I do not own One Piece and all its characters! One Piece and its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda-sensei!

Please enjoy my One Piece: Zoro x Nami fanfic! XD

Sorry it's taken so long to post this. I've been a little busy with school and other fandoms. And, sorry about the previously posted chapter 7. Forget that. I posted that half heartedly and rushed it and rushed in to the story a bit too far. This is the real version! I apologize again! And thank you for reading and for you patience! Please enjoy!

Days passed. Nami's and Zoro's minds, like everyone else's, were on Princess Vivi, whom they had picked up at Whiskey Peak. Vivi's country of Alabasta was in danger, what with the criminal organization Baroque Works leader Mr. Zero, or Crocodile of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, trying to take over the country or by the rebells threatening to attempt to try to overthrow the current government or with the horrible drought that slowly destroying towns all over the country. Vivi's mind was constantly worrying about her country, not that they could blame her. Alabasta was on the verge of collapsing and an evil man, Crocodile, was about to take over what was left of the country for himself.

Nami, despite worrying for Vivi, was a little glad about the Princess's presence on the ship. She was finding it very easy to distract herself during the day, what with the navigating job becoming a little more difficult ever since they entered the Grand Line and entertaining Vivi to get her mind of her worries. During the day, she only thought of Zoro when she saw him, which was very rare since he worked out at the stern of the ship and she and Vivi were usually in Galley. So, Nami hardly thought about Zoro.

The only time that she seriously thought about Zoro was when she didn't have anything else to occupy her mind and this was only at night. It was true, she wasn't feeling as awkward around him and she had forgotten all about her mistake in touching him during the day, but what she couldn't get out of her head was just Zoro. No matter how much she tried, her thoughts linger on the green haired swordsman on the other side of the wall. She tossed and turned in her bed each and every night, trying to think of something else. Anything else. What would happen when they got to Alabasta? What would she buy when they got rich? What the other islands along the Grand Line might be like? Which odd person was Luffy going to get to join the crew next?

But, no matter how many questions she asked herself, her mind always drifted to the swordsman on the other side of the wall. She couldn't get her mind off his rough skin or his well sculpted chest or his broodingly handsome face. Even as she lied there sick, with a high fever. Especially when she lied there sick. She couldn't even leave the cabin. Vivi and Luffy wouldn't let her. So, there was nothing to do but think. Once, she was still strong enough to sit up and hold a book for reading, but that strength quickly disappeared as her fever worsened. Now, there was nothing left to do or think about except think about him.

Nami was drifting in and out often of sleep, her body heavy and hot or cold, depending on how her body temperature was at the moment. She would be burning hot one second and freezing cold the next. Sweat crawled down her brow and her breathing was ragged. Vivi often came in to make sure that she was doing fine while taking over the navigating job for her. Vivi and Sanji were both eager to help by bring food, a cool wet cloth, watching her. And while she drifted in out, she often found herself unable to tell the difference between reality and dreams.

Sometimes, she would think that she was getting better and was actually able to get out of bed again. And then, she would be zapped of strength again and unable to move a single muscle. Her body may have been out of commission, but her mind was not. It wandered to the swordsman and of that moment they shared in her room and outside the galley. Her hands on his back. The feel of his hot, rough skin. The size of his hands. His dark eyes. The fact that they shared a moment. She sometimes thought that she was reliving these events, forgetting that she was really in her quarters, sick. She wondered if he lingered on those moments like she did. Often, she found herself wondering if Zoro thought of her too, though not as much as her. He had distractions and she didn't. When she wondered these things, she found herself doubting the idea of Zoro worrying about her, let alone letting his mind dwell on those small moments.

But, Nami couldn't be more wrong. She didn't know it, but, up above her head, Zoro was in the crow's nest. He hadn't been down under the deck for the last few days, not since Nami got sick. He knew that she was on just the other side of that wall, breathing ragged and weak and feverish. Before, it wasn't a problem. Before she wasn't sick and on everyone's mind. Before, all thoughts were on Vivi. Like Nami, Zoro had kept himself distracted. He had even forgotten about that incident in the middle of the night and the morning when they confronted each other again during the day. His mind was on training, getting better and stronger. At night though, he would have no problem getting to sleep, because he would be too tired to stay up long enough to think about anything. But it was staying asleep that was the problem

It wander to the girl on the other side of the wall and her soft, delicate hands on his back and in his hand. How he, on some instinctual level, knew that they were sharing a moment outside the galley, whatever that moment was. And it would wander back to that night a Cocoyashi Village, when she snuck into their room. What was she doing there? Why had she decided to help him that night he was injured? What was with that guilty look on her face? Did she feel like his injury was her fault? Or that it was her fault that she hadn't tried harder to stop him? He didn't understand why. It was his fault.

These questions woke him in the middle of the night. He would just be sleeping and then he would wake with a start, Nami on his mind. He didn't know why this happened, all he knew was that it just did. He would lie awake for a few hours, asking himself these questions until he drifted off to sleep again due to exhaustion. Then, the process would start all over again.

But, now, with Nami sick. He couldn't sleep in that room anymore. He didn't want to admit it, but he hated being unable to help her. She was sick and dying and he was helpless to stop it. He hadn't even trained for the last few days. His mind as been on her and her alone, even as he sat there, watching for islands and enemy ships. The air was getting colder and Vivi said that they were getting closer to Drum Island which was apparently rich with doctors. Once they were there, he knew he could relax and train again. Luffy would make sure Nami was safe. He had no doubts on this point.

But, for right now, that didn't stop his worrying. And his anger. Why should he have to worry about the girl? It's not like they weren't going to save her! It's not like she was really going to die! They were going to find a doctor and the doctor was going to save her!

But what if we don't? What if he refuses to save the life of a pirate? asked a small voice in his head.

Then we'll keep looking until we find one! Or we'll make him do it! We are pirates, after all!

But what if he would rather die than help a pirate?

Zoro shook his head, getting more angry and worried each time this small voice in his head spoke. He hated listening to it. It was like there was something inside him that didn't have faith in his crew, in Luffy. And he hated feeling like that! Why wouldn't Luffy find a doctor for Nami? When had ever let them down? Zoro knew that when Luffy said that he was going to do something, he was going to do it, or die trying. Luffy would find Nami a doctor and she would be saved!

She'll be alright!

Zoro sighed in frustration and wrapped his blanket closer around himself. He knew he was over reacting. He himself didn't understand it. What was wrong with him? Sure, he was worried. It was his crew mate that was sick! But to be so worried that he stopped training and couldn't sleep in his own room?! That was ridiculous! It made him feel weak and pathetic! Like he was running from Nami! He shuddered at the thought. Running from a little girl?! When had Roronoa Zoro become so pathetic? It's not like Nami was that marine girl who looked like Kuina!

"Hey! Mr. Bushido!"

Zoro was torn from his reverie when Princess Vivi called to him from below. He stood up, wrapping the blanket closer and leaned over the railing of the crow's nest. Vivi's long blue hair was was pulled into a ponytail. She had on a long thick coat and mittens and a scarf. Snow was everywhere and falling. Luffy and Usopp were on opposite ends of the ship, shoveling snow off the ship. The girl smiled at him, though it looked forced and strained.

"Yeah, what?" he called to her, sounding a bit more irritated than he meant to.

She cupped her hands around his mouth and called back, "You've been up there for a long while! Come down and take a break!"

Zoro shook his head. No, this is what the farthest point from Nami and where he felt somewhat useful. He was fine up here. "I'm good! You just worry about getting us to Drum Island!" And taking care of Nami.

"But aren't you cold?"

"I've got this blanket! I'm fine!" Now he was losing his temper with her. The irritation in his voice was thick. Why was she insistent on getting him down from there?!

"Look! I've got to navigate anyway! We're getting closer and I want to make sure that we're going the right way! But I also have to watch Nami! Sanji's busy making food for her and us!"

"No!" he snapped. That was the last thing he wanted. "Get Luffy or Usopp to do it! But I'm not going down there!"

"Luffy and Usopp are busy too! Please! Can we just switch places?"

"I said no!"

"But- It's not like she's contagious, Mr. Bushido!"

"That's got nothing to do with it! I just don't want to see her!" Not like that! What part of no did this girl not understand?!


"Hey, Zoro!" From the galley door, Sanji poked his head out. He glared up at Zoro, holding a knife in his hand. "Don't yell at Vivi! If you do it again, I'll kick your ass! Now get down below deck and look after Nami or you won't eat for a week! Do you hear me?"

Zoro glared back at Sanji and growled in anger, but pulled the blanket off and reluctantly started to climb down the crow's nest. "Damn, stupid cook!" he cursed as he moved.

Down on the deck, he walked past Vivi without saying a word. "Thank you, Mr. Bushido."

He grunted wordlessly at her and moved to the storage. He walked down the steps to the girls' quarters and stopped at the door. His eyes landed on Nami's unconscious body on the couch and his heart stopped. Nami was breathing hard and her face as red as tomato. She had four or five layers of thick blankets on top of her and a wet cloth on her forehead. She looked horrible! He looked away from her before moving further into the room.

He walked to her and grabbed her cloth. It was too dry. He dunked it in the bowl of cool water on the table beside the couch and rung it out before placing it back on her forehead. He then moved away, his anger growing. He didn't like this one bit! He moved to the corner, taking his swords off his belt and leaning them against the wall. Then, he sat down on the floor and crossed his arms and legs. At least he was inside and could catch a few Zs.

Even though he thought that, for the first time in his life, he wasn't able to nap where ever he sat. He glared at the girl on the couch with loathing. Why was he so worried? He was tired, yet he couldn't sleep! How irritating! He stared at her for minutes on end, angered. How could she be so weak? To get sick like that? Zoro had never been sick a day in his life, and would you never catch him troubling his crew mates like this.

"Zo- Zoro…!"

Zoro blinked as he stared at the girl. Her eyes were closed and her face was tensed up. She turned over on her side and moaned. It didn't sound like a moan of pain, but then again, she was so quiet that he couldn't be so sure. He stared at her in surprise for a moment longer before he relaxed. He couldn't be sure about the moan, but he did hear Nami call for him. His face grew hot at hearing her call out for him in his sleep. He brought a hand to his mouth, trying to calm himself. His heart was racing in his chest. Why? Why would she call out his name? Especially in her sleep?!

He couldn't think of a reason. What was she dreaming about? Whatever it was, it wasn't making her wake with a start like it had with him! Irritation consumed his body again as he glared at the navigator. He blinked and then, her eyes were open and staring at him.

"Zo-Zoro…?" she said weakly to him.

"What?" he hissed.

"Wh-what are you doing here…?"

"I'm here to help you! What do you think?" He looked away, wishing that he could hide his blush.

"Oh…" She was quiet for a moment. "It's… freezing in here…"

"It is snowing outside," he muttered.

"Yeah… But I'm… under ten layers… of blankets…" she breathed. Zoro rolled his eyes. "And… I'm still freezing…"

"And what do you want me to do about it?"

"Get me another blanket… Please, Zoro…"

He sighed and stood up. "Where are they?" he asked in a flat voice.

"In… the chest there…" Nami lifted her hand and pointed at the chest next to Zoro. He pulled it open and stopped.

"There's nothing in here. You must be using all the blankets." He turned to her, slamming the chest shut. "Now what?"

"Go… to the boy's room… and go get… some more…"

Zoro stared at Nami for a second. He could go out and get some blankets from the boy's quarters, but would that really be enough. Besides, wouldn't they have already given her all the other blankets other than the one that he had in the crow's nest? And he couldn't ask Vivi for the blanket. She was outside and high up in the freezing cold. What was he supposed to do?

Then, an unwelcome image came to his mind's eye. His heart stopped and his eyes widen as his eyes locked on the girl, though, he didn't see her. What he did see, was him holding Nami. They were laying on that very couch together, his arms around her waist and her head against his chest. His face heated at the thoughts of his wild image and he looked away again. Where the hell did that come from?! Why did it come to his mind right then?! Nami was silent all except for her ragged breathing, which was the only sound in the room. He thought about it for a moment and he got an idea from that image.

He turned to her, thinking that he was pretty hot now with that wild image in his mind. He reached down and grabbed his coat. He moved to her and threw the coat over her before saying, in a serious voice, "Move over."

Nami's eyes widened up at him as he stared at her. He… He must be joking right? There's no way he could be thinking of doing what he's thinking of doing, is he? Come on! There's no way she was going to let him sleep in the same bed with her! Was this a dream or reality?! She had no idea!

"No…" Nami hissed, her eyes narrowed in anger. "No way…! You are not going to-" Nami stopped and started to cough loudly. She lifted her hand to her mouth and coughed. Zoro stared down at her and then shook his head. He reached down and wrapped his arms around her under the blanket. She gasped and pressed her hands against his chest, trying to stop him. "No! Stop! I'm sick! And you're- You're you! Stop-" Nami started to cough again, covering her mouth with her hand. Her coughing fit shook her whole body as Zoro scooted her closer to the wall. Then he laid down next to her pulling the blankets and his coat over them both.


"Shut up! You're freezing right?" hissed Zoro in her ear. His face was beat red and his voice was thick with anger. Why was he doing this again? He didn't know himself! "I'm warming you up with my body heat! This'll be easier and faster!"

"But- But-"

"Your not contagious! So just stop worrying and just relax." He then added, as a mutter, "As if I would want cheap skate like you anyway." Nami coughed again, her face tense in agony. "No more yelling. Just sleep. If you get too hot just tell me and I'll leave."

Nami looked at him a second, her breathing more ragged than before. He stared down at her, his face as red as hers, but for a completely different reason. Was this as uncomfortable for him as it was for her? She supposed it would be, but how could it? Unless he was sick too. Why would he be? That wasn't like him and it wasn't contagious. Or so he said. She wanted to ask him if he was or not, but she was too weak to do so. Zoro was right. She needed to sleep. So she closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest.

Within seconds, Nami had drifted off to sleep. He stared down at her for a second, mesmerized by her. He didn't know what it was about Nami, but as she slept there, he found her cuter than she normally did. Her cheek was pressed up against his chest and her small nose was red with the heat that was radiating off her. Her red hair was messy and dirty from not having bathed for the last few days. She was cute, even as she laid there sick as can be. Zoro sighed and then looked up at the wall above his head. He wasn't going to look at her as she slept in his arms. That was… too much for him. And he didn't like it. No. He would look elsewhere and give her some privacy. As the minutes drifted by and turned into hours, Zoro too eventually drifted off to sleep with her.



Something hard hit Zoro's head and hit it hard. He fell out of the bed, his arms loosening around the girl he was holding. He was rudely interrupted from his dream. It was a good dream, though he couldn't remember why it was good. Why was it good again? He couldn't remember anything about it. He thought he had when he got hit, but the dream was slowly slipping away.

Zoro looked up and found Sanji glaring down at him with the utmost loathing and fury. In his hand, he held a tray with a large bowl. Soup probably. Zoro lifted his hand to his head, forgetting where he was and what he was doing before he fell asleep, and rubbed it to sooth the small twinge of pain on the back of his head. "What? What did I do now?" he muttered to the cook.

Sanji's wide eyes widened and the fury grew, making him look crazy with it. "What did you do now?! I'll tell you what you did, you shitty Marimo! You were sleeping in the same bed as Nami! You asshole!"

Zoro stopped and stared at Sanji in shock. Then he looked back and found Nami staring at them both, looking worse than when he got into the bed. Her face was reddening even more, if that was possible, and her breathing more ragged. Shit! He then looked up at Sanji and said, "Look! She was cold-"

"I don't give a damn if she was cold, you shitty Marimo!" snapped Sanji. He lifted his leg and swiftly kicked Zoro away from Nami. The hit was hard and Zoro hit the wall hard, pain racking through his skull. He groaned as he sat up from the attack. "You don't get any food for a week!" Sanji gave Zoro one last look before turning to Nami. "Here you go my lady," he said more sweetly and kindly to Nami. "Chicken soup broth. Just for you."

"Thanks… Sanji…" She whispered, looking up at him. She smiled weakly at him and tried to sit up. Sanji put a hand on her back to steady her and sat next to her. She looked up and her eyes locked with Zoro's for a moment. Then, she looked to Sanji, feeling guilty. Zoro was only really trying to help. He didn't deserve that.

"Here," Sanji whispered. Picking up the spoon, he slowly started to spoon feed Nami. The soup was warm and was delicious. Of course. Sanji made it. Drinking the soup made her realize just how hungry she wasn't, though. She didn't feel like eating, but she wouldn't refuse. She knew it would make everyone else worry and Sanji would just tell that she needed to keep her strength up.

Zoro watched as Sanji fed Nami for a few seconds before standing up. He moved to the bed, making Sanji visibly stiffen, and grabbed his coat of the couch. He pulled it on before turning to his swords. He put them on his belt again and turned to leave. Stopping at the door, Zoro gave Sanji and Nami one last look and something arose within him. Something that he had felt before, but not like this and not for this reason and not in a very long while. Jealousy. He was angry at Sanji, but not at the kick or at waking him or vowing to not feed him for a week. He was angry at him for sitting next to Nami and for feeding her. Jealous that he was allowed to do this. Wasn't he supposed to be he cooking for everyone while doing that? The ass!

"If you don't want someone else warming her up, than you shouldn't let someone else take care of her," Zoro said as calmly as he could, though even he could hear the irritation in his voice. But he didn't care. He survived almost a whole month without eating. He didn't want to go through that again, but he would if he needed to. Let Sanji do his worse. What was the worse Sanji could do?

And with that, Zoro turned and left leaving his words to hang in the air. Sanji looked back and glared at the doorway where Zoro stood. He wanted to yell back a comeback at the swordsman, but he couldn't think of one. He hated to admit it, but Zoro was right. If it wasn't for the fact that he had to cook for those bums and Vivi first, he would have been down here himself, taking care of Nami.

He also couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. How did he get to sleep with Nami?! Why did she let him?! Sanji couldn't help but feel that if it had been him, he would have been the one that got to sleep with Nami. He didn't care what the reason was! How dare Zoro sleep with his Nami! "Stupid swordsman," he growled.

Nami saw the hatred and jealousy in Sanji's eyes and felt even more guilty. It's not like Zoro was doing anything. He just wanted to help. She felt like it was her fault that Sanji had hit Zoro and then kicked him to the wall. "Sanji…" she called weakly. He turned to her, the hate disappearing from his face as he turned. He smiled. "Don't… be too hard… on Zoro…" Sanji arched his brow at her and then gave her a worried look.

"But he-"

"I was freezing… There weren't… any blankets… That was the only thing... he could think of… It was just… as uncomfortable for him… as it was for me…"


"Please, Sanji… He was just… taking care of me… He should have… at least gotten treated… better… for doing that… Please, Sanji…"

Sanji stared at the young woman before him. She was defending Zoro?! Why?! Well, when you put it that way, he could see how she couldn't be that mad at Zoro. He could be jealous, but not mad. He did help Nami. He couldn't be mad at anyone for that. Sanji sighed, hating that couldn't even get mad at that idiot. He thought that Zoro didn't deserve Nami's defense, but there was nothing he could do about it. He wouldn't argue with Nami, especially when she was sick. "Fine. I'll feed him," Sanji said reluctantly. "But only for a you, Nami, my dear."

Nami smiled weakly. "Thanks, Sanji," she whispered, just as weakly. Then, she let him continue to feed her. When the soup was gone, Sanji helped Nami lie back down. He took the bowl and tray and moved back to the door. He promised that he would be right back and Nami nodded. She rested her head against the pillow and closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep again.

The lack of Zoro's presence was noticed by Nami as soon as she was alone. She was cold, not as cold as she had been, but cold enough to make her wrap her arms around herself. She missed his heat, and, if she were being honest with herself, his body. She missed his strong arms around her and his hard chest that she rested her head against. She missed his smell. Steel. Just steel. No booze, which she found odd. Something that she would have never thought she would enjoy. But she wouldn't allow herself to admit that or the feelings that came with it. It was just too tiring and embarrassing to do so right now.

The last thing she remembered before drifting off to sleep and into another dream about awkward moments with Zoro was turning over on her side and how the side of the couch that he had occupied smelled delicious.