Fiona touched her index and middle finger to the young boys forehead. Her two fingers began to glow purple. The group watched in shock

"No, please stop, hes your son!" Bryant pleaded

But it was too late. Mokuba stared at them evily as they watched Fiona. Within seconds her three thousand year old body seemed to age wither and turn to dust. Leaving the group staring in awe.

"Go ahead Bryant, kill me. Kill your little brother. I want you to take the gun from your pocket and shoot me in my head right now. Do it!" Mokubas voice was evil, he wasnt being possessed by Zork any longer. He was Zork. As Bryant began to break down inside a question arose in his mind, he could only wonder what kind of person Fiona had been to deserve this horrible curse.

His hands were trembling as he pulled the small pistol from his pocket his voice was desperate "Mokuba please, i know your still in there somewhere, I cant kill you Mokuba, your my brother."

"Exactly, you cant kill me, because your weak, if only you would just realize that all human life is worthless, pointless, just a test of the gods to see if your worthy. The gods really are so selfish. Bow to me Bryant, i will give you everything youve ever wanted." The god of shadows said.

"I had everything i ever wanted, I had a family, friends, an amazing girlfriend. YOU took that from me." Bryant was angry, tears were coming down his face. His mind was doing flips trying to figure out what to do. He held the gun up to Mokuba "I love you Mokuba, im so sorry." He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger...

When he reopened them, he saw his little brothers body on the ground bleeding profusley from a bullet hole wound in his chest. He ran quickly up to Mokuba and ran his fingers through the childs hair. "Mokuba" He whispered through tears.

The little boys eyes opened weakly "Bryant" A hand slowly reached up to his big brothers face caressing his cheek "You did the right thing" Mokuba bagan hoarsley. "You saved the world, everythings going to be okay now, it can be normal again." Bryant broke down in tears. "It wont be normal without you Mokuba. Im going to miss you."

"At least you can be happy again, you can have your life back. If not for yourself, do it for me. I love you." And with that Mokuba closed his eyes, his hand went limp in Bryants. Mr and Mrs Mahavi ran to their sons side holding him and comforting him "You freed us Bryant, you saved our souls from the shadow realm, you saved the world. All we can do now is move on."

The room began changing again until everyone was back at the Kaiba estates. Bryant crying in his mothers arms. Allison running her fingers through his hair crying as well. Bryant stood up and wiped his tears away, all we can do is move on he thought to himself.

He went up to his room and began barreling through his closet until he found what he was looking for. A pair of fitted jeans, a green plaid shirt, and a grey beanie, clothes he hadnt even looked at in years, but was so happy to freely be able to wear again. He came down the stairs putting on a pair of black sunglasses. "Ill be back, i have some things that need to be done."

Bryant got into his car and drove to Kaiba Corp. He walked in with a determined cocky grin. Everyone stared in awe as he walked by. No one had seen Bryant in normal clothes at his work... Ever.

He took the elevator up to his floor, went into his office and saw exactly what he was hoping to see. Roland sitting at his desk happily doing paperwork that Bryant had fallen behind on.

"Mr...?" Roland Questions "Whatre you-"

Roland was cut off by Bryant "Roland I know how youve always loved this company, youve taken more of an interest and passion in it then i ever did, Youve been a great body guard and assistant and an even better friend, its yours Roland. All of it, I believe i have my life to get back to." Bryant smiled at the shocked look on Rolands face

"Thank you so much Mr. Kaiba, its.. its and honor." Roland managed to spit out.

"The paper works already done, im now looking at the CEO of Kaiba Corporations. How do you like your new office?" Bryant smiling widley asked

The awe struck body guard looked around, mouth wide opened, completely speechless. "If you ever need my help, you know where to find me buddy." Bryant ended the conversation as he left Kaiba Corp and went to do something hed never thought hed be able to do again. Live his life.