goodmorning starshine, the earth says hello!

im just gunna introduce myself a little before reading. my names Nikole, yes with a k. i didnt spell my own name wrong (: in 15 years oldddd. but yeah so this story is kinda different from degrassi. after the vegas night incident i pretended it was summer and noone went back to school yettt and clares on vacation withot elijahhh for 2 weeks! i know, how will she live? well, i babbled enough. please read i would be sooo happy. i also appreciate reviews, followers, and favorites very much. although i do prefer your feedback. ENJOYY.

i dont own degrassi, i wish i did && eli. yaddayaddayadda. rated t for future...stuff. (;


I stepped out onto the deck. I loved summer it was so peaceful outside. I sat in the plastic chair on the deck and gazed out towards the beach. It was so beautiful. I could hear the seagulls calling and the waves crashing onto shore. The seagulls almost reminded me of all the gossip going around at Degrassi. I chuckled at that.

Sitting on the deck, I had a beautiful view. My family came to rent this house every summer for 2 weeks. Normally, I wasn't very excited to come, but because of the situation I was beyond overjoyed to be here. We were 3 houses away from the beach, but the way they were set up I had a clear view of the walkway up to the beach and could slightly see the ocean. I sat there for a few moments, just thinking. I was so glad it was summer. I needed a break from all the school drama and 2 weeks far away from school was definitely helping. I smiled at this but soon began to frown.

Two weeks away from Eli, too.

No! I promised myself I would do everything in my power to keep from thinking about him. It was just so hard; I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet. I love Eli, I do, but I'm just not sure what I need to do. I want space from him so he can think about what he caused but I also don't want to lose him. Almost once was definitely enough. I just needed time away from him to think and for him to change his ways, but I also desperately wanted to see him at the same time.

Wow, what am I saying? What is Eli doing to me?

I sighed and closed my eyes, just listening to the nature. Sooner or later I decided it was time to get up. People were starting to get to the beach and I wanted to make sure I had at least enough space for my chair. I went inside the house and took a quick shower. I put on my bathing suit, a light pink bikini with off-white spots. I put a cover-up dress on over my bathing suit and grabbed a bag with sunscreen, a towel and other beach items. I quickly brushed through my hair and I went out the front door, down the stairs, and grabbed my chair. I put my sunglasses on my head and headed off towards the beach. I looked up towards the sky and saw it was a beautiful shade of light blue filled with fluffy white clouds. I had a feeling today was going to be a good day.

I lay down on my chair and took out my iPod. I put on my earphones, the ones Eli had given to me and smiled. I put it on shuffle, closing my eyes. I quickly fell asleep listening to Bleed by Hot Chelle Ray; it was quite a relaxing song if you didn't pay attention to the lyrics much. As I fell deep into my slumber I saw emerald green cloud my vision. I squinted, trying to get the object into focus, but failed. I blinked once again and saw that there were two blobs of emerald green.

How peculiar…

I then took in the rest of the scene. It was Eli's eyes. Glazed over. Completely. He was just sitting there, staring at me. I whipped my head around for any signs of what happened and I saw Fitz running away.

Idiot Fitz.

I glanced down at Eli again. He was lumped on the floor motionless. I then saw that Fitz had actually stabbed him. I gasped and immediately started crying.

"Oh God, Oh God, PLEASE no, ELI please don't leave me… please."

I knew God would understand, me using his name in vain. But I couldn't help it; I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what to do. I quickly whipped open my phone and called 911. The cops were already at school, but they sent someone in to come get Eli. I heard voices shouting, but I couldn't answer. Thankfully, they heard me bawling my eyes out and soon found me. And Eli's lifeless body. I screamed as they picked him up and put him on a stretcher, his cold blood dripping on my feet and now all over my hands. I wanted to go with him; I didn't want him to leave me. But I couldn't seem to move, at all. I tried to scream again and chase after him, but I was glued to the floor, and when I opened my mouth no sound came out. So, I just fell on the floor, sobbing, reaching to wipe the blood off of my feet.

I quickly shot up from my chair with a sharp gasp. That dream felt so real. I looked down and saw that there was salty ocean water on my feet. I jumped up and grabbed my towel, quickly wiping it off. As I put it back into my bag, I noticed multiple people staring at me.

Why are they all looking at me…?

I looked over to my left and my mom was sitting next to me.

"Clare, sweetie, why were you just screaming? You disturbed some of the people sitting around us." She whispered to me, not in a mean way, I could tell she was just merely wondering.

"Sorry mom. I guess I was having a bad dream or something…"

She nodded at me and turned back to her book.

Well, I guess it all makes sense now. But, on the bright side I probably won't ever see these people again.

I looked at the clock at my phone and saw it was 3. I had gotten here at 10 and I hadn't eaten since. As if on queue, my stomach growled.

"Mom, I'm gunna walk back to the house and get something to eat."

"Okay, Clare. Please tell your father to come down here, I need to ask him something."

I nodded and headed back towards the house, ignoring the stares some people were giving me. I quickly arrived back at the house and saw my dad wasn't there. I was about to call him and ask him where he was, but he left a note on the counter.

'Clare or Helen, I went to the store to get something for dinner. I should be back soon. –Randall'

Oh well, I guess I'll call mom and tell her he's not here.

I called my mom quickly and let her know about the note dad had left. I then went to the refrigerator and made a sandwich. I ate it quickly; I was starving. I didn't want to go back to the beach yet so I walked out to the front deck and sat there.

I hated that dream, I hated Fitz, and most of all I hated Eli. How could he have done that to me…to himself too! But, how could he have known that was what was going to happen. I guess I'll figure out what I'm gunna do when I get back and actually see Eli.

Wow I seriously need to stop thinking about him; this was supposed to be my week away from him and well, away from everything.

I walked back to the beach and stayed there for another hour and a half and watched the peaceful waves, and the children playing and swimming in them. The waves were much smaller today then they are normally. I made sure not to fall asleep again and managed not to think about Eli the whole time. However, I soon got bored and decided to go back home.

"Mom, I'm gunna call it a day and go back to the house and take a shower. I'll tell dad to come down or call you if he's back."

"Okay, Clare. Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?"

"No mom, it's okay. I'm getting kinda bored here anyways."

"If you say so honey. Make sure you bring your chair back when you leave."

I picked up my chair and mumbled a quick, "Yup."

I washed off my chair and feet and went inside to take a shower. My dad still wasn't back by the time I got out so I decided to call Alli; I hadn't talked to her in a couple days. I dialed her number, which I knew by heart, and she answered the phone quickly but out of breath.

"Hello?" Alli panted.

"Hey Alli…" I said.

"Oh, hey who are you? Yeah have you happened to hear from my best friend lately? I haven't talked to her in 5 DAYS!"

I giggled, oh Alli, even without being with her, she never changed. I decided to play along.

"Hmmm," I said, pretending to think about it. "I'm not sure. Do I know her?" I replied, giggling.

"Possibly. Seriously, though how are you, what's going on? I haven't seen you or talked to you in 5 freakin days."

"Not much, the usual, hanging out with...oh, about 20 hot guys at my house. What about you?"

"Me too! What a coincidence!" Alli exclaimed and then started asking me a million questions about how it was here and I answered every single one and asked her how she'd been without me.

"Okay, you had to know this was coming. I was trying to put it off so I didn't have to ask you myself, but it looks like I have no choice."

I gulped; I already knew what she was going to ask.

"How's Eli? Just, I wanna know everything. And what are you gunna do about …"

I could tell Alli felt uncomfortable asking but she knew she had to ask; I couldn't keep it to myself. But I was also happy to know that she was a good enough friend to care and ask me, instead of blowing it off and talking about Drew.

"Well, about you two I mean." She finished her sentence.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure, Alli. I haven't talked to Eli yet, that's kinds the whole point of this. So I can get away from him and just think about what I wanna do."

"C'mon Clare, you and I both know you want to talk to him. And you don't REALLY wanna break up with him do you?"

"…Not really." I responded slowly.

"Yeah exactly! So just give him another shot, you're just in shock now, Clare."

"Alli, It was months ago."

"Yeah, so?"

I then frowned, knowing she was right. And then I remembered my dream.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"I know." Alli said and laughed.

"And I even had another nightmare about it. Again."

"Aw, no Clare. I thought you stopped having them."

"I did too, but today I fell asleep on the beach…" I trailed off, taking a deep breath in so I wouldn't cry. I knew Alli could tell because she remained silent and didn't push me further.

"And I had a dream. About Eli, and it was a rerun of the dance. But this time… Fitz actually stabbed him. And at first I didn't know what was going on because my dream started and I was just staring at Eli. And it was just so…scary. His eyes were just completely glazed over, he was so lifeless, just laying on the floor. And he lost so much blood." I sniffled and Alli said,

"I'm giving you a virtual hug, and Clare, it didn't happen I promise. I saw Eli at the dot yesterday, but truthfully he looked really lonely. I think you should give him another chance. I can tell he really needs you. And by the sound of your dream it looks like you need him to."

I didn't deny it I knew Alli was right. "I tried…I tried to help him, to get up, to do ANYTHING. And I… I couldn't. I couldn't move at all. I just fell to the floor and wiped his blood off of me, crying. And then I woke up and I guess I screamed in my sleep because my mom asked me what happened. But I just told her I had a bad dream because I didn't want her to convince me to go to therapy, I don't need to go."

"Clare." Alli said seriously.

"What?" I sniffed and wiped away my tears.

"You need Eli, not therapy." She stated simply, the emphasis on Eli.

I knew it was the truth. Being with him kept the nightmares away.

"I know I do…"

"Just call him Clare. Hearing his voice will make you feel better, I promise. You have my word. If it doesn't, I give you permission to hurt me." Alli told me, laughing.

"Okay, I'll have to keep you to that promise." I said, feeling better already.

"I gotta go help Sav, my parents are lecturing him again. Text me later and tell me how it goes! I miss you Clare, please come back soon."

"Okay, I'll see you soon! Bye, miss you too."

I hung up the phone and leaned back into the couch. I looked outside and it was starting to get dark. I must have talked to Alli for a long time. I knew talking to her about it would make me feel better. I didn't like staying inside because it was so beautiful even when it was dark outside. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my iPod and a sweatshirt. I left a note for my parents telling them I was going for a walk and to call me if they needed anything. I put my sweatshirt on and put my iPod earphone in one ear, walking down the stairs. I walked to the end of the driveway and decided to take a left and walk around the beach. It always looks pretty at night and it is so peaceful. I walked leisurely to the end of the street and made sure I looked both ways before crossing the street. I shivered thinking about Julia and how a car had simply ended her life. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a breath in, trying to get rid of the thought.

I walked up the walkway towards the beach, the sand getting stuck in my toes. It was still quiet except for the waves crashing and an occasional crumple of bushes so I changed the song on my iPod. When I picked my head back up I saw a pair of green eyes staring back at me.

Oh just great. Now I'm hallucinating, seeing Eli. Maybe I should just call him like Alli said…it could help a little.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I realized I wasn't dreaming. The rest of the figure emerged from behind the bush and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. I couldn't see the person, because of my position, all I saw was a black shadow.

The shadow then came closer and mumbled a shy,


But, the only thing I managed to say was,


who is it? i bet its not who you think it is! O.O i made 2 other oneshots but they didnt have great results, so i think im gunna start an actual story with like chapters and stuff. (: so yupp. i hope you liked it so far, thanks for reading. and i promise eli will come later, dont give up! and please

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