Hello people, sorry for the long wait but I've had to get past some terrible news recently and its effecting my writing. I'm not prepared to explain about it but it may come to pass that I may spend a bit more time off my writing, but don't fear, I'm not leaving completely.

Anyway, here is Chapter Four, enjoy!

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Chapter Four: Dinner At Nox Noctis Manor

Hogwarts Castle was magnificent at sunset. Dumbledore always preferred the castle at sunset with the golden light dappling and shimmering on the waves in of the Great Lake, the Giant Squid seemed rather energetic today for some reason. Dumbledore watched from his Observatory he looked across the grounds, imagining the students walking through them. This year should have been the year young Harry would have come to this wondrous school but after years of searching and investigating, nothing. Harry Potter just disappeared and the world moved on. The Order still kept its eyes open for any sign of Voldemort, and apart from the occasional anacharists bent on spreading some chaos the true Death Eaters were either locked firmly in Azkaban or keeping a low profile.

Red and Gold feathers and a heaviness settled onto the aged wizard's shoulder as Fawkes returned from hunting in the Forbidden Forest. "I trust you are full?" he wheezed to his unlikely friend. A beautiful trill rent the air around him as the huge fantastical bird shook himself and preened his wings. "Yes I'm a bit peckish now myself, but I'll go and get something from the house elves soon." An owl suddenly fluttered in through the huge open windows of his small observatory and perched on the arm of the Headmaster's chair offering its talon where a small letter with the Gringotts' seal stamped on it.

"Oh, must be from Gobbletoad. I do not believe I should be getting any letters about Hogwart's accounts today." Fawkes moved from Dumbledore's shoulder to the back of his ornate chair as the Sorcerer took the offered letter from the owl and offered the tired bird a treat before the Tawny Owl flew back out the window. Breaking the wax seal, Dumbledore's gnarled hands plucked the letter from the envelope before his thin fingers carefully opened the parchment so he could read.

As he read Gobbletoad's letter, his eyes widened and the twinkle lost from them for nearly ten years returned stronger with each word that he read. The great phoenix could feel the excited energy in his old friend and lighted to his proper perch on Dumbledore's desk as the headmaster suddenly became a flurry of activity. "Fawkes, my friend, please deliver this message to Professor McGonagall, I believe she will be taking some tea in her office at this time! Hurry my friend, we have no time to lose!" The Headmaster said, giving Fawkes a moderate sized piece of parchment he had torn from a stack of nearby papers and written something on while he explained what he wanted Fawkes to do. The phoenix, fed off of Dumbledore's happy mood, sang and trilled as he took the parchment in his beak and flew back out of the open observatory window.

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When Corvin and Roan returned home it was dark and Mrs Keller had finished her business with the young friesian so she helped the two young masters of the manor pack away their tack and put Gypsy and Warek in their stalls (the more intelligent grooms kept well away from the stubborn pony at all costs). But Warek, tired from carrying Roan and keeping up with Gypsy's long strides, was much more cooperative than usual and allowed the Nordbergian lad to put him in his stall with little fuss; much to Mrs Keller and her work-hand's relief.

"There you go, Gypsy." Corvin said to the mare as she obligingly walked into her stall and started munching on the feed left for her. "Yeah, I better have my own dinner, shouldn't I?" Gypsy just grunted as she continued eating. "I'll see you tomorrow, Gyp." With a final, well deserved pat on the neck, Corvin left the mare to her feed and closed her stall; making sure he left her tack where the grooms could do whatever was needed for the next day.

He found Roan once again being scolded by Mrs Keller at the door that led back into the house.

"Roan, I'll be talking to Briar about that damn pony. You HAVE to exercise him! I won't have him attacking any more of the grooms. The next time he does, I'll have him put down as a dangerous animal."

"What? He's just pony!" Roan cried "He couldn't have done that much damage!"

"He broke Gregory's arm! You know yourself how he is Roan. Spirited is one thing, attacking a full grown man at the drop of a wand for no reason and breaking bones is completely another!" the severe woman shot back and Roan's shoulders visibly drooped. "Like I said, I will speak to the Lady regarding this."

Corvin felt his eyebrows draw together, Warek must have caused quite a panic for Mrs Keller to threatened with something so drastic and despite being just a pony Warek was very strong, Corvin had no trouble believing he could have really hurt someone.

"Go have your dinner now, remember what I said." and with that Mrs Keller left the two boys to their own devices.

"Come on Roan, Mother and Mrs Keller will sort this out." Corvin comforted, patting Roan's large shoulder.

"Do you really think Warek could do something like that?"

"He might be a small pony, but he is very strong, he carries you about for an entire day doesn't he?" the smell of roast lamb wafted to their noses as they began to make their way to the dining hall reminding Corvin just how hungry he was and from the sounds that started to erupt from Roan's abdominal area the Nordbergian was ready for something to eat as well.

With the the fate of stubborn Warek out of mind for now the two boys followed their noses to the dining hall where the table was already laid and their dinners set, Briar was there too, looking out of window. When Corvin and Roan entered she turned to look at them with her eyes glowing dimly, Corvin saw Roan freeze momentarily and throw his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't know he attacked someone! I swear, Lady Briar!" Roan all but cried out in panic.

His mother's eyes always shone when she feeling certain emotions, anger, sadness, joy, any strong emotion and given what Mrs Keller had promised Roan just minutes ago it was perfectly normal for Roan to have thought she was angry at him. The Dark Lady did not like anything damaging her property. Briar considered the people that worked for her as part of her property. Corvin, however, could see this wasn't anger but he also couldn't tell what she feeling, he was normally very good at guessing her feelings.

"Sorry Roan, I did not mean to scare you." Briar said, shaking herself from her mood and her eyes returning to their normal icy blue as she walked up to the two boys and placed her hands reassuringly on Roan's shoulders. "Though it seems Mrs Keller is going to be speaking to me later, yes?"

Roan nodded, glad he wasn't in any trouble... yet.

"Oh, well. Let's have dinner, it has been a productive day." the Dark Lady said, explaining she had been at Gringotts with Gobbletoad and promised that she was still taking the both of them to Diagon Alley tomorrow "There are many people who wish to see you, Corvin." They sat at their places and dove into their meals. As always, the house elves had outdone themselves, the lamb was tender and the vegetables cooked to perfection. But dinner was a somber affair, not that there wasn't discussion.

Corvin and Roan were able to talk about their training, how their footwork and strength was improving with each new weapon they trained with and they told Briar about how they had tracked a stag through the woods while she had been at Gringotts. But Corvin could see that his mother had something on her mind and her pensive mood was not lost on the two boys.

"Mother, what's going on?" Corvin finally asked, seeing Briar picking at the vegetables. "You've been very... odd... all day, what are you planing?"

The contours of Briar's striking face lit up under the curtain of shining obsidian hair from a smile as she took hold of her son's hand and squeezed it affectionately.

"I'm okay dear Corvin. Things have just transpired today that remind me of your mother. I thought that maybe you would have gotten a Hogwarts letter, it should be about time the school would be sending them out." Briar's free hand lifted from her fork and covered their embracing hands, smothering Corvin's hands inside her own.

"Do you think Hogwarts would accept him, Corvin's been gone for a long time in their world. Most wizards don't believe Harry Potter is even alive anymore." Roan said. The Norbergian boy had finished his third helping and was washing it down with the last of the apple juice in a table pitcher. And he was right; Harry, Corvin, hadn't been to any wizarding areas his own realm for many years after Briar had taken him from his relatives' doorstep. He had stayed with her when she had visited the manor but he had no inkling to ask to see any other part of his birth realm until he was six; after his first bit of accidental magic. His world had moved on without him and Corvin didn't care one bit, he had his brothers, his sisters, his nieces and nephews, the memory of his real parents and of course, he had his adoptive mother. He shrugged his shoulders at Roan.

"So what happens if I'm not accepted?"

"Then we carry on as we have been." Briar said, releasing his hands. "I continue training you in magic and with the spellbooks from London, and you may return to this realm permanently when you are old enough; should you wish it."

"We'll come back here, you and me could take on the world, Brother!" Roan cried.

"It wouldn't be a fair fight, the Muggles and Wizards would be begging for a cease fire on the first day!" Corvin argued back laughing manically. With her boys in brighter spirits Briar's dull mood lifted and she paid fleeting attention to their boisterous banter about world domination as she attacked her cooling meal with renewed gusto.

Desert was something of a Noctis tradition. Icecream animals.

Using magic the house elves and cooks made miniature animals from icecream and other sweet substances. Corvin had a boar, complete with a whole cherry in its mouth for aesthetic effect, Roan had a ram and Briar had a rat (which was full sized since a rat was a small animal to begin with). The dinner plates had only just melted away to be replaced with their deserts by the time Corvin was already decapitating his boar. Using his spoon the young wizard removed the animals' head and watched as strawberry syrup trickled out of its neck as he ate the head, the milk chocolate which had been moulded to make the boar's skeleton crunched satisfactorily between his teeth, the fresh cherry from its mouth and the glacé cherries used to make its brain inside the chocolate skull swirling in his mouth.

The chocolate skeleton was made first then icecream was used to sculpt the creature. Glace fruits, gummy sweets and red coloured syrup was used as internal organs and blood and were stuffed into the desert as the icecream was sculpted. Corvin loved icecream animals, they were sweet on the tongue and were perfectly messy to eat with the gummy sweets and syrup oozing out of spoon stabs and scoops.

It didn't take long for the deserts to be stripped to their chocolate bones and it was only a few more seconds before they disappeared into hungry mouths too, leaving nothing but a thin pool of red syrup on their plates. They left the plates for the house elves to deal with as they moved to the huge living-room to relax for the rest of the evening.

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Roan liked watching television, despite not being able to understand the intricacies of how a television actually worked. All he knew was that if you pressed buttons it made the 'screen' change and moving pictures would appear on it. Corvin and Briar, however, did not really care for it and were playing with a fine set of troll bone dominoes while the Nordbergian watched a Disney cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves from the sound of the songs. Briar laid down her last piece and won yet another game. "I thought Gnarl taught you to play." Corvin said as he shuffled the domino pieces of the table.

"He did, but he wasn't the only one I met who knew how to play." Briar explained, picking seven dominoes as Corvin did and then pushed the remaining stack to the side. "They taught me how to play without cheating." It was well known that a beginner should never play against a millenia's old master, especially Briar, she never went soft on anyone. An opponent in real life would never go easy on you, best to realise that at an early age. The three spent their time in companionable silence while Slick spent his time climbing the carvings decorating the walls depicting minions, brays and Heaven Peak knights fighting the Glorious Empire legions and scaling the red velvet curtains to reach holders, keeping watch on his young master and the family from a height, surveying the room for danger. When he felt something powerful fall onto the wards around the Manor and its grounds his ears perked and he listened. He was not alone. The minions and house elves all over the manor, cleaning the plates and cooking utensils guarding the entrance hall and ballroom listened as well and the Dark Lady stopped playing, her adopted offspring not aware of the wards and the powerful magic assailing them. Slick, the Dark Lady, the house elves and the other minions felt this powerful magic following the road to reach the entrance to the manor, the great door in the entrance hall was sounded by the bell. Briar had seemed to realize that whatever this power was it meant them no harm when it was halfway to the grand house and had lessened the wards to allow this presence to reach the manor.

Jasper entered the living room, a picture perfect butler with his ironed black suit and white gloves and neat hair, and that's when Corvin and Roan realised someone was visiting. "Yes Jasper?" Briar asked.

"Headmaster Dumbledore and an associate wish to meet with you, m'Lady."

"Send them in, then tell the house elves to make some drinks." Jasper bowed and left the Living Room, closing the door as he went.

"Mother? Is he..." Corvin said, suddenly losing interest in the dominoes game he had been winning. His mother nodded and stood up from the table and Corvin came to stand with her. Roan, came to stand by her other side, paying no mind to the television which normally held his attention until he fell asleep on the floor. He stood with his brother and master as Jasper opened the door again and led a tall, elderly man wearing colourful robes and a long white beard which was tucked into his belt, and a woman dressed in formal looking black robes with a large witches hat. When they saw Corvin, the old man's eyes twinkled brightly behind half-moon spectacles and the witch's hands flew to her mouth to hide a surprised gasp. That was Corvin's second meeting with the headmaster and his future teacher, the first meeting, was little more to the boy that was Harry Potter than a long lost dream.

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The wards which surrounded Nox Noctis Manor were frighteningly strong, so strong that Dumbledore and Professor McGongall just couldn't apparate at the entrance to the manor house. The wards had forced them to appear at the gatehouse which separated the Manor grounds from the main road leading to the rest of the world. The impact with the wards had left both feeling breathless and in awe of the ward-makers skill. "They're stronger than the wards surrounding Hogwart's!" breathed McGonagall, as she tried desperately to stop herself falling over.

Although the ageing Headmaster was not feeling well-balanced himself, he took hold of McGonagall's arm to help steady her.

"Thank you, Albus. What, by Merlin, do you think this woman is?"

Albus Dumbledore opened the heavy, black, wrought iron gate that stood before them. Its design was that of a battle, what looked like the muggle version of elves and strange goblins were fighting. As the gate opened with a loud screech Dumbledore said "Exactly what Lily told us she was. Very powerful and a friend." He allowed McGonagall to enter before closing the gate again with another loud screech. "Which is why we must endeavour to show we are friends too." They began the long walk to the manor house and passing a small empty stable, all the while feeling the wards press down on them like a thousand eyes staring at them as they walked the gravel road.

"Dumbledore, what is going to happen?" McGonagall asked, suddenly very aware of how quiet it was and needing something to take her mind off of the feeling of being watched. "I know the Gringott's letter said that Harry has returned with this woman, but... well – is it possible that they could be wrong?"

"The goblins are very thorough with their dealings, I doubt that they would make a mistake." Dumbledore tried to reason, but he had to admit he was feeling somewhat excited. If Harry had grown up in the presence of such a powerful person as the maker of these wards than who knew what Harry was possible of. "I am sure that, at last, we will discover the truth about that dreadful night."

"We left a defenceless child on the doorstep of some muggles. Do you think we've made a good impression on her?" Professor McGonagall asked seriously, she knew what the answer to that question would be if it was her.

The Headmaster sighed deeply. "We can only hope. We can only hope she sees things our way."

It was at that moment that Nox Noctis Manor came into the vision as they rounded a bend in the road and the building stood in all its glory. Rather large for what was more of a house than a manor, but it was magnificent in its simplicity. Tall windows and a Gothic flavour inspired design, with gargoyles and statues of obsidian rock which must have been expensive to have custom built.

Climbing the steps to the large doors leading into the manor McGonagall pulled the bell to announce their arrival. A ageing man, with greying hair and dressed in a fine butler's get-up answered politely, casting a keen eye over the two unexpected callers.

"Evening Sir, Madam. I am Jasper, head butler to the Noctis family. May I help you?" if he was perturbed by the older wizard's colourful robes he didn't show it.

"Good evening, Jasper. I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this is Professor Minerva McGonagall, Head of Griffindor House and teacher of Transfiguration." Albus explained to the kindly looking butler. "Earlier today I received a letter from your employer and I hope to meet with her. Given the nature of the letter that was sent to my place of residence. We are very sorry if this is an untoward time."

"Ah, yes, Lady Noctis did mention someone from Hogwarts may call today. If you would like to come inside I shall see if the Lady and her family would meet with you." Jasper said, beckoning the two professors inside the manor. The interior of the manor clearly reflected the nature of its inhabitants, hard workers that prided in their skills. Everywhere there were portraits of numerous people from all manner of caste and background. It reminded the two guests of the Great Staircase back at Hogwart's castle with its many moving paintings and murals but the pictures here didn't move or talk and Dumbledore wondered momentarily if that was a blessing or a misfortune of the manor. It was his belief talking paintings sold a location and gave it character. They waited patiently as Jasper entered a room through a door on the left of the humble entrance hall, leaving Albus and Minerva to look at the portraits surrounding them.

"Professor?" Dumbledore hear McGonagall call. He walked over to her and looked at the painting she was staring at intently. It depicted a rather curious creature.

Large and very hairy, it's chest, stomach and pig-like nose were the only things that weren't covered in the thick white fur and it seemed to be a cold-climate creature. Tusks sprouted from its mouth and curving horns encircled its head like a halo. The creature was intelligent, for it wore oversized pants and carried a huge blade in its tree-trunk sized arms, which were covered in spiked armour. A little engraved plague sign under the painting read:

Ox the Dragon Devourer

"My strength is strength for the Dark Lady's use,

My blood is blood for the Dark Lady,

My horns are weapons of the Dark Lady,

Where Ox's own people would not help Ox, the Dark Lady helped. She is all things and through her, we will live for Eternity."

"Some sort of artic troll?" McGonagall asked, not understanding what this creature was. Dumbledore's eyes flitted over the little engraving and he shock his head.

"No, there are similarities but perhaps more of a sub-species of snow giant." The engraving seemed to hint that this Ox character was an ancient ally of the Noctis family, it was entirely possible his race was now extinct. If the family did have such connections with creatures like this it was possible for them to have other races as allies. No wonder the Noctis family was so secretive, they had the power, the people, and the influence capable of fighting for them.

Before the two guests could wonder about the implication of the engraving of Ox the Dragon Devourer's full body portrait Jasper returned.

"The Lady and the young Masters are ready to see you, please, just through this door."

Dumbledore and McGonagall followed the graceful man into what must have been the Living Room of the manor. Plush seats and sofas were arranged so a large family could gather and talk about the day's events and colourful bean bags littered the floor around them so young children could lounge about when they tired from play. The room's main focal points were a large window with stained panels around its outer edge depicting yet more conflict with the strange goblins in red, brown, green and blue and upright goats (perhaps another allied race, thought Dumbledore). The second focal point was a large fireplace, the grate and pit that contained the fire was stylized like a dragon with its belly and chest cut open where a roaring fire burnt strongly, the iron head and tail twisted up out of the grate and around each other. In front of the fire stood three figures, two young boys and a tall, regal woman whose chilling bright blue eyes bored into the headmaster and transfiguration professor like a stunning spell. Jet black hair hung loosely around her shoulders and reached the small of her back. A blonde boy with brown eyes and wearing furs with a T-shirt stood to her right, but it was the slightly smaller boy to her left that caused the two professors to pause and take a breath.

Lily's emerald green eyes stared at them from Jame's face with the same jet black hair as the woman, who had a protective hand on his shoulder, it was a bit longer than James would have allowed his hair to grow but it was still that tidy sort of untidiness that the Potter's were known for and just seen beneath his fringe was the scar given to him on that dreadful night.

"Welcome to the Noctis home Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Lady Noctis, Briar, greeted with her rich voice. "We have much to discuss."

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I'm not sure when the next chapter will come about, but please know I AM NOT leaving my none of my stories. I just have to get myself out of this rut I'm in.

Enjoy though, and review if you do.