
In a space between dimensions, the two super geniuses sat at a table made entirely of data, a stored frame, and a texture file repeated over its surface. There were other figures in the room, each in great numbers and all mechanical. Behind the short, thin man with the receding white hair and a white lab coat were a slew of figures, who for the most part, were all different, with different decoration and design of their gleaming and almost gaudy armor, but all had given up one of their hands for their weapon. The three standing closest to the human were as such; a hulking behemoth of yellow, red and black that could have killed any man by picking him up and crushing him in his powerful servo-powered hands, a short but resilient white and pink robot that had a strange protrusion on his head not unlike a pair of scissors, and a jet black and striped yellow one that could have been human if not for the fact his armor was welded on rather than placed on. The lab coated human stared across the artificial table at his counterpart, skull-emblazoned purple tie hanging over the solid information table.

His new friend was almost the exact opposite. He towered over a belly that seemed almost stuffed into the chest-high jumpsuit and almost hidden by the relatively short red waistcoat that only reached the waist in back. He stared from behind shining blue goggles over a severely pointed nose that rested above a very bushy brown mustache. This man stood in front of a robot army that was very similar to the shorter man's, but almost all the robots were the same, short, red and round, and almost all bore a resemblance to their master. All except for another three robots, and just like the opposite army, the three closest to the man were more unique. The first two looked very similar to each other; both were very simple humanoid robots that had capsule-like heads and spindly thin arms and legs. But the third was the most unique figure of either group, for it was not humanoid, but based off a hedgehog, and this particular robot could not speak, but made itself understood, without any emotions or thought other than to serve the will of the taller human.

"And so that's what I've tried, and that's why I think we can help each other" concluded the White lab coated man, flourishing his digital documents on the table. "I see" replied the other, who had listened very intently to the other's proclamation. "I think that might work too, but even if we defeat our respective blue enemies, we need to think up plans for the aftermath, I don't really want to govern a world of robots I haven't built, and I don't think you want to dominate human populations that are not totally dependent on robots". The skull-obsessed man considered his self-absorbed partner in crime thoughtfully. "Then Ivo, we should make a plan, I have a few ideas that may interest you" continued the man in the white coat. "Fire away Albert, I have all day" said Ivo, and indeed they talked for much longer than a day, speaking and arguing long into the night and well into the next week, planning more with each other than they had done their entire lives. For they had each other's opinions and knowledge to contend with, and this improved their plans greatly.

Finally reaching a conclusion, they copied each other's files into their respective portable data devices, and began instructing the robots at their command. The two portals reopened, and each army crossed each other back and forth, carrying machines, various provisions, and random tidbits from one dimension to another. The red and yellow robot from Albert's army had done the majority of the work, for he was one of the strongest ones there. After the transfer, the two robotics experts shook hands and departed for the portal opposite to the one each came in. The respective robot armies filed after their masters, passing in silent ranks across the digital space distortion.