Through an old window, a window that held an old music box, you could see the hard winter snow falling. If you looked hard enough, you could see a figure walking, slowly making its way closer. The figure was wearing red, and the closer it got, you could tell it was a woman. She had long black hair, and her skin was almost as white as snow falling around her. Her lips were blue, telling whoever looked at her, that she had been out in the cold way too long.

The girl stopped and looked up at the large place she would call home. She let out a hard breath, fog coming from her mouth. She picked up her dress to step up the sizeable gray stone steps, once she got to the door, she knocked lightly and then knelt on her knee's, her head down.

She felt defeated to be here, she didn't want to be here, but alas she did not want to burden her mother any longer. She was 17, not married, though one of the village boys had asked for her hand. She had turned him down, even though it would have meant wealth. Her mother was not mad, but she was worried about her daughters future. Women who did not marry were looked down upon; people would start talking, it would cause trouble. She could have been a Miko, but she had a heart for love, she wanted to get married and have kids, unlike her sister, who was a Miko.

The girl waited for the door to open, her eyes closed, taking in the moment that would change her life. It was her mother who sent her here, it was her idea, yet she had not forced it, but she thought it might do her good, she wanted her daughter to meet people, maybe one day find what it was her heart was really looking. But she knew, in this place, it would be hard to find.

The large doors opened, a woman stepped out, her clothing touched the ground and made a noise as it dragged.

"Kagome," The women said, her voice as cold as the winter itself.

The girl looked up from her spot on the cold ground, her eyes were bright as always, "Kikyo" She spoke back, her voice much softer than the other women.

"Tell me, sister, what brings you here?" Kikyo was a bit surprised to see her, yet not.

Kagome looked down again "Mother thought it would do me good, I do not wish to be in her way any longer."

"So you seek me out, this place?"

Kagome looked back up with no answer,

"Very well, I shall take you in," Kikyo stated stepping back so her sister could stand. Kagome stood and brushed the snow and dirt off; she then bowed and followed her sister down the dark halls.

"I will give you a room; I take it you did not bring anything with you?"

"No," Kagome answered,

"Good, your worth will be measured by the gifts you may receive," Kikyo and Kagome were not close sisters, they were both pretty, but Kagome was much more fun, people liked being around her more, yet she also had a mouth that many men did not find useful. They made their way upstairs; Kagome noted all the doors, the place must have had fifty rooms.

"This one will be yours" Kikyo unlocked the door and gave Kagome the key. Kagome walked in and looked around the small room; it had a bed, one dresser that was old, the paint was peeling, it also had a window. Kagome walked up to the window and look outside at the snow, she then picked up the music box that was sitting on the seal, she opened it a listened to the music,

"Sounds like winter," She said turning to look at her sister, but she was alone.

To hear what the music box music Kagome said sounded like winter LOOK UP ( Suna No Oshiro- Music Box Version )