voice and stepped away from one another; neither wanting to be the target of the girl's anger.

"Why are you getting mad at me?"

"Shut up! You stay here and have a normal conversation with Sesshoumaru, and us girls will go over there. Understand?"

He watched as Inuyasha merely nodded his head before turning his gaze to Kuae. She was looking back at him with some concern before he nodded to her. As much as he had originally had a distaste for his brother's intended, over the past few years he had reluctantly grown to like her. While clumsy, she was a positive individual and strong in her own way. She was good for Inuyasha and he would not tolerate it if the boy messed up their relationship.

"We'll leave you to it then," Kagome stated before dragging Kuae alone with her and away from them.

Inside I was fuming. What the hell was that guy's problem?! Neither of them had even said a word to him and he had started mouthing off for no reason. Sesshoumaru had said that they weren't close but to that extent? There was no reason for it.

'A brat? Do I look like a brat to you asshole?!' I inwardly growled.

I had just started to get over my insecurities and that bastard had to go and say something like that...


"I'm sorry about Inuyasha," Kagome apologized, a sheepish smile on her face, "He is brash but he's not always such a jerk."

"Could have fooled me," I said lowly, glaring at the guy standing beside Sesshoumaru.

"Believe it or not, their relationship used to be a lot worse," she laughed lightly, "Now they just make jabs at each other. I know those 'brat' comments were meant for Sesshoumaru, but he didn't need to get you involved."

I raised a brow as I turned my gaze on her. I didn't have any siblings, so was teasing and comments like that normal?

"How long have you known them?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

The night had been going well until now, I really didn't want to be angry anymore.

"Inuyasha and I have been friends since I was fifteen. Back then those two wouldn't even talk to each other and when they did, it usually ended with black eyes and broken lamps," Kagome explained as she watched the two guys a short distance away, "After a few years they started to tolerate each other. It's been about nine years since then so now I think they have a mutual understanding."

She had a small smile on her dace as she told the story, probably remembering things that happened over the years.

I began to wonder if after a few years I would be able to look back on my life and smile like that. No my life wasn't some horrible tragedy, but it wasn't exactly the most positive existence in the world.

'I wonder if Sesshoumaru ever looks back on his life and smiles like that...'

"I've never seen him look so happy before," Kagome stated, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You mean Inuyasha?" I wondered, looking in the direction that she was.

Neither of them seemed to have happy expressions on their faces. It actually seemed like they were having a pretty serious discussion.

"Inuyasha's version of happy is a stupid grin on his face," Kagome mused before shaking her head, "I mean Sesshoumaru."

He was happy? How could she tell just by looking at him from such a brief meeting?At my confused expression, she seemed to have mercy on me.

"I had seen him when he was with Rin and for all the time hat they had been together, not once was there a hint of happiness in his expression," Kagome explained as she turned her blue eyes on me with a knowing smile, "You have been in his life for a shorter time and I know you're afraid of the age difference, but he is happy. It's really subtle, but I can see it in his eyes. He loves you."

My eyes widened a bit in surprise when she mentioned our age difference. Was it that obvious to other people that I was afraid of not being able to catch up? That I was afraid of not being enough?

"The fact that you're afraid isn't a bad thing. New relationships are always terrifying, but you can't let those insecurities control you. If you do then you're going to end up pushing him away."

Looking down at my hands, I took her words in. I didn't want to let this fear control me, but it was always there; always present.

'What if he thinks that I'm ashamed to be with him?' the thought was horrible and I looked back up at Sesshoumaru.

Is that what he thought when I was always being hesitant? Did he think that I was ashamed to be with him?

"Have you ever felt like you weren't enough?" I asked quietly, my brows pushing together, "Have you ever felt like he would get bored and move on to someone else?"

"When Inuyasha and I started being friends, he was going out with my cousin Kikyo," Kagome said and her tone drew my attention, "Because the two of us are related, we look a lot alike. Somewhere along the line I started to have feelings for the jerk, even though as friends he would constantly compare me to Kikyo.

"She is better at art, she's smarter than you are, how are the two of you related, things like that. I became really insecure about it. So when they broke up and after a while Inuyasha started to return my feelings, I thought it was because I looked like her."

The more Kagome talked about him, the more Inuyasha sounded like a total asshole. It made me wonder why someone who seemed so nice was with someone like him.

"I talked to him about it and he kept telling me that because we were similar wasn't why he wanted to be with me. The feelings wouldn't go away though," Kagome continued before another reminiscent smile reached her face, "It was actually Sesshoumaru that made me realize that I was being inconsiderate toward Inuyasha's feelings. He made me see my own worth."

"Do you doubt what I feel for you?" Sesshoumaru's question from the other night rang in my head.

I knew that Sesshoumaru loved me and that he would occasionally smile from time to time. I knew that I loved him and that I enjoyed spending the night at the movies with, despite this current interruption.

'You want them to mind their own business, and yet you care too much about what they think,' I reprimanded myself before shaking my head.

What did it matter if a bunch of strangers didn't agree with what we were doing? It didn't effect anything in their own lives, so why should their opinions hurt ours?

"Sorry for kind of prying and doing the 'we just met but here's my life story' thing," Kagome apologized, "I just want to see Sesshoumaru finally get some happiness."

"No, please don't apologize," I told her, my own smile making its way to my face, "I don't usually talk to people about my life, but you really helped me. Thank you."

Her smile widened before it became a little mischievous.

"You want to hear some of Sesshoumaru's embarrassing stories?"

From the occasional glance he could see that whatever Kagome was talking to Kuae about was slightly serious before now, where the two of them were laughing together on a nearby bench.

'She has no doubt begun to tell embarrassing stories...' he thought with some dread.

At the moment though, so long as Kuae was laughing then he would allow it. For now.

"So what are you gunna do about your psycho relatives?" Inuyasha wondered, his gaze no doubt on the same two women, "They're not going to let you have her, you know that right?"

He let out a sigh without taking his golden orbs off of the short haired girl holding her sides from laughing.

"I am aware. They were most persistent."

"Have you told her that they're trying to marry you off to some pompous chick?" his brother continued.

"She has enough of her own burdens. She does not need to carry mine as well," he stated, tuning his gaze to the one beside him.

Inuyasha seemed to snort before shaking his head.

"I know it's none of my business but a relationship is something you do together. Whether you want her to be or not, that girl is involved," the boy told him, crossing his arms as he leaned back against a tree.

"That is probably the more mature thing that has come out of your mouth," he replied coolly.

"Whatever dude. You can make this about me being an ass, or you can accept the fact that she'll be pissed when another woman comes knocking on your door claiming to be your wife."

"I will consider your advice, but in return you will refrain from referring to Kuae as a 'brat," he said before making his way over to the two laughing women.

"Feh, whatever," Inuyasha muttered, following after him.

When they noticed that both he and Inuyasha were coming closer, he could tell that they were trying to stop themselves from laughing. Kuae had a hand covering her mouth but he could tell that she was having trouble containing her giggles.

"Are you guys all done talking?" Kagome questioned, having more success at stifling her laughter than the girl beside her.

"Yeah we're done," Inuyasha said with a small smirk, "What story were you telling?"

The girl promptly stood and took her intended's arm with her own before turning to lead them away.

"I can't divulge such information," she said all too happily, "It was good to meet you Kuae, and it was good to see you again Sesshoumaru. We'll send invitations in the mail."

With that, they two of them continued on their own way and disappeared down the street.

Turning his golden gaze onto the girl still sitting on the bench, he saw that she was still incapable of stopping herself from laughter. There were not many stories of his adolescence that ended with embarrassment and as a mark to his pride, but he couldn't deny the fact that they did indeed exist. Of those few and far between moments, which one could possibly cause Kuae such amusement?

"What has she told you?" he wondered, raising a brow.

When Kuae shook her head and tried to stand, his curiosity only grew all the more. Grabbing Kuae's wrist and pulling her to him, he leaned down to her ear.

"Kuae, if you do not tell me what you know then I will make you moan in front of all who walk by."

"Y-you wouldn't!" she stammered, trying to squirm from his hold on her.

He nipped her ear before leaving a few light kisses at the edge of her jaw.

"Oh but I would," he promised, smirking against her skin.

He didn't even need to look at her face to know that he had won; that her face was a deep shade of red.

"Okay, okay!"

Leaning back he looked down at her expectantly, waiting for her to start talking. Instead he was met with another laughing fit.

"You went with Kagome and Inuyasha to a friend's birthday," she laughed, shaking her head to try to stop herself, "And when you guys went to get pizza, you said 'Let me carry them'. Then they handed you two boxes and you only had a hold of one, so the other one immediately fell upside down on the floor."

Her laughter only increased and a scowl had immediately found its way to his face. Of all the stories that could have been told, why did it have to be that one?

"And you hadn't even left the store yet!"

He had never been a clumsy person and had taken pride in it. That one incident had followed him through the rest of high school and partially into university. IT was one embarrassing moment that his fool of a half brother never let him forget.

"I'm sorry for laughing so hard Sesshoumaru," Kuae apologized after he laughter died down, "Just picturing it in my head, it's so out of character."

She smiled up at him before she took hold of his hand and started to lead him down the street.

"If it makes you feel any better, I dropped a hot plate of spaghetti on my lap once. Went to sit down and all the noodles slid right off the plate, sauce and all."

"That does not sound pleasant," he stated, wondering how such a story would make him feel better.

"Well it sucked then but now it's kind of funny," she mused, "You were supposed to laugh."

Together they continued down the street until they had made it back to his own car. It had gotten late; the encounter with Inuyasha lasting longer than he would have preferred. The boy had wanted to discuss a few things about his upcoming wedding and had already told him that he could bring Kuae if he wished. As much as he had disliked Inuyasha in the past, he could see signs of him slowly maturing. He was becoming man worthy of their father's name; whether his mother's relatives agreed with it or not. The fact showed in the way his brother had discussed relationships. As much as he didn't want to agree, Kuae was involved whether or not he wanted her to be.

The timing now was not right for such a discussion and he was sure no moment would be, but this would not be it. His golden orbs glanced at Kuae as he drove them home. She was staring out the window with a relaxed expression and a small smile on her lips. For the first time in a long time, she looked as though she had no troubles and was perfectly content. No... now was definitely not the time to discuss any other family related matters.

The car ride had been quiet on the way back to Sesshoumaru's home. Even after the encounter with his brother, I could still classify today as having been a good day. Talking with Kagome had really put things into perspective and I came to the realization that I was being immature. Everyone has doubts about themselves and other people, but it was just a matter of wanting to work through the problems. If all I did was doubt myself and my worth, then I would – by default – never be able to stand on equal ground with Sesshoumaru. If there was going to be a struggle, then I was going to fight in order to be with him. If Kagome could be happy with someone brash like Inuyasha, then why couldn't we?

It didn't take long for use to get home; there being less traffic later at night. Together we went inside and I barely had the chance to slip off my shoes before arms wrapped around me and I was trapped against a chest.

"Sesshoumaru?" I questioned, trying to look back at him.


His grip tightened and he buried his face against my neck, slowly starting to nip at the skin. A hand slid its way down my stomach until his fingers teased at the waistband of my pants. I squirmed against his touch and he nipped below my ear almost in reprimand.

"Can we not get past the entryway first?" I asked, trying to withstand any persuasion.

Without any hesitation, I was lifted bridal style before before carried and dropped onto the living room couch. I laughed at his impatience before he cut me off by covering my mouth with his. His hands were on my hips, gripping the bones as he kissed me slowly but deeply. When our lips parted he started to trail kisses down my neck and I had to force myself to stop him.

"Wait Sesshoumaru," I nearly pleaded, trying to turn away from his persuasive nipping.

"I believe I have waited long enough," he stated only to press his lips harder to the sensitive flesh below my ear.

"But I want to say something," I said, ignoring the tingle of electricity he was sending down my spine.

I heard the sigh as he pulled away to be able to look me in the eyes. Giving him an apologetic smile, I tried to sit up straight to talk to him properly. His brows were pushed together and I could tell that he didn't want the interruption.

"Don't look at me like that," I scolded teasingly, "I was thinking about it in the car and I wanted to talk when we got home. It's not my fault you attacked me in the doorway."

His expression softened a little at my words but not by much. It couldn't be helped that neither of us really wanted to wait.

"I'm sorry for being so indecisive about us being together outside in public. I was never ashamed of being at your side and I wasn't trying to doubt your feelings, but I guess that I was. I'm sorry for that," I apologized lowly, turning my gaze away from his, "Thank you for always being so patient with me."

His hand cupped my cheek and turned my head back in his direction. When out eyes met it felt as if my heart had stopped beating. Those intense golden orbs were staring straight into me. He didn't need to say anything for me to know that he had been waiting for me; waiting for me to accept and welcome anything that we were or would be.

Without any more words, our lips were once again moving over each other; tongues touching and feeling one another. I was pulled to my feet and the kiss was broken long enough to remove my jeans before he was sitting on the couch. Pulling me down, he spread my legs and positioned me so I was straddling his lap. Hands were touching, feeling and removing shirts. Mine was lifted above my head and thrown carelessly on the floor while Sesshoumaru's was undone and exposing his lean chest.

"I want you to ride me Kuae," he told me, his voice rough and eyes smouldering as they looked into mine.

Nodding my head, my hands went to the button of his pants and fumbled with it before succeeding and sliding the zipper down. He helped me pull his pants down before freeing himself.

For a moment I hesitated when I looked upon his erect member. I had never touched it before and if I were to be honest, I was curious. Slowly my hand made its way down his chest, over his abdomen and then fingers wrapped around the base of him. It was surprisingly soft to touch and yet it was rock hard. Stroking him lightly, I heard Sesshoumaru hiss at the action which caused me to pull away. His hand grabbed mine in response and brought it back to his erection. Wrapping my hand around it, his hand guided mine before his other pulled me forward to capture my lips with his.

His hips began to thrust into my hand and it felt empowering to know that I could make him feel that way. I wanted to be able to make him lose control.

"No more," he hissed, releasing my hand to take hold of my hips.

He pulled me forward and I guided him to my entrance. Moving my underwear to the side, he thrust up and entered me in one swift movement. Even though I was on top I could feel him guiding my hips and holding me so I could meet his thrusts.

"No one else will have you Kuae," he said roughly, burying himself fully within my tight sheath, "You are mine."

"Yes," I panted, nodding my head before kissing at his jaw, "Only yours."

At my admission his thrusts became more demanding and I could do nothing but hold onto him. He was reaching deeper with each penetration until with one final full thrust I could feel him pulsing within me; having reached his end.

We sat there for I don't know how long, both of us just enjoying the calm of the other.

End of Chapter

For anyone who needs it, I just want to say that if you have doubts about who you are and have those people who put you down, I'm going to tell you to not listen to them.

Live your life the way you want, do the things you enjoy doing, live your life for yourself. If it makes you happy then do it and enjoy doing it. Don't let other people decide who and what you are. Be who YOU want to be, and love yourself for it. No one else can decide that so don't give them the right to take that from you.

It's your life, not theirs. Live it for yourself :)