Disclaimer: No. Never.

A/N: This chapter is edited.

Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.

-Simone Signoret

CHAPTER 1: I do's


"I do."

I almost choked on my words, as my mouth moved mechanically on its own, saying the two words I dreaded the most since three months ago.

This wedding was out of my plans, out of my decisions. But who am I to disobey my parents? Just like what they said, I was only their daughter. I was not in the position to defy them.

I could awfully remember how my brothers, Tsubasa-nii and Youichi, tried to talk to them but they just wouldn't listen. And that's the time I gave up, accepting the fact that what I want didn't really matter to my parents.

I closed my eyes as I try to hold back the unnecessary tears to come rolling down my cheeks. I sighed when I heard him say 'I do', too. I tried to keep my sobs to myself, but an audible sound passed through my lips and tears came falling from my eyes. I even heard some people sigh; some even said 'It's so sweet! She's crying because of joy!'


I'm crying because I'm sad, for God's sake! Who would want to marry a man who I just met three months ago?

And three months ago, I've finally came into a firm conclusion.

After the things I did for them, the things I thought that would make them happy; my parents never did fail to make my life miserable.



Natsume heard her sobs, which made him roll his eyes subconsciously. He knew how this girl hates this marriage thing, but the same goes for him as well.

'She doesn't have to make it more obvious, does she?' Natsume thought, distracting himself from the girl's silent sobs by pretending to pay attention to the priest.

'Wait, this girl will be my wife any moment now'. He sighed. 'I can really jump for joy. Yey!' he thought sarcastically, half-listening to the priest's blah blahs.

Fortunately for the both of them, some people took her tears and sobs as 'tears of joy', though he knew better. He looked at her and smirked. Her hazel eyes widened a bit when Natsume motioned to wipe the tears on her cheeks, lifting her veil a little, with a small smile plastered on his handsome face. Some of the guests, mostly women, married or not, sighed dreamily.

A blush crept into the woman's face, as he looked at her with that smile on his face.

'What's her name again?' his forehead knotted; as he tried to search his mind for the name of this woman beside him. He unconsciously touched his forehead, not minding the woman and the priest, who were both eyeing him curiously.

It seemed funny when the both of them were now marrying each other, but they couldn't even remember each other's names.

As for Mikan, she didn't pay attention to his name… as long as he was her husband, as long as this wedding was done and as long as her parents were happy. This wedding was not her choice, which was why she didn't even bother to remember his name. She knew it was rude, not knowing what his name was, but what else could she do? She was only forced into this marriage, that's why she didn't, doesn't and won't even care.

But as for Natsume, let's just say that he has some knack to forget one's name easily, especially when that person has something to do with what his mother let him do.

Mikan sighed. After this whole wedding thing, her life would probably change. For the better?

No, she thought, answering her own question.

She sighed once again, this time to calm her nerves as the priest would now say the words she didn't even want to hear.

'Waaa! He's not even my boyfriend! Noooo! My precious first kiss!' she thought, crying mentally, before pausing for a moment. 'Wait. He's already my husband. I want to scream! I want to cry! Grandpa, where are you? Save me! Waaaa!'

'Kimiko? No. That's definitely not it,' Natsume thought, still thinking about her name. 'Miki? That's not it either. What is the name of this idiotic girl again? Hn. I totally forgot. But it has the syllable 'Mi', right? Aha! I got it! Her name's Mi-'

"You may now kiss the bride."

His trail of thoughts was interrupted by these words.


The priest let out a cough while adjusting his glasses. He then looked at the book he was holding and repeated the words he said earlier.

It was only in this wedding that he has to repeat those words, as the groom seemed to be thinking of something else a few moments before.

The priest coughed once again as he pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose before saying, "You may now kiss the bride."

"Ah. Kiss Mimi. Okay," he said with his normal voice, cold and confident, though a hint of uncertainty could be felt on his tone. The woman, his wife now, beside him blushed, and he took note on his mind that Mimi was her name. One side of his lips curled to a smile; as he leaned down to kiss her.

But before his lips touched hers, Natsume heard a voice behind him, saying, "Oh! How sweet! He's now calling our daughter with her nickname, dear!"

"Yuka darling, I think it is okay now because they're already married. Right?"

He almost jerked away from his wife when he heard those words. 'So Mimi is not her name, huh? Whatever,' he thought before letting his lips touch hers.

Mikan could even see the numerous flashes of the camera even though her eyes were closed. She fought the urge to push this man, her husband, away from her. She slightly opened her left eye and peeked at him.

Mikan saw that his eyes were also closed, thinking he was savouring the kiss, without knowing that he was still thinking what her name was. She sighed and closed her eyes, letting him kiss her fully on the lips…

This way, the reporters and the people around them would have something to talk about.

Yes. Her wedding with this guy was being televised all over Japan. Coming from two of the wealthiest families in the country, their engagement spread like a wildfire three months ago. And just a few days ago, the news about their wedding made the people around them gawk at them like mad. Reporters were following their every move, paparazzi's were often spotted near their home.

'So maybe,' she thought, 'this kiss will shut them up, somehow. '

Mikan opened her eyes when she felt him pull away from the kiss. She saw a pair of crimson eyes, staring down at her. She gulped when she felt the coldness coming from his eyes. She then turned her attention to the photographers and to her parents.

Her mother was now smiling at her, with her hands holding her father's arm. At last, the event their parents prepared for almost three months was done in a matter of an hour and a half. She sighed once again, before taking a look on her husband.

He was standing beside her, in his black tuxedo, looking gorgeous while glancing at the camera. When he noticed her looking at him, he turned his attention to her and put his arms around her waist. He moved his mouth near her ears and whispered something to her.

"Oi, baka. Don't frown. You look ugly."

She quickly moved her head to face him, her forehead knotted because of what he said.

"Did you just-"

"Call you ugly? Yeah. I think I did. Now, shut up. They're coming this way."

That kept her mouth wide open. She just married an arrogant and conceited man! And yes, she realized that a few months ago. When she met this… this freakin' handsome man beside him!

Natsume smirked when he noticed her expression. He moved towards her and touched her chin to close her mouth. Mikan was about to say something when he put a finger over her lips, stopping her from saying anything.

A few seconds later, their relatives made their way to them to congratulate them. A few photos were taken, a few videos were taped. The new couple then readied themselves to leave for their wedding's reception. Mikan was fixing her gown, trying not to trip when they had to go out of the church.

People started to move onto the church's entrance, waiting for the both of them to make their exit. But unfortunately, due to the unusual length of her wedding trail, she tripped, silently cursing the bridesmaid, her best friend, for not being there when she needed her the most. Her gown flipped and went over her head but someone caught her when her beautiful face almost touched the ground.

Natsume caught her in the arm, pulling her close to him to prevent her from falling. He looked at her face and tucked some of her hair behind her ears. He then gently fixed the end her long gown, which was still on her head, allowing it to once again touch the ground. Then he smirked yet again. He took her hand and put it onto his right arm before motioning her to walk to the church's entrance.

"Clumsy idiot. Why were you tripping on flat surfaces?"

She frowned at him.

'Doesn't he realize that I'm wearing heels? It takes a lot of concentration not trip the whole time when you're wearing one, jerk. Why don't you try putting on shoes like these one of this days so you'll see what I mean, you big-headed jerk!,' she thought drastically, her forehead knotted with irritation.

She was going to pull her hand, when for the second time, yep. She tripped… again. Luckily, Natsume was there to pull her up once again, saving her from a huge embarrassment.

Mikan looked at his face and she saw him smirking again. But despite of being annoyed at him, she smiled at him before saying she's thankful that he saved her. Her husband 'hn-ed', and pulled her closer when they reach the entrance of the church. Then, he whispered to her…

"Don't you know that wearing polka-dotted underwear during your wedding day is a bad luck?"

Her eyes widened.

"What?" she asked him, but he just shrug before taking a step near their car. Suddenly, he held out his hand towards her.

"Come on, Polka-dots. We still have a wedding reception to attend to."

She gritted her teeth and reached out to hold his hand.

"Call me that again and you're dead, mister," she snapped at him as soon as the car's door closed beside him. She heard him chuckle before he told the driver to drive to the hotel where their wedding reception was supposed to be held.

End of chapter.

A/N: Sorry for those who were reading this fic when I took down all the chapters. And thanks to those who reviewed.