Hey, hey, hey! What's up my peeps? I love dinosaurs! Well I have no idea what to say so I'm just gonna get on with the story.

Max's POV

Social Studies went by in a blur, thanks to the fact that it's so flipping boring! Throughout the whole class, Jade had continued to glare at Fang, making him slide his chair back an inch every few minutes. I sighed in relief when the bell rang making Social Studies finally over!

"Class Dismissed," Mrs. Limbocker stated then turned towards her desk. No duh class is dismissed. Did you not hear the bell ring? I screamed at her in my head. That woman is loony. Today was okay though because Mrs. Limbocker only gave out seven detentions. She usually gives more. She must be happy today.

I chuckled under my breathe at the thought of Mrs. Limbocker actually being happy, but I have a feeling why as to why she wasn't as strict as usual today. Can you guess? It starts with an F and rhythms with Bang. If you guessed monkeys you are incorrect! If you guessed dinosaurs on steroids you would also be wrong.

"Um... What class do you guys have next?" Fang asked hesitantly.

"Math," I said without pausing.

"No! Not Math!" Jade yelled, groaning in horror. I sighed. We go through the same thing every day, I say we have Math then Jade goes into a panic attack.

"Um.. Is she okay?" Fang pointed to Jade who was curled up into the feeble-position and rocking back and forth, muttering to herself.

"What? Oh yeah she'll be fine." I snickered at Jade's stupidity. She always thought someone would see her like this, and then take her to the nurse so she could miss Math. I have to admit the first couple of times it worked, but after that people caught on that she was most likely dropped on her head as a child, and stopped worrying about her.

"Are you sure?" He asked again. I looked back down at Jade to find her throwing a tantrum, and pounding on the ground with her fists.

"Yeah, I'm sure. She does this every day," I replied.

"Wow. I'm so glad I'm leaving tomorrow." Fang smirked, and chuckled lightly at something. Something strange I've noticed about Fang is that he barely shows any emotion. If he does it flickers on his face for a moment before returning to it's original state. I'm guessing the reason he acted like he did before was because he was getting used to our rudeness and weirdness.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

"You're probably happy that I'm leaving," He stated.

"No flipping duh, I'm happy! I didn't want you to come here in the first place!" I stepped over Jade who had tripped and fallen flat on her face.

"Aren't you going to help her?" Fang asked, pointing behind his shoulder to Jade.

"Nah, she's fine." I burst out laughing at the express on his face when I said that. Priceless.

"You are heartless," He said glaring at me.

"And you are worthless," I retorted walking into Math.

"Wait, why does... whatever your friend's name is... hate math?" I snickered because Jade had refused to tell Fang her name. She said that if she did he would try to change just because he didn't like it or something.

"She's failing," I replied simply. Yeah, remember how before I said she was a straight A student? Key word: was.

"How? Math is so easy!" I glared at him, and he shut up quickly. I sat down at my desk, and unfortunately Fang sat next to me. Oh joy. Jade came in a minute later with a giant bruise on her leg, and sat down on my other side.

"Gee, thanks for helping me back there," She said.

Instead of answering her question I said, "Fang wants to know your name." At the mention of his name Fang turned around to gaze at me; his onyx eyes boring into my chocolate ones.

"Fine, I'll tell him my name," Jade grumbled, yanking me out of my trace. God, Fang has beautiful eyes. No! Bad Max! Bad girl! You don't think Fang has amazing eyes that you can easily get lost in! No! You hate him! Fang smirked noticing the scowl on my face; I just glared at him.

I sent Jade a look that said, Are you really going to tell him your name? Jade shook her head a tiny bit, but it was enough for me to see. Fang cocked an eyebrow wondering what just happened. Too bad he'll never know.

"Okay, Fang," Jade snarled his name in disgust. Fang just smirked getting used to feisty Jade. "My name is Opal."

"Weird name," Fang said. What a hypocrite.

"Really Fang?" Jade growled, probably thinking of ripping his head off.

"Whatever." Fang crossed his arms over his chest in defeat, and slid deep into his chair.

"Okay class," Mr. Black boomed strolling into the room. "Today I'm going to pass out report cards, and then we'll began today's lesson. George, shut up." He raised his eyebrow at George who had been talking about some video game or something. Mr. Black walked over to his desk, and grabbed a bunch of papers that were probably the report cards.

"Um... Tori can you pass these out please?" He asked holding out the papers to her.

"I don't know. Can I?" Tori replied.

"I think you can unless you broke your arm in the last five seconds." Tori smiled, snatched the papers, and began passing them out. I smirked at Mr. Black's humor. He was a great teacher, and super funny. To make things better he was always creative with his lessons so they were never boring, plus he gave out lots of treats. Too bad he taught math. A piece of paper slipped onto my desk, but I just stared at it hoping it would catch on fire. Iggy wasn't here so I don't think that was going to happen.

"Yes!" Jade cried. Fang jumped, then stared at her like she was crazy.

"What'd you get? I got a B," I said straining my neck to try to get a glimpse of her report card.

"I got a D! I'm so flipping happy!" She yelled jumping up to do a happy dance. Let me tell you Jade can not dance. At all.

"How happy are you exactly?" I asked narrowing my eyes to test her.

"I'm so happy I could kiss Fang." She narrowed her eyes too to show me how serious she was.

"Prove it." I smirked at the expression of horror that crossed her face.

"Um, no thanks, I'm good," She said quickly waving her hands in front of her.

"Whatever." I smirked then whispered, "Chicken."

Unfortunately, she heard me, and yelled, "Oh! Like you could ever do that!" Fang was just now realizing that our arguing could lead to one of us (crazy girls) kissing him. He was slowly creeping backwards trying to escape from us. Psh, he can't do that that easily.

"I bet I could!" I yelled back, getting all in her face.

"Prove it!" She said crossing her arms which signaled she meant business. Sadly, unlike Jade I can never back down from a challenge; it's one flaw out of the many perfect things about me.

"I will," I growled threateningly. I whipped around, and raced over to Fang who was now desperately attempting to get away. When I reached him I grabbed his shirt, and crashed my lips onto his. At first Fang was in complete shock, but then his eyes fluttered shut ad he melted into the kiss.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jade tapping on her watch the seconds because when we said we meant kiss. She held up five slim fingers to signal that I still had five seconds to go. I tapped my foot impatiently, but I don't think Fang noticed because he was really enjoying himself. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I laughed at the thought of what Jade would do if he did that to her.

2 seconds

Fang pulled me closer, and tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss.

1 second

He ran his tongue against my bottom lip, but I pushed him away before I could to anything stupid like I don't know? Continue kissing him! I looked up- yes up. So what? He's only a few inches taller than me- and stifled a giggle when I saw the big, goofy smile plastered onto Fang's face. Well, so much for being cool.

"Well, Max, you proved me wrong," Jade said smirking at Fang's expression.

"Don't I always?" I said. Jade stuck her tongue out at me, but just smiled at her.

"Max?" Mr. Black called. "Why did you just randomly kiss Fang?"

"Well," I began to explain. "As you most likely know me and J-Opal hate Fang." Jopal? What's next? Fnick? "So when Opal said she got a D she said she was happy and-" I continued the story while Mr. Black listened closely for any lies. Seriously, he has like a super power that helps him detect lies, it's super creepy. Amazingly, he wasn't confused when I said Opal instead of Jade; he's that good. That's why I love Mr. Black, he can help me keep a secret.

When I finished talking he nodded his head, and said, "Okay, I understand, just next time get a room."

I cracked a small smile, and replied, "Oh, don't worry there won't be one." When I said that Fang looked a little disappointed, but who can blame him? I mean come on! I'm an amazing kisser! Sucks for him that I didn't want to kiss him, therefore I put no effort towards the kiss.

I smiled at Fang's sad expression before he switched back to his emotionless mask. Mr. Black picked up an Expo marker, and started writing complicated math problems onto the whiteboard. I sighed, reached into my pocket, and pulled out my blue iPod. I slipped the earphones into my ears, and pressed play hoping a good song was on.

I smiled when 'Break Your Little Heart' by All Time Low started blasting from my earplugs. I tapped my foot to the rhythm, I bobbed my head up and down, lip singing the lyrics. Suddenly, the earphones were ripped from my ears, and the music was cut short, replaced by silence.

"Hey!" I cried whipping my head in the direction my earphones had disappeared to. I found Fang dangling my earphones from his hand with an eyebrow raised. "Give me back my music," I growled menacingly.

"Depends," He said knowing he was testing my patience. "What song were you listening too? Because if you were listening to Justin Bieber you are never getting your iPod back."

"Why would I want to listen to that girl?" I retorted. He just shrugged, and I growled. "Give me back my iPod!" I jumped for it, but just barely missed because he moved it in time.

"Just tell me what song you were listening to," Fang said simply.

"'Break Your Little Heart' by All Time Low," I sighed. He nodded then threw me my iPod. I leaped for it before it could smash on to the ground, and become a million pieces. I breathed a sigh of relief when I, luckily, saved it just in time. I plopped back into my seat amazed that Mr. Black hadn't witnessed any of that. I glared at Fang before blasting my music again. I don't think that's healthy, but whatever.

Unfortunately, I had missed the rest of the song, and it had switched to 'Misery Business' by Paramore, but I didn't mind because I love that song too. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Fang peeking over my shoulder, so just to bug him I switched my iPod onto a Justin Bieber song Ella had put on (I'd been meaning to delete it). I saw his eyes widen to huge black orbs, and I snickered when he tried to conceal his emotions.

Then, it was too much, and I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach in pain. Unfortunately, I leaned back to far and fell out of my chair, but I didn't really care at the moment because I was laughing so hard. I feel tears of laughter start to streak down my face as I glanced up and saw Fang's glaring face. Suddenly, the bell rung, I bolted upright, and walked calmly out of the room my laughing fit done with.

As I headed to my next class, I spotted Iggy's tall figure struggling against the large crowd. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head, and a huge smile swept across my face, lighting up my figures.

"Yo, Iggy!" I yelled, waving my hand at him. He spun around, and when he realized it had been me that had called him, strutted over to me. (A/N: Ha, ha. Strutted.)

"Wassup?" He asked.

"The sky? Anyways, I need you to do something for me." I tugged him closer, I cupped my hands over his ear and started whispering my plan to him. When I pulled away he had a devious smile on his face that was sort of creepy. Oh yeah, this was definitely going to work.

Yay! Three chapter done! And amazingly after only two chapters I have gotten three death threats. I love death threats, so thanks to those who sent them to me. Sorry I don't feel like naming them.

Fang: Yep, that's Puppybluie for ya.

Me: What? I'm not lazy!

Fang: Yes you are.

Me: Grr...



