Title: Bittersweet Happiness

Chapter 5: Taking A Chance

Stephanie politely smiled to hide her nervousness, as she analyzed the gentleman in front of her, as he stood to greet her. This man was far from tall, dark and handsome as most would describe. He had to have just barely made it past 5'5" with his short spiked reddish orange hair. His pale skin was brought out with his many freckles that filled his face and his green eyes. As she looked into his eyes as he shook her hand, she saw the excitement, yet nervousness in them. Steph flinched back a bit, unnoticed to the male, as he smiled at her with his teeth showing. There was something peach colored in between his teeth that caught her off guard. She giggled slightly as she motioned to her own teeth, as he got this hint.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled to hide his embarrassment as he took the gum out of his mouth and placed it on the rim of the glass of water. "I'm trying to quit smoking, so I'm trying the new nicotine gum."

She nodded politely, trying to hide the disgusted look on her face as she took her seat. One of her biggest turn offs in a man was smoking, but she had to give him a tiny bit of credit since he was quitting. The question was, how many pervious times has he tried to quit. She looked over at him, thinking to herself. What was Trish thinking? Did she really think she'd found the perfect match for her? Or was this some joke that Chris cooked up? Either way, this would be the last blind date she would be going on.

"I'm Jimmy by the way." He flashed her another smile as he itched his neck.

"Nice to meet you Jimmy, I'm.." She was cut off as he finished for her.

"Stephanie, I know, Chris has told me so much about you."

"Oh, so you're a friend of Chris'?" Stephanie bit her tongue to hide her irritation.

"I guess you could say so." Jimmy answered. "We work together."

"I see." Stephanie nodded as she took a sip of her water. "So what about me? Nothing bad I hope."

"It's all good thing. He told me about you just a couple days ago. My ex-girlfriend just broke up with me.."

"I'm sorry, what?" Stephanie's eyes grew wide and she swallowed the water she almost spit out.

"Chris didn't tell you? I just recently got out of a three year relationship. Comes to find out, she was cheating on me and was is in love with my younger brother who is 18 years old. Mind you I'm 42 years old and she's 21 years old. I really love her. I just can't believe she did this to me…"

Stephanie's mouth dropped at all the information she was taking in. This man was crazy and most definitely not her type at all. What was Chris thinking? This had to be a joke, it just had to be. How could Jericho allow this man to date his own cousin. She kept nodding, as Jimmy continued to tell her the long drawn out story of his break up. Her eyes darted around the room, trying to find camera or anything to tell her she was on one of those pranked television shows. To her dismay she couldn't find any, or they were just hidden very well. She was hoping on them being hidden. Her eyes fell back onto Jimmy as she made a mental note to herself to get her cousin back for this.

"And then she said I just wasn't up to her standards in the bedroom."

"Ok, I'm going to stop you there." Stephanie cut him off. "Let's talk about something else, we don't want you to get all upset over her again."

"Yeah, that's true." Jimmy chuckled as he took a big gulp of his water. "So what's good here?"

"You've never been here?" Stephanie looked at him.

"Nah, Chris said you liked places like these."

"Yeah I do like this place, but we didn't have to come here." Stephanie spoke with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Where would you have liked to have gone?"

"McDonalds is the best place to eat!" Jimmy answered overly excited. "But this date is about you, not me. If I don't like anything here, We'll just stop on at McDonalds on the way back to your place."

If her eyes could pop out of her head, they would have. Was this man on something? Or did he actually think he had a chance with her. He was already planning on coming back to her place, and she never even gave him the slightest hint that he was. Stephanie was reaching her breaking point as she was about to inform him of his rudeness. He had already cut her off while talking, told her way too much personal information and now he was inviting himself over, needless to say the smoking doesn't help his case either. Stephanie opened her mouth to speak when the waitress came to the table.

"Hi, my name is Julie, and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you two to drink?"

"I'll take a beer, inside the bottle." Jimmy replied.

"I'll just stick with water, thank you." Stephanie smiled at the waitress with sympathy in her eyes.

"Alright, I'll be right back, unless you two are ready to order?"

"Yeah, I'll have a double cheeseburger with the works."

"I'm sorry sir, we don't have cheeseburgers."

"Well, can't you just throw some hamburger patties on some of that bread you guys have back there?"

"I'll see what I can do sir." Julie bit her bottom lip looking at Stephanie. "And for you miss?"

"She'll have the California sushi roll with a side salad."

"Ok, I'll go get this order ready and be back with your drinks."

As the waitress left, Stephanie glared at the man across from her. She couldn't believe that he had just ordered for her. Although, that is what she was going to order in the first place, it wasn't right. You just don't order for someone like that. She found it completely rude and she wasn't going to stand for it. He treated the waitress rudely and herself. It was time for Stephanie to stop being polite and speak her mind. She was done playing nice. Again she went to speak and was cut off by Jimmy.

"She's has to big of a rack to be working in a place like this." Jimmy shook his head. "She should apply at Hooters, I'm sure they'd hire her. I know I would."

"Excuse me?" Stephanie was by far appalled with his statement. "Jimmy, you're being very…"

"Very sweet, kind, caring." Jimmy smiled as he stood up. "It comes naturally, I'll be back in a few. I need to use the shitter."

With that said, Jimmy walked around the table and kissed Stephanie on the forehead as he left her there at the table in shock. Not being able to take anymore of this, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Trish's number. Taking a double look towards the men's restroom, before pressing send to activate the phone call. This was the worst blind date she had ever been on and it wasn't even close to being the end of the night.

"Hey, how's it going?" Trish piped into the phone.

"Trish, is this some joke. Am I being pranked?"

"What? No, why?" Trish answered. "Isn't he a catch?"

"Oh, he's a catch alright." Stephanie spoke angrily. "He's going to catch a right hook, if he doesn't stop being the date from hell."

"Steph, what's going on?"

"Oh where to being? He's a smoker, he's too personal, he's too dominant, need I go on?"

"Steph, I'm sorry. Chris said he was a good guy. I didn't even question it."

"Yeah, well you may no longer have a fiance after I get finished with Jericho."

"Not if I get to him first." Trish shook her head. "Hey, AJ wants to say hi."

"Hi Mom!" Ayden spoke excitedly in the phone. "Hey baby, shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I'm being a good boy mom."

"And that makes it ok to stay up late?" Stephanie smiled, as her heart warmed hearing her son's voice. She was still angry, but hearing her little boy made her at ease.

"Yeah, it does." AJ laughed. "I love you mom, have fun."

"I love you too sweetie, go get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

"He misses you Steph." Trish spoke as she watched AJ walk up the stairs followed by Chris.

"I miss him too, but I'm doing this for him." Stephanie bit her bottom lip. "Hey, I have to go, he's on his way back."

"Alright, try to make the best of it."

"I'll try my hardest."

With that said, Stephanie hung up the phone. Her eyes looked down at the table as she noticed the drinks. Julie must have stopped by while she was on the phone, because she hadn't even noticed her bring the drinks over. Steph's eyes looked up as Jimmy took his seat and grabbed the bottle of bear, that was unopened. He hit the rim of the bottle opening on the table to open it. He completely ignored the bottle opener sitting on the table next to the beer. She shook her head again. Jimmy was doing and saying everything that she despised in a man. How she was putting up with all of this was her own question to herself.

"Jimmy, I'm not trying to be rude here, but are you always like this?"

"Like what?" He spoke taking a long swig of his beer. "Myself?"

"This is how you normally are in public and to people?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" He questioned with a very loud burped followed behind. "Oh, that was a good one."

"Excuse you." Stephanie said with disgust clear in her voice and on her face.

"For what?"

"Are you being serious right now?" Stephanie questioned him, she no longer could be nice.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jimmy looked at her as he took another swig.

"Jimmy, this isn't going to work." Stephanie stood up. "This date is over."

"What, no, why?" Jimmy said as he took hold of Stephanie's wrist."

"Let go!" Stephanie stated firmly, and he did as he was told. "You are the rudest man I have ever met. You're pigheaded, too controlling, too personal, impolite and obnoxious. I first thought this was a joke, but you never gave me the impression that it was. You degrade women, and judge their breasts in front of me, like I'm just one of the guys. You have it in you're head that I'm just going to let you come back to my place, without even getting to know you. I hate it when people order for me and you didn't even ask if that's what I was going to have."

"Sorry?" Jimmy spoke unsure if that was the correct answer.

"Goodbye." Stephanie turned her back to him. "Oh and by the way, I hate smokers."

And with that final note Stephanie left Jimmy sitting there alone with his mouth hung open as the waitress brought their food. It felt good getting that off her chest. She had just had enough. There was no way in hell she would ever consider him as a father figure to be in Ayden's life. Stephanie made her way over towards the restaurant bar. After that little scene, she needed a drink. Hell, she deserved a drink for putting up with all that crap. Taking a seat at the bar, she looked around, taking notice of the emptiness the small area had. That was perfectly fine with her, she wasn't in the mood for meeting anyone new again.

"So, what'll it be Ms?" The bartender gave her a smile.

"Vodka on the rocks." She gave a small smile as she looked back at the table she had left, and noticed Jimmy eating his "cheeseburger", with another woman sitting across from him. "You know what, make it a double."

"Coming right up."

How could any woman sit there with a guy like that. She couldn't help but wonder if the woman was just trying to be nice or just plain dumb. Clearly she must have been introduced to his behavior. With a shake of her head, she picked up her drink that she had just received and took a long drink. She shut her eyes, letting the cool liquid run down her throat, as it burned slightly. This was just what she needed, as she felt calm and relaxed for the first time that night. After taking her drink, she placed it back down on the surface and placed her elbows on the bar. She buried her face into her hands.

The thoughts that raced through her mind made her regret taking a drink. When Stephanie would drink, she'd have a tendency to become depressed and upset about her life. She rubbed her temples as she began speaking to herself quietly out loud. "What am I doing? I should be at home with my son." A sigh escaped her lips as she continued to think, which her thoughts drifted to John. "Why did you have to go? Why couldn't you stick around? I wouldn't have to worry about finding a father figure for Ayden. Where do I start John? I know you wouldn't call that blind date a start. That was just a huge joke. Is this what all men are like now? There will never be anyone like you John. No one can fill your shoes." A single tear escaped from her eye as she spoke to herself. "Why can't you answer me? You speak to Ayden, why not me? I need you John. Who's going to take care of Ayden and I?"

"Mind if I join you?" He asked. "I need a drink, but I hate drinking alone."

"Sorry, I'd usually say yes, but I'm not in the mood for meeting anyone new tonight."

"Let me guess, blind date gone bad?"

"How do you…" Stephanie looked up at the man as she became speechless.

"Know?" He smirked at her. "It was just a wild guess. Sitting at a bar in a restaurant alone, not wanting to meet anyone else new."

"Are you stalking me Paul?" She stared at him, not believing he happened to show up. "You do know that's a crime, right?"

"As much as you'd like to think so, I'm not." Paul spoke. "So since I'm not a stranger or stalker, do you mind if I join you now?"

"Oh, of course go ahead." She smiled at him with a small blush at his first comment. "Why do you hate drinking alone?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Paul chuckled as he spoke to the bartender. "Vodka on the rocks and make it a double please."

"Oh really?" Stephanie eyed him as she took another drink.

"No, not really." He nodded a thanks to the bartender and swirled his drink. "It's a bit too personal for a first date conversation."

"Whoa, first date?" Stephanie looked at him puzzled. "You haven't asked me out on a date, and you are most definitely not my blind date."

"Well, come on…" Paul shrugged. "This is our fourth time meeting, it's got to be fate. Or it's just some funny but strange coincidence that we constantly bump into one another."

"Or you're just a creepy stalker." She smirked winking at him.

"Damn, you're right." They both laughed out loud. "I blew my cover."

"So what brings you here anyway?"

"I came to rob the place." Paul answered with a whisper looking around with shifty eyes. "This place makes a lot of money."

"Uh…" She was speechless as she almost believed him.

"Aw, come on. You didn't really believe that did you?" He grinned shaking his head.

"No, of course not." Stephanie rolled her eyes playfully. "You had me going for two seconds."

"Sure I did." Paul smiled at her. "I got you good, and that was my corniest joke too."

"Oh hush." She giggled as she gently pushed at his shoulder. "Seriously, what brings you here?"

"Would you believe me if I told you it was a blind date?" Paul asked looking at her.

"It'd be hard to believe, but I'd take your word for it."

"Honestly, I'm here on a blind date gone horribly wrong." Paul looked around the room. "There she is, right over there."

"With that guy with the freckles?"

"Yeah, that's her." Paul looked on puzzled. "She moves on fast."

"That guy she's with was my blind date." Stephanie giggled.

"No way?" He looked Stephanie in her eyes. "How?"

"The works of my cousin." Steph smiled through gritted teeth. "I'll get my revenge."

"I don't blame you." He chuckled. "Hell, I'll help you."

"Thanks." Stephanie smiled at him.

The smile remained on her face as she stared at him as he spoke with the bartender. She couldn't help but stare. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, which was the very first thing she noticed about him when they first met at the cemetery. Then there was that amazing, big bright smile that he always seemed to flash at the right times. His long brown hair hung loosely around his face. Her eyes followed his body as he stood up to grab his wallet out of his pocket. He was clearly taller then she was by a few feet. Stephanie couldn't help but wonder if this was fate like he had said earlier. Four times meeting in less than a month, what else could it be? Her heart skipped a beat as he looked at her and started to speak. She saw his lips moving, but couldn't hear anything.

"Steph, you ok?" Paul asked waving his hand in front of her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out for a sec." She spoke a little embarrassed. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's not a problem." He smiled at her. "Do you want another drink?"

"Sure, what the hell, but answer one question for me first." She replied as she just had to ask. "Do you smoke?"

"Are you kidding me?" He looked at her. "Smoking will kill you. You don't smoke do you?"

A genuine smile formed on Stephanie's face as they shared eye contact with one another. He smiled at her as he felt a little nervous, as she had yet to answer both of his questions. Steph licked her lips as she saw the nervousness in his eyes. She had almost wondered why he was nervous, but then realized she hadn't answered any of his questions. She was going to go out on a whim with this one. She had to. This was for Ayden.

"How about that drink."