I own nothing. All characters belong to CH & AB

Chapter 1

Sookie lay on her bed and stared at the stars. So much seemed to have happened. Eric hadn't betrayed her, he had been willing to die for her. She smiled at herself, trying to imagine what he had felt when she'd ran outside, used her powers, which were still a complete mystery to her, and pulled him into Fangtasia. And then her face flushed and her body ached as she recalled rushing her bleeding wrist to his mouth, and she remembered his grip, whilst he moaned and sucked at her. She told herself to stop thinking of him, but it was too hard. She tried to rationalise how much she enjoyed him feeding off her, but she knew that, had they been alone, she would have been moaning too.

Then she thought a little further back: in his office. He had practically swept down on her, and after the smallest show at fighting him off she had been pulling him in as close as she could get within seconds. Something had taken control of her; his arms felt too good wrapped around her back, pulling her neck closer. He was so strong and looked so hungry.

And you loved it, she warned herself.

Why was she feeling like this? Stop it Sook, she told herself. But lately she had been finding the dreams harder to forget or fight. Many nights she had fallen asleep hoping he might visit her; they didn't hurt anyone anyhow and they made her wake up in the best mood. But she had started to wonder what it would really be like...

Then the doorbell rang. She had rescinded all vampire invites tonight, and she didn't rush to the door. Vampires don't even feel the cold, and time is so inconsequential... still, in the mood she was in, it was nice to make them wait a bit.

It was Bill. He edged into the house and the frustration and anger emanating from him chilled Sookie. He sat still for a few seconds and she stared at with, cold and glaring.

'Russell is gone'

'Thank God for small favours', Sookie smirked, still angry.

'Eric too', he added.

Maybe six months ago she would have sighed with relief, but the words hit her so hard and now she struggled to breathe.

'Eric... why?', she whispered. And she couldn't hear anything else coming from Bill's mouth. Blood began to beat in her ears and she felt dizzy, sick. He couldn't be gone. She couldn't bare the thought of not being near him again.

As Sookie tried to collect herself, slowly Bill's expression and words came into focus again.

'I would do anything to keep you safe'.

Keep me safe? I felt anything but safe now, thought Sookie. I feel scared and anxious and the most lonely pain and dread. Shouldn't I be relieved that Eric is gone?

At this point even her head was telling her no: Eric has done many things to hurt me, she thought, but he's never betrayed me: tricked me, yes, but hadn't I secretly enjoyed drinking him? Ever since my first taste of him, deep down I knew I would never find pleasure in taking anyone else, including Bill. But it had taken so long to acknowledge it. The truth was: she enjoyed being bound to him.

Sookie's blood began to boil. How dare Bill take control like this. He felt her connection with Eric and was insanely jealous. She had loved Bill, but had been beginning to see the cracks and flaws in their relationship for months. But now wasn't the time to worry about him. She had to get to Eric, she promised herself. She wouldn't let herself believe he had met the true death; and could not believe that Bill had been able to overcome him.

All of these thoughts swept though Sookie in a few seconds. Then, breathing hard she demanded, 'Bill, where is he?'.


'Eric' she screamed exasperated and distraught.

His face screwed up, bitterness and hatred marking every line. 'Why does this concern you Sookie? You are too good natured - he had nothing to do with you or I, or us...' but he was interrupted by a cry of both anger and pain from Sookie's whole body, and he could feel her blood calling to Eric. And knew that he was calling her also. Even cemented in, his blood was stronger. Her eyes looked glazed and he wondered if he should constrain her. But he could not contain her for long, and Eric would remain buried for as long as she lived, always calling her to save him. And he knew Sookie well enough not to underestimate her at least. And he had lied to her so much. He began to feel truly helpless and his bloody tears began to fall.

'He's buried in ten feet of concrete at the Alcide's construction yard at the new housing estate just outside Shreveport.' He finally confessed, deflated.

She grabbed her keys and ran for the door. He was there before her and held her arms.

'Sookie, don't go, please?' he begged.

'Bill, I have to, I'm sorry this is hurting you, but get out of my way. And do not follow me'.

As she ran to her car she repeated her wish, 'please let me find Eric, please let me find Eric'. And then she vanished leaving a golden dust falling to the earth. Bill roared, knowing it would take him forty minutes to get to the construction sight and by then the sun would be up.