Dun dun DUN! -- Its my first time writing a chapter fic, although not my first time trying. :D

Disclaimer: If I owned this shiz, your life would be H E L L. Got it memorized?


Kingdom Hearts was the best seller series to hit the market today. Or possibly any day for that matter. And Demyx was at a large bookstore to get his copy of the fourth book, Organization of Memories, which had literally come out five minutes before he had gotten there. Fans were mobbing the store, trying to get their copy before it sold out. Because if you didn't get it today you wouldn't get it for another month and know everything, courtesy of your friends. And because it was the best damn book anyone had ever read. Ever. It had adventure and romance, and plots and action. All of the characters had personality and a life, and you actually found yourself crying when one of them faded or something amazing happened. Everyone was hooked.

Yet no one knew who the amazing author was, he remained a mystery. Assuming he was indeed a 'he'. Across the top of the books was written 'Z. I.', not telling the gender. Some argued that a woman couldn't have possibly written something that amazing, while others argued back that it had to be a woman because of [insert reason here] or [insert ramble here]. They were just never happy with it. And that's possibly why the author had stayed silent, not saying who he really was. Fan these days are crazy. Of course there were rumors flying around about the great person, like that it was actually written by that one famous movie star, or that he was going to be at the opening sale of the book at that very store. Which he was, but didn't tell anyone, since only a handful of people knew who he was.

Demyx was trying to look over the mob of people trying to shove their way into grabbing a book. He was looking for his friends, Axel, Roxas, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Namine, Marluxia and Larxene. He had others, but this was the crew that he hung out with on a daily basis. Not spotting them, he decided to walk around the store for a bit, to pass the time till they conquered the line together. He sighed a bit as he passed the romance section.

All of his friends were paired up, Roxas and Axel, Namine and Kairi, Sora and Riku, and Larxene and Marluxia. Axel and Roxas had been best friends forever and stubbornly denied any feelings for each other until Roxas ended up in the hospital for two weeks. While Riku and Kairi were Sora's best friends, they had never met his cousins until high school, which were Roxas and Namine, who found herself falling for her redhead friend. They got together over art supplies. Then there was Sora and Riku, who would constantly flirt until Riku accidentally confessed his love for his best friend. Guess who said it back. And finally, the weirdest two in the group. Possibly the weirdest two in Hollow bastion. She was a bitch, while everyone was convinced he was totally and completely gay. None the less, they randomly sat with the others during lunch one day, and just never left. And several years later, the group now in college, Demyx was still somebody-less.

He looked around at where he was, apparently some random section in the store, not noticing where he had been wondering off to. The isle was devoid of any other people, except one guy standing there reading a book in the middle of the two bookshelves. Most other people were at the front, clawing their way to the book. The managers were glad they ordered a thousand copies for just that night.

Demyx noticed that the slate-haired man wasn't paying any attention to the other people in the store, and thought that he to was possibly waiting for the crowed to thin out. She he decided to ask.

"Soo… you here to get Organization of Memories, too?" He asked.

"Hmm?" The male looked up at the taller male, and noticed he was the only one around. "Why no, acctuly. I don't particularly like that series." Demyx's jaw dropped.

"Wha- how- HUH?" Demyx was stumbling over his words, trying to ask why on earth someone didn't like the greatest books ever. Zexion just shrugged.

"I just don't like it, that's all. So I assume you're here to get it?" He glanced down at the book he was holding.

"Err, yeah." Demyx gained enough composure to answer the man. "I was supposed to meet my friends here, actually, but they haven't shown up yet. I wonder what's keeping them…"


"..because I mean they're usually not late. Well, Sora isn't, and Namine either, but sometimes Axel just goes off in his own world, bring Roxas with him of course. Know what I mean, uhm.. what's your name again?" He asked awkwardly.

"I don't think I mentioned it, but it's Zexion."


They shook hands and Demyx noticed what he was reading. A biography of Mozart. He didn't really like the guy, but he sure was a musical genius!

"So, you, uh like music?" A pair of, beautiful, Demyx noted, dark blue eyes looked up at him, one usually hidden by a sheet of blue hair. He shook his head.

"Not really. I only needed to read this chapter for my class, and the library was out. So I came here."

"Oh, what's your major?"

"I've got a double major, Science and English."

"Oh! Mine's music."

"So are you going to try to get a book tonight?" He nodded his head to the still-large mass of people.

"No, I don't think I will. I was going try with my friends, but as I said earlier, they haven't shown up."

"I," Zexion paused for a moment, as if trying to decide what to say. "have the book at my house. You can borrow it if you want.." He looked down at the book, he was on the last page. Demyx looked ecstatic. Hardly anyone had the book before tonight, and it was usually the people working with the author.

"YES!" He shouted and then looked embarrassed. "Er, thanks. Wait- I thought you didn't like the books?"

"I don't."

"Then why do you have a copy, before the actual selling date?" Zexion looked unfazed by the question.

"I know someone who works with the company," That wasn't a total lie. "And he gave me the book, trying to convince me to like it."

"Ooooh! I see." The blonde nodded eagerly.

"Demyx! Where are you?" A voice called. Demyx looked to his left and saw his friends standing by the door. With such a large group blocking the door, some people were having trouble getting by, grumbling about something that had to do with long lines and ungrateful hooligans. He waved and saw it was Kairi who was yelling and was jumping up and down to get his attention (along with that of other shoppers), and holding hands with her girlfriend.

"Hey guys, nice for you to finally show up!" He yelled back, and Axel and Riku smirked.

"Sorry, my friends are here, I've gotta go!" He walked away a few steps, and then turned to Zexion. He took out a pen and grabbed his hand.

"Hey!" Zexion said as he was pulled forward by the force of Demyx pulling on his hand. Demyx scribbled something on his hand.

"Gotta go! Call me about the book! Im definitely going to change your mind on Kingdom Hearts!" And he turned and bounced towards his friends.

Zexion looked at his hand, and half-smiled. Maybe coming to see the sale of his book wasn't such a bad thing.


Sooooo! How did ya like it so far? Im sorry if they're a bit OOC, but I can't separate personalities too well. That and a lot of other things. Please review! ^^