AN: Hey everyone! This is my first FanFiction story! I hope you enjoy! Please Review!

(I own anything but the plot)


The moment I walked into the so familiar place, I realized how this grey, boring, stupid day could be more interesting. Those familiar warm, brown eyes would make the difference. At last something interesting in this town. After all these years I've been away I couldn't believe that this little town would have something able to fill me with enthusiasm. That girl over there had something that caught my attention as soon as I entered the room. She drew me like a magnet.

Her long brown hair and those deep chocolate eyes weren't something that could be unnoticed. She was laughing with her friends and she looked like an angel.

At that exact moment she turned her head towards me and her eyes locked into mine. And the realization hit me! No way!

Damn! How was that possible?