Nope, I do not own Rookie Blue.

Here's chapter 5! I hope you guys enjoy it and as always, please let me know what you think!

Sam couldn't help but smile as his alarm sounded. Today was his first day back on the job. He couldn't wait to get back on the streets. His assignment had taken him away from Toronto and he had actually missed the hustle and bustle of the city.

He got up, showered, grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed into the station. He recognized the bounce in his step and realized that it probably wasn't only because it was his first day back. He was going to get to work with Andy today. Frank had asked him yesterday if he wanted to continue working with a partner and he had said yes right away. He actually had to back track and explain how good of a team they made in order to keep Frank from getting suspicious.

After parade ended he headed out to the cruiser to wait for her. He leaned against the driver's side door and thought about the conversation they had the night before. It had gone well. He was able to control himself and for that he was proud. When he showed up on her doorstep to talk, he half expected her to be upset with him. After all, he did up and leave after she begged him not to. But he knew she understood. He didn't have a choice. God knows if he would have he would have never left her. He was glad they were able to talk casually. He could feel the tension in the room, but that was to be expected. They had been apart for a long time and it was going to take a while for them to get back to where they were before he left. Today would be the first step in that journey. Nothing like ten hours stuck in a car with someone to melt the ice.

"Good morning," he said as she walked towards the cruiser.

"Good morning, you're in a good mood," she said noticing the smile that was plastered on his face.

He nodded, "Yep, who would've thought I'd actually miss the streets of Toronto?"

"So I guess there's no chance you'll let me drive today," she said already knowing the answer.

"Ha ha, not a chance, McNally," he said laughing at the fact that she would even ask.

"You ready?" he asked her as he turned to open his car door.

"Yep, let's go," she said smiling at how excited he seemed to be about getting back at work.

"So where to?" she asked as he pulled the cruiser into traffic.

"Frist, to get coffee. We have a long day ahead of us," he said glancing over at her and giving her his signature grin.

As he pulled into the coffee shop she started to get out of the car. "No, McNally, you sit, I got this one," he said as he turned off the car and unbuckled his seatbelt.

Andy obeyed his command and sat back in the car. She let out a little laugh to herself at the thought of the two of them working together again. If someone would have asked her two days ago if would be possible, her answer would have been no. But after last night, and so far this morning, things seemed to be working out nicely. But the day was young and they still hadn't discussed the way they left things. Yeah they'd had some nice casual conversation, but they had yet to get to the real stuff.

Sam got into the car and handed her a coffee. He took a sip of his own before putting it in the cup holder and starting up the car. He glanced over at her as she took a sip.

As she sipped she let out a sigh of satisfaction. "You remembered," she said as she smiled over at him. She liked her coffee a very specific way. It didn't surprise her that he remembered how she liked it. He was smart and she knew he paid attention regardless of whether he would admit it or not. It was nice to know that he cared about the little things.

"Of course I did. McNally, I wasn't gone for that long," he said back to her slightly surprised that she thought he wouldn't remember.

"Yeah, I guess," she said looking out her window. You were gone for too long.

The day went by pretty smoothly. Not a whole lot happened. They had responded to one report of breaking and entering and one for a domestic dispute, but both had turned out alright. The day, for the most part, consisted of them catching up on what had gone down at the station while he was away. Andy told him about the rest of the rookies and what they had been up to. She told him about some of the cases she had helped solve now that she could actually remember what she had done for the last six months. He told her what he could about his undercover assignment. He knew he shouldn't tell her anything but he wanted her to know what he had been up to while he was gone.

As they pulled the car into the parking lot at the station they both let out a sigh of relief. It had been a good day, a day they both needed, but it was also long. They were both ready to get away from work.

"So are you going to head to the Penny tonight?" he asked her as they walked into the station.

"I think so yeah. I could use a drink. You?" she asked him.

"Yep, I'll be there," he said as he smiled over at her.

She smiled back not really knowing what to say. "Okay well I guess I'll see you there," she said as she walked up to the women's locker room.

"Okay, see you there," he returned nodding his head as he said it.

She didn't know if anyone could notice, but the sexual tension between the two of them could be cut with a knife. Probably something much duller than a knife at this point. God damnit, this has got to stop. Enough is enough, she thought as she walked up to her locker and threw her bag on the bench. They were still dancing around their feelings. Having conversations that were laced with flirtation, giving glances that were held too long. It had to stop. They needed to talk and they needed to talk soon.

"Hey Swarek, Best wants to see you," Dov said as he walked into the locker room.

"Alright, I'll be right there," he said putting on the last pieces of his uniform. He had no idea why Best wanted to see him.

He walked up to his office and knocked on the door before poking his head in. "You wanted to see me?" he asked before stepping in.

"Yeah, take a seat," Best returned not looking up from the file he was reading.

"What's this about?" Sam asked as he sat down.

"How'd your first day back go yesterday?" he asked putting the file back in order.

"It went well. Nothing too exciting," Sam answered wondering what was with the small talk.

"Good. I'm glad to hear it. Listen Sam, I want you to help out on a case that has just opened up," he said assertively.

Okay," Sam said nodding his head signaling for more information.

"Do you remember a year or so ago when you arrested a man for allegedly murdering his wife? But we had no solid proof so we couldn't pin it on him," Best informed him.

"Yeah I remember, that son of a bitch was never charged," Sam said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Exactly. Well Detective Erico is working on a case where that same man is the leading suspect. I want you to work with her. Fill her in on what happened a year ago. I don't want this guy getting away again. She will fill you in on the rest of the information later," Best said as he handed Sam the file he had been looking at.

"Yes, sir. I'll do everything I can to lock that scumbag up once and for all," Sam said as he stood up.

"Good. She's in her office. You should head over there now and get started," Best said as he walked Sam out the door.

Sam excited the office and headed down the hallway. He opened the file and began reading it. He was startled when he heard her voice.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Andy asked as she walked up to him.

At first she had no idea what she meant. Then he realized that she had no idea that he had been assigned to help out with the case. "No I actually just came from Best's office. He wants me to help Detective Erico with an investigation she is working on. You're on your own today," he said closing the file and stopping in front of her.

"Oh, why you?" she asked. She hoped he couldn't sense the disappointment in her voice. She had been looking forward to riding with him today. Throughout the night she had built up the courage to finally talk to him and she was hoping to test the waters during their shift today.

"I was the original arresting officer of the lead suspect a year ago. Best wants me to tell her what I can remember and assist her if I can," he said.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later," Andy said as he smiled back and walked off. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, but whatever it was, she didn't like it. She knew she was disappointed but there was something else creeping in too. She definitely wasn't fond of the thought of him working with someone else.

The day turned out to be pretty slow. Andy and Traci were assigned to work a speed trap and had spent the entire day issuing tickets to people who insisted they couldn't read speed limit signs. When the two of them got back to the barn Andy told Traci she would take care of the paperwork so she could go pick up Leo.

A few hours and two cups of coffee later she finished the paperwork. Never again would she offer to do all the paperwork from speeding tickets. Despite the coffee she was exhausted and ready to go home and curl up in bed. She cleared off her desk and headed to the locker room. She changed pretty quickly forgoing on a shower and headed out the door.

The station was fairly empty. As she walked out of the locker room she was distracted by the sound of laughter coming from one of the conference rooms. Normally she would ignore it but she recognized one of the voices. She headed toward the conference room and immediately regretted her decision. The door was cracked and through it she saw Sam and Detective Erico eating Chinese while joking and laughing about something.

Yeah, that feeling she felt earlier that she couldn't really describe was definitely jealousy. She knew she had no right to feel the way she did at seeing the two of them together. She had no claim to him. He could do what he wanted. But she wanted to be the one he was eating Chinese with. She wanted to be the one he was laughing and joking with. She couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't made a move yet. She had made it pretty clear that she and Luke had broken up months ago. She couldn't figure out what was stopping him.

She quietly backed away from the cracked door before either one of them could see her. She needed to figure out what she wanted. She was sick of dodging the issue with him.

She sat on her couch with a glass in her hand. She wasn't drunk. She had been drinking, but only to help her think. She hadn't come to any kind of conclusion. She knew she wanted Sam. She had always wanted him, that was never the issue. Her fear, now that was the issue. An issue that was even more prevalent than before since now she knew what it felt like to have him leave her. Why couldn't she just man up? Take a risk. Why must she be so afraid of getting her heart broken?

She knew sleep was out of the question with thoughts like these running through her head. It was almost midnight and she had to work the next morning, but there was no way she was going to get any sleep. She had so many questions and concerns. She wanted answers but was too afraid to go out and get them. She took another sip of her drink. Liquid courage, she thought as she downed what was left of the glass and walked to her kitchen. She stood there for a moment, staring down at the sink, before she grabbed her keys and headed out her door.

She had practically jogged over to his apartment. She was panting as she walked up to his door. She rang the doorbell without giving herself time to hesitate. She was going to do it. They were going to talk.

"Hey," she said as he opened the door. He must have been sleeping since he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.

"McNally, we have got to stop showing up at each other's doors like this," he said jokingly as he stepped aside to let her in.

She didn't say anything back to that. She walked into his living room and waited for him. "So how are things going with Detective Erico?" she asked when he walked through the doorway.

"Uh, fine. We're just piecing together evidence," he said through examining eyes.

"Good. I'm glad you guys are working together so well," she said not being able to help the tone it came out in.

Sam let out a laugh and smiled before saying," You're jealous." It wasn't a question. He was stating the obvious.

"What? No I'm not," she returned.

"Yeah you are. I can hear it in your voice," he said back. He was enjoying this a little too much.

She hesitated not knowing what to say next. She decided to be honest. "Okay fine. Maybe I am."

Sam sighed and took a step closer to her. "McNally, you have nothing to be jealous about. We are just working on a case," he said with his eyes locked on hers.

"Yeah," she said quietly as she nodded and looked around the room.

"Where is this coming from?" he asked squinting his eyes in confusion.

"I don't know. I saw the two of you earlier, eating in the conference room and it just…," she hesitated.

"Made you feel something?" he finished raising his eyebrows.

She stood there for a moment thinking about what he was asking her. "You just left," she said before realizing what she had said.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

She took a deep breath. "You just left. To go back undercover. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me without you?" she said in a tone that was much more desperate than she would have like it to be.

His face softened as he realized what she was talking about. "You're a great cop, Andy. I knew you'd be fine without me. I would have never left if I didn't believe that."

"I know. It's just I hated knowing that you were out there somewhere and I had no way to contact you. I thought about you all the time and I realize that's stupid because obviously you were fine and busy working…," she started but was cut off before she could finish.

"Damnit, McNally. You think I didn't think about you too? You're all I thought about while I was away. Every single day I thought about you," he explained through burning eyes.

He continued. "Nothing's changed for me. I still feel this," he said motioning with his hand between the two of them. "Whatever this is. And I know you still feel it too," he said stepping closer to her. If she came over to talk then he was going to talk. He was done messing around and acting as if nothing was going on. They went down that route and it got them nowhere. It was time they were both honest with each other. He knew that in order for her to be honest with him, in order for her to open up, he would have to go first.

"Sam I…," she started before being cut off again.

He held up a hand to stop her from talking. " No, let me finish. Andy, listen to me. I love you. I am in love with you. I should have told you this months ago," he said with a sigh.

"Why didn't you?" she asked.

"I don't know. You were with Callaghan and then I left and I didn't want to leave and drop something like that on you. But Andy, it's true. I love everything about you. I love how you truly care about other people. I love how you try to see the good in everyone. I love how you're there for your dad no matter how much it hurts. I…," he began but was cut off by her.

"Sam. Sam, now you need to shut up," she said placing her fingers against his lips. "I love you too," she laughed through teary eyes. "I love you."

He let out a huge breath he didn't know he was holding. "Yeah?" he asked searching her eyes.

"Yes," she said scooting closer to him. She placed both her hands on his face. "I love you. I know what it's like to live without you and that's something I never want to have to do again. I want you, all of you, for the rest of my life. When I begged you not to leave, I meant what I said. I do need you," she finished looking deep into his eyes. She was done shying away. She had finally built up the courage to fight for what she wanted and she wasn't going to back down.

He smiled against her lips and rubbed his nose against hers. "If only you knew how badly I have wanted to hear you say that," he said laughing lightly.

"If only you knew how badly I have wanted to say that," she returned wrapping her arms around his neck.

She grabbed some of his hair and tilted his head up so she could look into his eyes. After a moment she couldn't wait any longer. She brought her lips to his and kissed him passionately. She pulled him close and held her lips against his in one single kiss until she needed air. They both took a deep breath before continuing to kiss each other. Not only did he kiss her lips, but also her cheek and her neck. He pulled away again to look into her eyes. He wanted to make sure he didn't see any fear or regret in them. When he didn't he placed a kiss on her lips and pulled her into the most passionate hug he had ever given anyone. He finally had her in his arms. She was finally ready to be in his arms. He was never going to let her go.

The End! Thoughts? I really hope you guys liked it!