Well this is it guys! I have had such a wonderful time writing this story and I'm sad it's over but it's time to put this one to rest. Don't worry though I have some great idea for future stories swirling around in my head. Comments are always appreciated.

June 2026

Rachel shifted uncomfortably in her seat glancing at her husband's still form beside her. She felt like she could vomit, right here, in front of all these people. Kurt would kill her if she got vomit on her Zac Posen gown so she swallowed down her nausea. It was then that she realized she was holding her breath. God she was a mess, she needed to just calm down. She had nothing to worry about she was used to speaking in front of people. Finn squeezed her hand and smiled at her, giving her that crooked smile. Just seeing him made her think if the beautiful baby waiting at home for them. The day Rachel found out she was having a girl Finn actually cried. For as amazing of a husband as he was, he was an even better father. Finn took to fatherhood like a fish takes to water, it was second nature. He loved to take his "girls" around the City and show off just how beautiful his wife and daughter were. Rachel's whole pregnancy had been a life altering experience, she felt so much love in her heart feeling their baby grown within her that she thought she would explode. Finn actually cried harder than her the night their daughter was born and from that moment he made sure he told Rachel how much she loved her every chance he got. And it never got old, they were like teenagers again. All the pain of the past behind them, moving happily into their future.

The stage lights came up and a tall older gentleman approached the podium, a spotlight following him. A cheer rose up through the crowd and he waited for them to silence before he continued.

"The Isabelle Stevensen award is issued to an individual from the theatre community who has made a substantial contribution of time and effort on behalf of one or more humanitarian, social service or charitable organizations, regardless of whether such organizations relate to the theatre. This years recipient has put in many hours and finically backed arts programs across the city of New York and her programs are now spreading statewide. She had given the gift of music and the arts to children across the great state of New York, allowing them creative outlets that they might not have otherwise been able to pursue. Granting a louder, more colorful future to our children. It is my distinct honor to give the Isabelle Stevensen award to Mrs. Rachel Berry-Hudson"

A roar rose up in the crowd as Rachel rose to her feet, tears streaming down her face. Finn hugged his wife tightly and leaned over to whisper in her ear

"Congrats Babe, I love you".

"I love you too Finn" she said turning to make her way up to the stage.

As she climbed the stairs to the stage she could hear her heart beating in her ears. Rachel was not afraid one to be nervous in front of a crowd but this was no normal crowd. These were her idols, colleagues, the nation. She adjusted the microphone pulling it closer to her height.

" Wow, Thank you so much. This is a huge honor and I'm so grateful for your continued recognition in arts education. When I was a young girl growing up in Western Ohio I had 1 goal in mind. To be a big Broadway star and win a bunch of Tony's."

The crowd laughed a little and Rachel felt her body ease up a little.

"But life has other plans for us and my life took a different course that led me to education. This has been an amazing journey and I cannot find the words to explain how much pride my work brings to me. Seeing these kids performing in the arts is indescribable joy. My heart swells with the amount of talent and promise our children contain. I know first hand what it's like to have a good teacher, a person who encourages you and pushes you to be more than you think is possible. Which was not easy to do to 16 year old Rachel Berry" she laughed.

"I would like to thank My Father's for allowing me a life that gave me the ability to dream big and chase those dreams, Mr. William Schuester, for his guidance in my formative years and helping me see who I really was. My wonderful husband Finn for his continued support in my dreams and his unwavering love. You are my rock and I know I can always lean on you. And my beautiful baby Aleasa who has shown me how beautiful life can truly be." Rachel was crying now as a smile crossed her face. "In the words of Journey, who have had so much meaning in my and Finn's life "Circus Life, Under the Big Top World. We all Need the Clowns to make us Smile." I have found my clowns and I don't think I will ever stop smiling.

She hoisted her hand into the air holding the award skyward and said loudly into the microphone "LOOK OUT WORLD, RACHEL BERRY-HUDSON HAS WON A TONY!"