Title: 21 DeeDee Truths.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Batman Beyond.
Warnings: Some AU-ness and odd pairings.
Summary: Twenty-one truths about the Deeds from Batman Beyond.

This is a two-shot since, y'know, there are two Deeds and I have a personal take on both of them. They can't be completely the same, after all.

First Truths: Delia Denis, AKA DeeDee:

1: Delia was born first by thirty minutes and as often as she could, she would make it a point to use the title as first born to assert authority over her "little sister."

2: She first had alcohol when she found her mother's secret stash under one of the floor boards at Nanna's house. It was whisky, long past the expiration date and she was only ten and found the buzz it left behind worth taking another gulp, even with the disgusting after-taste.

3: In spite of her Nanna's constant nagging, Delia refused to go to school after fifteen, saying she had learned all she needed and found what she did after class to be much more fun.

4: Joker has always been the hottest person in the world to her. Way more attractive than those weak-ass rockstars and celebrities.

5: There's a certain freedom she feels by wearing her grease paint and red/white outfit; like there's nobody who can stop her in this persona she created for herself and her sister.

6: Her hair is starting to turn all green. It began in light, almost yellow green when she was, like, five and through the years it's worked through the rest of her hair. People have to look really, really close to see it change from blond to green unless she's standing under neon. Then it looks like her skin is totally white and her hair turns dark green. She still can't figure out why, though.

7: She got Deidre into the crime thing. Life at home was boring and Delia always wanted to have fun out of the norm, but she felt it was in her own best interest to have back-up that looked just like her and would have to go to jail with her in the event that she got caught. It didn't seem to bother her that her baby sister hated it, either.

8: Delia thrives on candy, especially the little marble like ones, like jawbreakers and mints. She has at least one piece of candy a day and it keeps her going like the Energizer bunny.

9: She has never really loved Nanna Harley or even her sister. She understands the meaning of love, certainly; she's just never felt it for anyone. It's a thing that should probably disturb her on some level, but she's gotten pretty good at faking honesty and most other emotions and nowadays she doesn't give it a second thought.

10: She's a spectacular fighter, and she always strikes first. Because of this, she's got Bonk wrapped around her pinky; the guy apparently thinks fighting chicks are hotter than models and occasionally, when bored out of their minds and sure that the others aren't around to bitch at them, they have little sparring sessions.

Surprisingly, during one of these sessions, he threw her through one of the decrepit walls, and she managed to send him threw one of the more solid ones. Neither held anything against the other and (despite the voice in the back of her head that sounded not-so-surprisingly like Nanna Harley harping and screaming that it would be a horrible idea) after they each took care of their own injuries, they skulked off to the basement and had the other kind of fun Delia was notorious for.

That was a lot more fulfilling than she ever thought it would be.

11: She lost her virginity when she was fourteen. Yeah, it was a little too early, but she had already seen porn enough times through pirated cable to know the basics of what to do. Buy condoms, dress herself up so she looks older and then go clubbing.

She didn't bring Deidre for practical reasons. She just told her sister she was going to see if she could get into the club and party for a little while; of course Deidre believed her.

At the club she was one of the first to get in because the bouncer thought she'd look good out on the floor and then she went hunting. The first two she had on the line were a little too shiny and stupid, but once she went further back into the club, the dark area with the gang leaders and street fighters, she hit proverbial gold. He would later call himself J-Man, but at the time he was just starting out in a small biker gang and was a year and a half older than her. Perfect.

When Delia convinced him to go with her to the motel room she'd rented for the night, they started off with a little smoking and some drinking, then after an hour they started fooling around. Two hours after that, she left behind her virginity in favor of a real high and they just lay nestled in the sweaty sheets until morning when she left before he woke up. She's see him again soon enough.

12: When she and her sister were born, Nanna showed them their picture and said that they both had the most beautiful blue eyes. Now that Delia is getting older, though, her own eyes are turning extremely dark. Sometimes they reflect pine green, but sometimes they tint a reddish black.

It was funny when Nanna Harley noticed it the first time. The old woman was harping at her for sneaking out and coming back at some ungodly hour when Delia finally turned to face her and Harley nearly had a heart attack.

Delia didn't get what the big deal was that made her and Deidre's grandmother leave the room and go into the kitchen; she just thought that it must be something in her genes showing up from their mother or grandfather. She thought it was also kind of awesome that they only really changed color when she got especially irritated or angry, too.

13: She's only really ever been afraid of one thing in her life and that's lightning. Or free electricity in general. It sets her teeth on edge when storms kick up in Gotham and she's still outside. Like if she makes one wrong move, leaves from under an awning, she'll be struck and then all of her adrenaline sets her up to bolt into the nearest open door building.

Ghoul, much to her chagrin, found out about her little phobia and nowadays when she's all set to bug him in the earliest hours of the morning she finds that he's rigged his door with something that causes static to build up enough to give her a nasty shock all the way up her arm. She's learned to only bother him when he's away from his room now.

14: Delia thinks that the Zodiac is a croc and a waste of human intellect, but that doesn't stop her from using it to annoy the rest of her gang. She leaves the old fashioned, paper pamphlets taped to their doors (or in Ghoul's case, computer) and circles their own signs with little note attachments and smiley faces.

She's pretty sure that if she gives Woof his one more time with sexual innuendo he's going to just snap and rip off her arm…

15: She has been naked with a lot of guys. Long as a laundry list, but she's a little disappointed that not one of them have asked her about her self-made scars running along her upper torso, hips and the area near her ankles.

Each one is a little reminder of her past success in the field of villainy. She keeps a squeaky clean scalpel under her mattress and when she and the gang come back to their hideout with a lot of loot, she picks an area that isn't too used and that can be covered when she goes out again, and sets to work. She had to be careful to avoid any vital veins, but she's gotten pretty good at that over the years.

On their first successful raid, she chose a spot on her left hip, bone trying to jut out of the skin, and carved a regal looking Luna Moth. By the time she was finished, much of her skin was decorating the bed like bloody candy pieces and the cloth she was using to mop up the blood turned from light green to a gross dark brown, but it was worth it when it was healed a few days later and she showed it to J-Man.

The New Clown Prince said it was real art, not like the cheap generic kind found on posers and stoners made from black ink and a few hours of tweaked pain. This was real beauty; the kind that sticks in the head because it's, in his words "just so fucking memorable."

16: When the Joker came back to Gotham, she was the one who received the invitation for their group to meet him in the rotting shell that used to be the old Arkham Asylum. The note was hidden away in the pocket of her short shorts, all plum purple and bloody red writing and after she read it five times, she thought she had finally got a hold of her destiny.

The others thought she was crazy for even considering it, none more so than Deidre, but after begging, pleading and finally bribing, they all went to meet the guy who claimed to be the one and only Clown Prince of Crime.

When they entered the decayed and quite frankly, condemned building, they followed her in a cautionary stride, she herself sort of bouncing on the balls of her feet until she reached what might have been the cafeteria before the hole through the roof formed and rain had washed away any life. There in the shadowed area, leaning back in an old chair and with his feet perched precariously on the edge of a table that had survived God only knew how long in the dump, was the man Delia had spent most of her life idolizing and pining after.

Delia didn't get to say anything first. She was cut off by Chucko introducing the lot of them and asking why they had been called up. Money had been mentioned and then the man finally came out of his laid back position, that ruthless, blood chilling grin etched onto his face like a carving of the scalpel she used on her own pale white skin.

What happened afterwards was history, but when the others left, she told Deidre she'd catch up after she asked the Joker a few questions. She ignored the sickened look on her twin's equally painted face and nobody saw her for another twenty hours after she followed the demonic ghost of a man back into Arkham.

17: Nothing in all of the world pisses Delia off more than when Deidre tries to get her to leave the life she'd chosen for herself. If her sister wants to leave, that's fine by her, nothing's stopping the younger twin, but Delia loves this life. She has people who she can control, Batman to take all of her rage out on when he ruins a heist, no Nanna Harley now that the old woman got herself killed and best of all, the real Joker to play her fantasies out on.

Her sister can plead and beg and cry all her life away, but Delia is never going to leave the Jokerz. This life is much too well suited to her own desires and preferences.

18: She swings both ways. She doesn't do it very often with women, since there are so few female villains that are also open minded. Delia's not gay, she's just experimental, so whenever she can, she goes looking for J-Man and asks if Dot, people pleaser that the brunette gang member is, might be able to join them for a little romp in the sack.

The first time they got together like that, J-Man could not have been happier; a perfect laugh coming out of his throat as he set up the bed and went out to buy the condoms. Dot, on the other hand had specifically laid out the ground rules.

Delia was not allowed to fondle the other clown girl's breasts, kiss her on the mouth, leave any suction marks in plain view for her other gang members to see or so much as let a hand wander to her own areas. She, and quote, "was not some sort of fag."

The red wigged clown girl had shook on it. Of course, once J-Man got back and both girls and he were naked and in the bed, Delia said quite plainly that she had lied. After that, both she and J-Man had eagerly attacked Dot and despite the other girl's cries and objections, she came back again a month later, fully aware that Delia would be a part of the chosen activities. She simply took something beforehand, like opiates or hard liquor.

19: It was through her own sniffing about that she discovered that Joker was her and Deidre's grandfather. The Rogue hadn't told her that or anything, but when the elder twin made to actually pin the Clown Prince to her bed sheets, there was something in his eye that said that this was going to be real fun. Not the regular kind of fun, where he blew up a building with a few dozen other people in it, but the kind that spoke of a great taboo. She'd had the same look on her face the night she'd first slept with J-Man.

When she asked him what was so funny, he whispered that she reminded him of someone that he'd had a long, long time ago. Since he wouldn't answer beyond that, she left saying she had a headache and then "borrowed" Ghoul's laptop. Not the usual one he carried around, but the one that was hyper-advanced in every way.

She downloaded a file of her face and the Joker, ran a comparison and then jerked a foot backwards in her chair, almost falling and hitting her head on the desk behind her.

There were about twenty similarities between her and the Joker, all genetic. When she ran another scan, this one involving her DNA and an old record of his she snagged from police lock-up when she was younger, there was a positive match that identified her as his descendant.

It wasn't what she expected, and after he disappeared because of Batman, she wasn't quite sure what to do. Telling Deidre was out of the question, but she could certainly use it to explain certain…advantages Delia had that her sibling didn't.

20: Her hair finally turned a dark shade of green during the middle of the night a month after Joker vanished for what appeared to be the end of his so-called life. Her eyes also took on a completely dark look a week after Nanna Harley died. And finally, her skin from the beginning of her skull to the tips of her toes turned chalk white the day after Deidre figured out that her big sister was out of her reach. She took all things as a sign and traded in her second identity for a completely new one.

She trimmed her hair so it was choppy and barely touched the tips of her shoulders, bought a purple suit and cut and trimmed it to something more tomboy-ish and picked a new name for herself. Only for herself. Deidre would have to be left behind for this to work.

Her gang were quite freaked out the morning they woke up to find her sitting on the kitchen table one morning with a look that mirrored her predecessor, like a train wreck that was repulsive but held other people's attention for a while. She said hello to everyone and introduced her new self as "Joker's Daughter." Not technically right, but fitting all the same.

Nobody questioned this new turn in their lives, rather they took it in stride as the beginning of something that would, to quote the Joker, "Set the whole town on fire."

And it really did.

21: Delia's, Joker's Daughter's life, felt somewhat complete the night that Batman identified her as a lethal force in Gotham. Him and the police and the other Rogues that were beginning to emerge from the woodwork now that new heroes were taking the place of the ones who retired or died. They all either feared her, tried to catch her to protect the innocent or joined her.

It took less than a year after her sudden transformation to successfully catch the Batman and almost kill him. Admittedly, it was with some minor help from other Rogues, but it still helped boost her ego. The event had played out spectacularly after he was tied in chains and when the others were done beating down on him, he was left alone with her to have a little chat.

She told him that she knew that he'd get out alive that night, just like his own predecessor had done a billion times before, but that it didn't matter. She also told him that she would do the honors of unmasking him herself. It might not be for a long time, years even, but she could wait. After all, that was the entire point.

It was all a game and with a little blood and a lot of pain on his side, she was going to enjoy every second of it. She told him all of this and enjoyed the look on his masked face as she walked out to gloat with the others.

In her wake there was the echo of her own laughter, sharp and crisp, bouncing off the walls and imprinted on his brain.