Disclaimer: Although I wish I owned transformers I have to live with the fact that I do not...just Cassidy

Splashy Splashy


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"Betsy! You stubborn old goat!"


"You get back here right now or so help me the next time Cookie offers to make you up for dinner I'll let him!" Golden eyes glared at the rogue jersey cow from a very cold and wet location.


"Oh shut up!" Yanking at the stampede string, Cassidy pulled her now half soaked hat out of the slow flowing creek that criss crossed the family ranch. The once dark straight hair was becoming curly from the unwanted trip in the water. "And here I thought I could handle all of this on my own."

Cassidy Ann Walters had grown up on the sprawling Montana ranch until she left for university in California. I didn't take her long to land a job as a pediatrition once school was done with. Things were going well; a nice house a great job..all that was left was to find the perfect man. One who didn't mind her pert little nose or the freckles that painted her face. A man that was kind and gentle yet fearless to the end. Sure she had dated but the "spark" was never there; now in her late twenties Cassidy had given up on finding true love. Aside from the lack of love things were fine; that is until one night three weeks ago. Having just finished a double shift Cassidy was looking forward to a hot shower and a mug of hot chocolate when the phone rang. The news wasn't good; a drunk driver had hit her parent's car as they were coming home from a community fair neither of them survived. Cassidy barely had any time to mourn her parent's death. There were about three hundred Black Angus calves waiting for ear tags and field full of hay needing a first cut. Her brother offered to help out with the running of the ranch but Cassidy knew how much he hated the work hence why he took off at 17 to go make it "big" in New York City.

"Useless as teats on a boar...or so Cookie says." Cassidy grumbled as she made it to her feet. She could hear the milk cow tromping through the bush and so she headed for the other side following the noise.

The journey to the other side didn't go as she planned; moss covered rocks make for a very slippery surface. 'SPLASH'

"Oh for the love of pete!" Cassidy growled out in frustration as tears began to gather in her eyes. "Maybe Cookie was right, maybe this is too much for me to do on my own."

"Now why is such a pretty girl with sunset eyes crying in the stream?"

Cassidy's eyes caught the distorted reflection of a Stetson that shadowed a man's face. Looking up she found herself staring up at a ruggedly handsome face that matched the deep Texan voice. Three day old scruff went with the shaggy black hair that peeked out from under the tan colored Stetson. Bright blue eyes looked down at her sparkled like the smile on his face.

Cassidy wasn't sure what to say, her voice seemed to have left on vacation. "Um, wh...well ummmm...truth be told, I ummm...well."

"Hehehe, don't worry, we'll pretend that those tears never happened." The stranger held out a gloved hand and Cassidy didn't hesitate in taking a hold of it. "There we go, much better. Well better than sittin in the water."

A blush crept up Cassidy's face as she found herself staring the hard chest of the dark stranger. "Th...thank you."

"No problem little lady, by the way...does she belong to you?" With a slight tug, the man pulled the trouble making cow out of a small patch of bush.

"Ummmm, yeah, that would be Betsy."

"Guess she took you on a merry chase huh." The stranger pulled the jersey cow close to his side as Cassidy watched with amazement as the stubborn beast came willingly.

"Just a bit, she tends to do that. Thank you for catching her...ummmm what is your name?"

"My friends call me Hound."

Yes I know not the most organized but it had to be done lol, and this is a bit short for a first chapter...more will become clear as it goes...I hope. Cheers ^_^