When Harry, Trowa and Duo entered the Divination classroom, all Duo could say was "What is this professor on?"

Trelawney gave her usual mystified speech, and they sat next to Hermione.

They exited the class, and went to Care of Magical Creatures.

Wu Fei, Emrys, Okami and Draco were waiting for them. They walked down to the padlock where the other students were waiting.

"How was the fraud's class?" smirked Emrys.

"What?" said Harry.

"The Divination teacher has only made one prophecy and it has yet to come true. If you three really want to learn the subject, I can get a hold of Ryou. He does Tarot cards and Mokuba knows how to scry."

"We'll keep that in mind."

As they saw what Hagrid was bringing, a collective gasp was heard.

"These are Hippogryffs. You do not want to insult a hippogryff, it may very well be the last thing you do. Any volunteers?"

Emrys and Okami stepped forward. Two hippogryff males, one tawny, the other with gray spots walked forward. Hagrid instructed them to bow, which they did. A formal Japanese bow, but a bow nonetheless. Buckbeak (gray) and Fangfeather (tawny) bowed back. Emrys grinned, and got onto Buckbeak. He even flew around the lake, with Okami behind him laughing.

When Draco went up to Buckbeak, Emrys told him firmly, "Show some respect. If not for the intelligence it possesses then for the talons. Am I clear?"

Draco gulped, looked at the talons and nodded. Ron on the other hand, did not get such a warning. He made a crass comment, which had Fangfeather attacking him. Emrys was there in an instant with his wand out.

He cast a mid-level healing spell, that knit the flesh together. He gave Ron a potion that Snape had helped him to make, and the boy downed it with a grimace.

"Yuck! What was in that thing?"

"You don't want to know, trust me. How's the arm?"

Ron looked surprised. He wasn't feeling any pain!

"Good. Now please tell me you've at least learned to keep idiotic comments to yourself when around creatures with talons that can kill you," said Emrys annoyed.

Ron's face matched his hair, as he mumbled something. Emrys looked at him sternly.

"I will not be there to heal you every time you do something that idiotic. Now are you going to respect other creatures or not?" he growled.


"Good. Now get to Madam Pomphrey."

Ron and Hermione ran to the hospital wing. When she heard about the accident, she inspected the arm. Emrys came in later to check out if Ron needed any further treatment.

"We'll make a Healer of you yet boy."

Emrys grinned. So Ron was okay.

"Thirty points to Slytherin for prompt treatment of the enemy. Now what spell and potion combination did you use?"

"I used a mid-level skin charm to knit the flesh, and a muscle-restorant that Professor Snape helped me make last week. It was in the robe I had on."

"Good. Your prompt treatment saved the arm. Now why did the hippogryff attack?"

"Fool made a crass comment about it to it's face. And that was after Hagrid told us not to insult them. He was hurt due to his own actions."

"I thought as much."

Emrys was surprised to find his fellow Slytherin welcoming him. Seems his healing of the enemy, and the following points he gained put them ahead of Gryffindor early in the year.

Draco was considered the new Slytherin Prince's right hand man. Trowa was his general in a sense. Emrys found his days even more enjoyable when Hermione told Dumbledore that she would no longer spy on Harry and joined their side. Her book addiction made homework a breeze.

Quatre stayed near Emrys quite a bit due to the Dementors, at least until he could master the Patronus charm. When Hogsmeade came around, they could be found heading straight to Honeydukes. Duo, Fred and George could be seen raiding the local Zonko's shop.

Wu Fei took one look at that and groaned. He knew that he would be getting the brunt of Duo's shopping spree. Especially since Harry and Emrys were paying for his purchases...and their own. Not a single one was worried about Sirius, as Sakura had him learning about muggle tech in space.

"Aren't you worried?" asked Hermione.

"Not really. Padfoot is in space right now. Besides, why would he bother with Hogwarts when he's learning how to pilot a suit with Mum?"

Duo came up to them, and groaned.

"You listened to the twins and ate all your fudge again, didn't you?" grinned Emrys.


"Alright, but you're stealing the fire whiskey for me."


"Why would you need fire-whiskey?"

"Dumbles office. I had a house elf remove all the books and replace them with blank pages, and I plan on having a Molotov cocktail in there for fun."

"You had me at Molotov."

Duo returned to the castle with four cases of Fire-whiskey. To Emrys amusement, the twins helped with switching Ron's drink with it. Ron staggered off the bench, and collapsed. No one could figure out who switched the drink, since the most likely culprits were too far away.

Ron spent the night in the hospital wing with an amused Emrys, Duo and Quatre.

"Why are you two here?" Ron groaned.

"They're taking healing lessons. I'm an intermediate...which means I'm Pomphrey's apprentice for the year."

"Healing is a class?"

"It is for those who ask," replied the nurse.

"It turns out that there's no age limit on learning healing. I started last year."

Halloween rolled around, and Slytherin was getting into the swing of things. Emrys decided to forget Dumbledore for a few months and got half the dorm drunk. Only Emrys didn't have a hangover, to his immense amusement.

"Ugh...why did you have to do this today? We have Arithmancy in an hour!" grumbled Draco.

"You, Okami, Wu Fei, Harry, and Hermione. I happen to have a pass from Pomphrey for today. Since Snape is teaching us pain-relievers, I'm not going to miss it."

When Quidditch season arrived, Emrys had his hands full with rival teams hexing each other in the corridors. Quatre and Duo had their hands full with fixing the bruises, cuts and split skin from brawls.

"Remind me never to mention Quidditch in front of Madam Pomphrey again," groaned Duo.

After listening to the nurse gripe about it for two hours straight, none of them were going to make that mistake twice. Emrys got the brunt of it, as he corrected spell-damage and force fed potions when necessary. After having to run a constant stream of diagnostic charms for the better part of an hour, he was exhausted.

When he returned to the common room, he was asked by Flint why he didn't join in on the fun. His reply?

"ARE YOU DAFT? I've been running ragged all week trying to FIX the damage all the spells caused and you suggest I create more work for myself? I may love Quidditch but I am not an idiot!"

Flint flinched at the volume of Emrys' voice. Clearly he was stressed out. And he wasn't foolish enough to suggest taking a potion. Emrys crashed on his bed, and fell promptly asleep.

Draco let Duo and the twins in, and then fled the dorm. Crabbe and Goyle left with him, not willing to deal with an angry Emrys.



The roar could be heard all the way to the Great Hall. The owls took off from their roosts, and Harry was jolted out of bed.

"What was that?" he yelped.

"Duo and the twins decided to wake Emrys up. What you heard was Sakura's little trick. She taught Emrys how to yell louder than her...which means I'll have to hit her with a silencing charm when I get back."


"What's with all the yelling?" said Ron, just now waking up.

"Duo and the terror twins woke Emrys up. I don't know why we can hear them from here though..."

"Slytherin tower is next to ours. Plus Emrys' window happens to face this way," said Okami without thinking.


Emrys came down with a look that could kill. Even Dumbledore avoided him. Duo, Fred and George were missing for three days...when they were finally found, they flinched for a week whenever Emrys glared at them. They never said what Emrys did to them, but there were plenty of rumors.

It was after the Halloween feast. Harry and Okami were walking back to the dorm when they saw the crowd.

"What's going on?"

"Sirius Black attacked the Fat Lady!" exclaimed Seamus.

"Impossible. He would have contacted us if he were on Earth. Something is going on here," said Harry.

Everyone went back to the Great hall, where Dumbledore conjured some sleeping bags. It was like they were outside camping with all the whispering going on. The pilots, Draco, Hermione and Harry all bunched up together.

"So what do you think?"

"Sirius Black isn't even on Earth right now. It would be impossible for him to land a craft anywhere near here without at least one of us detecting him. This is a load of crap."

"Ron, what's wrong with your rat?" asked Hermione.

"He's been off color ever since Sirius Black escaped. I think he's dying!"

"How old is this rat?" asked Wu Fei.

"About twelve years."

"He's toast. Rat's don't usually live longer than 4 to five. I amazed it's still kicking."

Ron tried in vain to hold back the sob at that. Quatre tried to calm him down. But when his hand went near the rat in question, he stopped and frowned. He signed to the others that they should talk in private later.

"Alright, what's the problem Q-ball?" said Duo.

"Ron's rat isn't a rat."

"What do you mean 04?"

"That rat was giving off the same vibes as that cat in McGonagall's classroom...which later turned out to be her."

"He's a shifter?"

"More likely an animagi. Are you absolutely sure he's not a rat 04?" said Emrys.

"Positive. His emotions were too human to be an animal."

"We need to capture and turn this supposed rat in then."

"01, Harry, your job is to get that rat away from Ron without him alerting the professors. 02, you try to keep him occupied. 04 you stay with the 'Puffs for now and keep practicing the charm. 03, you see if you can get transport to the MoM. 05 will keep the professors busy," said Emrys.

Harry distracted Ron long enough for Okami to steal Scabbers. When they brought him to the room, Trowa had a few horse-like creatures waiting. Emrys used a special trick to look older, and flew to the Ministry. He then took the rat straight to the Aurors, who revealed that it was none other than Peter Pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead.


How the hell did Pettigrew end up in the Ministry? I know that traitorous rat was supposed to stay hidden for another five months! And who was that man who turned him in?

Dumbledore paced in his office, furious. Once again, things were not going according to plan. First four new students show up out of the blue, then Harry finds an identical twin who happens to know the Patronus charm. Next that cheeky muggleborn brat switches sides and now Pettigrew is in the hands of the Ministry! Why was nothing going according to plan? Didn't these people know what he did was for the greater good?

During the first Quidditch match, Harry attempted to catch the snitch. Attempted being the key word. Dementors flooded the field, and two people passed out from their vibes.

Emrys carried Harry in, as Trowa brought Quatre. The poor empath was bone-white and shaking.

"Bloody dementors. They could have killed them! What the hell was the Ministry thinking, sending those damn things here?" growled Emrys.

"I'd love to know that as well. Sirius Black isn't dangerous, yet they still refuse to remove those awful creatures!"

"Do you think McGonagall will let me teach the charm that repels them?"

"You should ask her later dear. I think you deserve some rest...seems those bloody creatures affected you hard as well."

"I'm..." started Emrys, right before he passed out.

Trowa and Madam Pomphrey shared a look.

"I knew they affected him, but I had no idea it was that bad."

"He's been tossing and turning more than normal at night. Not to mention the stress of the Quidditch match made him extra irritable."

"He's staying here for the weekend then."

"Mind if I stay as well? I'm worried about Quatre."

"A Slytherin worried about a Puff? I thought I'd never see the day!"

"Is it true you fainted Chang? You actually fainted?" smirked a particularly annoying Slytherin named Nott.

Emrys gave him an evil smirk. His next act sent shivers down half the Slytherin dorm. He cackled evilly as he said "Are you sure you want to know?"

His cackle promised slow and humiliating retribution if angered. It also said that it would not be pleasant to cross him when he was stressed.

"But is it true?"

Emrys scowled at him, "Do you have any idea the number of things I could do to you that the Ministry can't arrest me for Nott?"

Nott paled...and dropped the subject.

Emrys couldn't wait for Christmas break. Sirius had promised each of them a Firebolt for protecting Harry and proving his innocence. He also promised Emrys a full Healer's kit.

The Gryffindor tower was almost empty, so they had a sleepover there. Everyone was awoken by the shout of Duo and the terror twins of "It's Christmas!"

Emrys was NOT amused.

When they opened their presents, Emrys noticed he had some from his home realm.

"What the...I don't believe it! Padfoot sent my Firebolt through! And Moony found some Oriental methods of healing for me! Bakura, the Kaiba brothers, and Yugi sent me some more cards for my deck...and it looks like Haku, Naruto and Sasuke chipped in for some new ninja gear! How did they know I was out?"


"Padfoot and Moony. The version of Sirius and Remus from my world. Bakura, the Kaiba brother and Yugi are my friends. They like to play this game called Duel Monsters, and they got me hooked on it too. Haku, Sasuke and Naruto are my ninja teammates."


((IN which Emrys explains everything that lead to him coming to their world...))

"So the reason you hate Dumbledore is because he caused you to break? What was he thinking?"

"Since I was a Slytherin back home, he assumed he could turn me into the next Dark Lord. What he didn't count on was that Mum would have kicked my ass if I had even thought of doing such a thing...and she holds her boyfriends, a 5,000 year old Thief king on a leash!"

"Her boyfriend...is a 5,000 year old spirit?" said Duo in disbelief.

"Hai! And he just showed up last week!" said a familiar voice from out of nowhere.

"Oh crap..."

A small black kitten jumped out of Trowa's arms, and shifted into a large black panther. A small white kitten jumped out of Quatre's arms, and shifted into a snow panther.

"She brought Kura here too? We're so screwed..." groaned Emrys.

"Is that anyway to talk about your Mum?" laughed the white panther.

"Can it Bakura. And it's exactly how to talk about your girlfriend."

The snow panther shifted into a tall, white haired boy with red-brown eyes. His hair spiked up everywhere, and his face had a strange scar on his right eye. The black panther shifted into a very familiar brown haired menace.

"Good point. Everyone knows you're crazy as hell, Sakura."


"How did you get in here?"

"Some idiot student bought a pair of kittens. Seems we were too cute to pass up."

"When do you leave?"

"Port-key activates in three hours. In the meantime..." Sakura left that hanging as several more people popped in.

"Haku! Sasuke! Naruto!" exclaimed Emrys happy.

"Don't you mean Ice-king, Emo-boy and Fox-child?" smirked Bakura.

Emrys started laughing...mainly because the nicknames actually fit. He caught up with his teammates, and found out that the Chunin Exams were coming up soon.

"Oh crap! I know that lazy dog will let us participate, but how the hell am I going to get there in time?"

"Lazy dog?"

"Kakashi-sensei. He owns a lot of nin-dogs so our nickname for him is Lazy dog. Sirius has his own nickname that Mum gave him...and he hates it when she calls him that."

"What is it?" asked Harry.

Emrys smirk did not bode well for Sirius.
