Disclaimer: I do not, even though I was I did, own any of the Twilight characters. All the other characters I do own :]


This great. Freaking awesome. I'm just flipping with excitement.

Did anyone else notice my sarcasm?

So this is what happens when I walk in the door to my house- or old house?:

"Where have you been Isabella?" Melissa yells at me.

"Since your not my mother I don't have to tell you." I sneer at her and proceed to walk up the stairs but get stopped by Charlie.

"Bella we were worried about you, where have you been?" Charlie asked, much more calm then is lovely wife. God I crack myself up!

"I was out with a friend, he was teaching me how to drive." I answer dryly.

"You could've called." Charlie snaps back.

"He was teaching me how to drive stick and my phone was dead, I'm so so dearly sorry father, please don't break out the whip!" I mock and roll my eyes."I mean it, please don't. I have no idea what you two have been doing with it." I gag just thinking about it.

"Young lady that is just disrespectful!" Melissa looks like she's going to shit a cow right now. And her voice? It's so annoying! I feel bad for the baby.

"I believe I'm not that much younger than you my dear stepmommy." I snicker and walk up the rest of the stairs. "Good night father, be-otch." I smile at her sweetly.

"That's it! Charlie I am sick of her! She's putting too much stress on me and the baby, get rid of her." She yells at my dad and he looks at me then nods at her.

"Pack your bags Isabella and leave please." I stare at him with my mouth gaped then glare at Malissa who's laughing. I swear if looks could kill mine would be making her die painfully and slowly, saving the baby of course, I would never kill a baby even if it's half her. They're so innocent and cute.

"Fine I don't want to stay here anyways and by the way you better hope I don't call child services because as soon as that baby is out they can take it away." I tell them and slam my door. Of coarse I wasn't really going to call them but it's fun to watch them squirm.

I pull my big suitcase out from under my bed that already has half of the clothes I own in it. I've thought about running away many times but I would always decided to wait until after I have my license. I never thought Charlie would actually kick me out.

So that's what happened to me last night. I stayed on Lance's couch the rest of the night but Justin was there and it was awkward when they started making out and since Justin is always at Lance's house there wasn't much room for me.

That's when I got the great idea of just becoming a bum. Great idea right? Not really.

It's only one in the afternoon and I hate it already. It's freezing out and raining and I only have a thin sweater. When I packed to run away it was summer so all I packed was a few clothes that would fit that season.

And I figured Charlie would change his mind and invite me back. No such luck yet.

Here I am. An orphan- that's what I consider myself now- on the rainy streets of the small town of Forks.

"How much for an hour?" I hear a velvety voice ask behind me, I turn around slowly to find a grinning Edward. "You look awful." He grimaces.

"You sure know how to boost a girls confidence." I roll my eyes and look out the window at the crying sky. You would think the grocery store I was standing in would make me feel better about not being in the rain. If anything it reminds me I don't have a place to live anymore. And I'm hungry.

I look at Edward and notice a pixie girl standing by his side who's looking at me with a curious look in her eye. She's wearing expensive looking clothes and is carrying a bag full of clothes. Lucky, lucky girl. I wonder who she is? Edward said he didn't have a girlfriend, maybe he was lying? No I can tell by their body language that it's nothing like that.

"Bella this is my friend Alice, Alice this is Bella." Edward says as if reading both of our minds.

"Nice to meet you!" Alice squeals and hugs me, "Are you going somewhere?" She points to my suitcase.

"I wish! My dad and his bitch kicked me out." I roll my eyes, "So currently I am a resident of the beautiful area of Forks Streets." Alice looks at me horrified.

"I have no idea who you are but you will be staying with me for now, until you find somewhere else to stay." She takes my hand in her empty one, "Edward take her bag please."

"Alice she's 17, this is kind of kidnapping." Edward tells her, "Bella do you want to go with us?"

Alice looks back at me, silently telling me I'm going with them no matter what but not to me scared because they're nice people. Guess that's my answer. "Sure. I've always wanted to be taken in by people I barely know."

"You're funny Bella!" Alice says throwing her bags in a silver Volvo then getting in the backseat, "You can get front with Edward."

"What happened?" Edward asks when we're all in the car.

"My stepmom told my dad to get rid of me and he kicked me out. I stayed with Lance last night but Justin was there and they were going at it like bunnies so I left there."

"How do you know Edward?" Alice asks.

"He's my driving instructor."

"Mmm, I see." Alice nods like she understands something. Okayyy. "You can't loose your job for this can you Edward?" I look between the two of them confused.

"No." He says keeping an eye on the road.

"Bella you're going have to stay at Edward's apartment for now because mine only has one room."

"And trust me, staying with her and Jasper is probably worse then staying with Lance and Justin." He says and winks at me. Swoon.

"Whatever." Alice mutters. "You just wait until you're in love."

"How much is rent?" I ask ignoring her comment.

"Rent? You don't have to pay Bella..." Edward glances over at me. "You have a job?"

"Yeah I work in the video store. You know people rent out some weird shit in there." I stutter just thinking about it. This one guy rented out a video about how to kill people. "But it pays way more then people would think."

"I'm looking for a new roommate, what do you think?" He asks.

Hmm moving in with Edward? "You think you can handle living with a girl?" I smirk at him.

"Do you think you can handle living with me?" He teases back, "So what do you say?"

"Yeah, how much is rent?"

"We'll be splitting it so $350 each month."

"This is going to be so much fun Bella! I live in the apartment next to yours by the way." Alice's face appears between me and Edward. I forgot she was back there.

"Sleepovers?" I ask, I might not be the girlist of girls but I love sleepovers because it's the best time to play pranks on people. Plus Alice seems cool.

"Hell yeah!" Edward screams like a girl and laughs, Alice looks at him shocked for a second then faces me smiling so wide I think if she smiles anymore her face will split in half. "Do you want to look at the apartment before you decide to move in?"

"Naw, I don't really care what it looks like as long as I have somewhere to stay. Shoot I'm moving in with my driving instructor, that should tell you something." I shrug and look out the window, we were going fast. "You know when you have a student in your car shouldn't you be setting a example?"

"You're not a student right now, are you?" I shake my head slowly, "Okay then." He grins at me and to get his point across speeds up.

"Do you want us to get your things from your house Bella?" Alice asks.

"We should probably do that, huh? Okay but I think we'll need a bigger car?"

"And more people? Alice can you call Emmett?" Edward turns onto the highway.

"Where do you live?" I ask.

"The apartments just outside of Forks, it was cheaper and they're nicer and more roomy."

"What's my room look like?"

"It's pretty big and it's white but you can paint it and do whatever you want with it. Well except knock any walls down."

"Aww but that's no fair!" I cross my arms and pout but blow the act when I smile.

"Emmett said him and Jaz will go with you guys, me and Rose are going to clean out the room for you Bella." Alice tells me.

"Thanks." I smile back at her, "So you guys don't mind hanging out with a highschooler?"

"Psh I wish I could be in highschool again, it was so fun!" Alice pats Edward's shoulder, "Remember that one girl you went on one date with and she became like your number one stalker?"

"Number one stalker? There was others?" I ask him.

"You should've seen him in highschool, the girls were crazy about him but he payed them no attention. He's shy."

"Really?" I look at Edward then back at Alice like she's crazy, "I haven't notice." From the two days that I've talked to him he hasn't seemed shy.

"Okay we're here." Edward announces.

I look out the window and gasp. I've passed by these apartments so many times and I've always wanted to know what they looked like inside. Passing by on the street you'd think it was an old castle. "You live here?" I ask pointing at the building.

"Yeah and now you do too." He laughs and gets out of the car, "You might want to close your mouth before you catch a fly." I'm still staring with my mouth hanging open so Edward reaches across and puts his hand under my jaw and closes it for me.

"Sorry I was a little star struck by the building. Building-struck, I guess?" I laugh at my own stupidity and get out of his car.

"Nice wording." Edward rolls his eyes and give me a key, "Go find the apartment."

"Really Edward?" I look at the key then at him again with a dumbfound expression. How the hell does he expect me to find the apartment?

"Okay Bella let me teach you something." He takes my hand with the key, "Look at the key every closely." He lets go of my hand with an amused expression. I look away from his face and down at the key and I'm sure my face turns as red as a tomato. 5B is written in big letters on the key.

"Oh!" I nob my head in understanding.

"It's in that building." He points to the second of the three buildings that make up the "castle".

I walk to the building and just stare at it wondering what floor it's on: first or second?

"Come on." Edward sighs and smiles his crooked smile-I'm pretty sure that will forever be my favorite smile-then offers me his arm to lead me. I put my arm through his and he starts running. Why the hell does he have to run? I run along because I don't have much of a choice. He runs up the stairs laughing as I stumble along and stops in front of a door that has 5B written on it.

"Found it!" I yell pointing at the door.

"Good job." He rolls his eyes and takes the key from me. "Welcome to Hotel Cullen." He says in a low voice when he opens the door, "Where we have dirty clothes on the floor of every room, the kitchen has a limited amount of food and the bathroom is pretty clean." He tells me while walking me through the apartment. He's not kidding, there's clothes on the floor in the living room which has two black leather couches and a 55" flat screen tv, there's a few pictures on the walls that I'll have to look at later, and a glass coffee table in front of one couch. The kitchen is connected to the living room. It looks cleaned and unused, there's an island in the middle that has paper and junk food everywhere, the counters-which are black granite-have nothing on them except for a coffee maker. The cabinets are also black and the tile is black and white checker style. This is so a bachelor pad but I love it.

I follow Edward into the hallway that has four doors, he leads me to the first on on the right, "This is your room, I know it's a mess but Alice and Rose are going to take care of that. There's a walk in closet, the bathroom is next door I have on in my room so that one should be pretty clean as long as you don't let Emmett use it, My room is the door at the end of the hall and the linen closet is across the way. Oh and the laundry is down stairs. Everyone should be here in a few minutes so you can go ahead and look at the apartment."

"Thank you." I hug him, God this feels so good and it feels even better when he hugs me back.

"No problem." He says patting my back. I don't know how but that breaks the barrier and I start sobbing. "It's been a rough day for you huh? Do you want to wait until tomorrow to get your stuff?" He whisper/asks holding onto me tighter.

"No I'm okay." I pull away and wipe the tears away and give him my best smile but I feel like crap so it probably comes out more like a grimace.

"Okay. Do you want something to drink or eat?" He asks with a small frown on his face.

"Can I have a beer please?" I ask to lighten the mood, his frown turns into a smile and I mentally pat myself on the back.

"I might be older than you but I'm still not legal to get you alcohol, sorry."

"Damn, one more year right?" I shake my head and laugh, "Can I have water please?"

"Sure." He leaves my new room and I look around. There's a few boxes in the corner that he stored here, a stack of books against a wall and a few stray things on the floor. I walk to the books and look at all the titles, all classics.

"Here ya go." Edward hands me a water bottle and sits next to me on the floor looking at the books.

"You have good taste in books." I pick up one my favorites, Pride and Prejudice. "When can I paint my room?"

There's a knock on the door and he stands up, "Whenever." He shrugs then leaves the room again. I follow and stop dead in my tracks.


AN: Cliff hanger! Sorry guys! But how do you think Bella knows Rosalie? Please comment sharing your thoughts!

Thank you to everyone who has commented/favorited/alerted so far, they mean a lot to me.

I decided to continue writing this story but without that whole Grandma tell me a story... thing because it didn't really go with the story line :)
I've also came up with an idea for the story, so leave comments telling me what you think the plot of the story should be!

~Thanks, BCP