AN: Here comes a new story, with some fluff... because my Harlie asked for it. Love you, sweetheart. Thanks for being my friend... Sweet and sexy, with a bit of romantic angst...

Chapter 1

Tick, tick, tick...

Penelope decided at that moment she needed to throw away the little Hello Kitty alarm clock she had in her office. It was a gift from her niece Rachel, and she hated to throw any gift away. However, desperate situations called for desperate measures. Friday evenings, making her look at the clock numerous times and growl, was a desperate situation.

"Come on," she groused, looking at the bottom right hand corner of her monitor. It was stagnant at 4:58, too.

She needed to think positively. In two minutes, she had a date with a tub full of bubbles and a bottle of good California Pinot Grigio. She would finish the wine, savoring every drop, while she soaked in strawberry scented bubbles. After drying off in a thick and thirsty towel, she would head to her bed with crisp cotton sheets she just changed this morning in preparation. She would down turn the covers, crawl in naked, and fantasize about the perfect man.

After her relatively painless breakup from Kevin two months ago, she made this her regular ritual, and she enjoyed it. She used to look forward to sex with Kevin every other Wednesday, sort of; now she really looked forward to sex with herself on Friday nights. At least this way, she was guaranteed to climax, and she didn't have to go down on anyone for it, either.


She wondered what she would fantasize about tonight. In the beginning, she would fantasize about random features. Like feet. Big feet, much bigger than her own size nines. Kevin's feet were size nine, too, albeit the male equivalent. She used to think that was kind of cute they had the same number.

"Really?" Prentiss had responded when she'd told her and wrinkled her nose. "Those are kind of small...and you know what they say about men and their feet size..."

Pen had scoffed. "That's a wives' tale."

"Oh, no," Emily had replied. "They're on to something there."

Penelope looked over at JJ, who'd just laughed and shrugged, putting her hands up in a I don't know gesture.

"Mine are size twelve."

All three women had turned to look at Reid in surprise.

He'd just smirked and blushed at the same time.

Anyway, that didn't really matter. She thought Kevin's equipment was the right size. It had done the job it was supposed to do, she'd been pleased.

Still, she couldn't help but wonder...

It must've been bothering her more than she thought, because it was the first thing she'd fantasized about. After that, it was long, tapered fingers, muscular chests, tight butts, more kissable lips. It was shallow, but it was a fantasy. She was a big girl, no reason to berate herself for what she'd dreamed about.


"Quittin' time!" she exclaimed, standing up and giggling.

"What are you laughing about, sweetheart?"

Penelope turned to see Derek leaning against her door frame. He had a sling on his arm; he'd been shot in the shoulder recently during field work. He'd torn a few muscles, and was out of commission for a few weeks. He was now doing desk duty, which he'd told her he hated.

"Just excited to be going home." She slid her purse on her shoulder. "I got a date."

He arched a brow. "A date? With who?"

"With myself, mon cher," she replied, tapping his nose. She rifled through her purse for her keys. "And what lucky woman gets the pleasure of Derek Morgan this evening?"

"Well... I was hoping you, but I can't compete with the date you have lined up." He smiled, a slow, sexy smile that made her heart flutter. "That one is a keeper, Garcia, in case no one told you."

Penelope grinned. He was so much more flirty, so much more fun now that she was single again. When she'd told him two weeks ago that Kevin was history, she'd noticed Derek had a hard time masking the glee he felt. He had never liked Kevin, although she couldn't quite figure out why.

She'd asked him one time. "What is it you have against Kevin?"

"Other than he's a dweeb?"

She had scowled at him. "Not something dumb like that. I know jocks and geeks do not get along in general- besides you and me, we get along-"

"You are not a geek," he'd interrupted.

"Yes, I am," she'd replied. "That is why Kevin and I make such a perfect pair."

Derek had snorted, then excused himself to the bathroom.

She never did get an answer from him. She still wondered what his problem was. She glanced over at him.

Seeing his handsome, hopeful face waiting for an answer from her, she sighed and responded, "I suppose I could cancel my plans and hang with you...but only because you are an invalid, and I feel sorry for you."

"Oh," he said, giving her a half smile. "That's the only reason to spend a Friday night with me, huh?"

"Mmm hmm," she answered, hiding her grin. She used to spend a lot of Friday nights with him, before she had Kevin. Having a boyfriend kind of dampened a friendship with another man.

"Well, then I should go thank the bastard who shot me, if I get to spend more time with you." He pushed against the door and stood, wincing when he moved his shoulder the wrong way.

"Morgan, be careful," she said, coming over to his side and offering her help.

He grinned at her sheepishly. "Damn thing. I keep forgetting my restrictions."

She noticed he was sweating a little bit. It was his first week back to work; he was probably tired and sore. "Hot Stuff, we don't need to go do anything."

"No," he answered quickly, reaching out and wincing again. "Please. I want to hang out."

Frowning at him, she asked, "When did you last take your pain meds?"


She continued to scowl.

He sighed heavily. "Okay. Twelve midnight."


"I don't like taking them at work," he retorted defensively. "Makes me feel funky."

"I bet you didn't even bring them to work," she accused.

From his facial expression, she could tell he was guilty as charged.

Sighing, she shook her head and said, "Come on, angel fish. I'm heading to your house to make you dinner, medicate you, and put you to bed."

"Aw, P, I'm sorry."

"Shh," she said, putting her fingertips on his lips. "I want to. No excuses. Let's go."

"Yes, ma'am."