Chapter 1 Cierra

Music filled the air around Cierra. She bobbed her head to the loud music streaming from her stereo. She danced while walking over to the stereo, increased the bass, and turned the volume up. Oh, how she loved the huge, bulky, box-like stereo. She loved it even more because of its surround sound capacity. It had special wiring that was all throughout her house, enabling speakers in areas like the living room, the hallway, bathroom, kitchen and even her bedroom.

Currently, Cierra's father was off on a week-long business trip. Like any teenager wanting to let loose, she was free to rattle the windows a bit. Cierra sung each and every word to the song and laughed when she screwed up on a couple of words.

This was Cierra's way of relaxing: dancing around and singing like a maniac. She always wondered how her shelves of random knick-knacks stayed in place and not fall all on the ground because of her crazy dancing. If her posters of attractive celebrities were alive, they would be wishing they were burned because of the sight.

She always did her wild ritual on the weekends. It was a release from high school stresses. This week was hell because of final exams.

Cierra silently thanked God they were done and over with! All she had to do now was to wait for her junior year to end in a couple of days. Then she would finally be a senior. Oh, how her mother would be proud. Cierra stopped singing and dancing. She tuned the music out immediately. The thought of her mother brought a pang of sadness to her heart. Not long ago, her mother died from breast cancer. The radiation treatments were too much to handle and the cancer cells were resilient.

Cierra walked over to the stereo and shut it off. She suddenly didn't feel like dancing or singing any more. She was still trying to get over her mother's death and the sad memories, but the pain and grief always found its way back into her mind.

Her mother was practically her best friend. They did everything together, from laundry to shopping to housework.

Cierra shook her head. She had to remember that she was gone and that she had to move on. Cierra glanced at her digital clock on her nightstand next to her bed. It was seven fifty. She decided to make herself dinner and then go to bed. Suddenly not wanting to do much more singing, she made her way out of her bedroom. She walked down the hallway past her father's bedroom and bathroom. She then went down the stairs that lead to the front hallway where her front door was located. She made a left into the kitchen. Cierra bent down to get a pot, but a loud roar of an engine made her look out the window, seeing a silver, sporty vehicle zip down the road. Cierra shook her head. Damn, lucky person…She thought.

Cierra lived in, basically, the middle of nowhere. She lived in farm country A corn field was across the road and on her side was an endless forest. Cierra loved living here. It was quiet and peaceful, well, despite the random car that zipped by. People with fancy cars think they could go over the speed limit without getting caught. The girl had to let a smile tug at her lips. Unfortunately for them, there was always a cop at the end of the road, looking out for speeders.

But the real reason she loved the county was because of the clean, crisp air and the seclusion. She hated the city. It was dirty, noisy, and just flat-out annoying. Sirens would go off every other second. Cars with loud music would blast anyone out of the deepest sleep, and there was no privacy. Plus crime, drugs, and gangs were an absolute nuisance.

Cierra was just the type of person who loved the quietness of life. Maybe that's why she was such an outcast in school. Sure she knew a couple of people and was in higher curriculum classes than other students in her class. Kids at school didn't like her was because she was talented; they were simply jealous of her.

Cierra was highly intelligent and creative in art. She was seen as the "perfect student". Even when she was in her freshman year, people would make fun of her because of her abilities, calling her a "teacher's pet" also. What she didn't get was why she was seen that way by other people. She wasn't that perfect. Cierra rolled her eyes. Don't worry. One more year and you're outta there. She thought with a sigh.

Cierra wasn't the bravest soul out there either. She hated dealing with bullies and was too afraid to stick up for others who were being bullied. Cierra was quiet and gentle.

Coming back to the present and out of her thoughts, Cierra shook her head and got a package of chicken flavored soup. She poured out the powder and noodles into a small pot and doused it with tap water. She stirred it with a spoon before setting it on one of her stove burners and turned on the gas stove on "high".

Cierra watched as the water started to bubble at the bottom of the pot. Cierra went into a trance once again. She wasn't depressed or anything like that. She just sometimes wished she had a friend who could understand her. Not really a wish, but more like a desire. Cierra sighed. Who was she to mope around? She immediately went to the kitchen's mini radio and turned it to a pop station. Her ears were filled with a very familiar beat and she managed a smile.

Music was like Cierra's mother. It was always there to make negative feelings go away, to give advice, and to make her feel like she was something more, and just to entertain.

Cierra danced in place and started to sing. Her voice was exceptionally beautiful. She was told before to enter into a talent show, but she backed down. She was terrified of being in front of tons of people plus she was too shy.

All of a sudden, the singer of the song hit a very high and long note. Cierra took a deep breath and did so also. The note ended and the teenager smiled, being proud of herself. Cierra turned and stirred the Ramen noodles. She let out a gentle laugh.

She was so glad nobody could hear her singing

A big thanks to my beta, Kellie Witwicky!