It hit me after reading EcstaticPetenshi's fanfic, Aruhi no Oshitari (thank you so much, EP!) that Zaizen is absobloodylutely an interesting person. Yes, he's awesome, handsome, but one important thing: he can't keep his mouth. Then the idea came 10 hours later :P

Sooo why Zaizen? Aside from what I have mentioned above, it is simply because he's my favorite chara on PoT XD and he's a blogger, probably hacker too :D

I don't know how to make a good crackfic but I hope it gives you stitches on your tummy or at least makes you LOL.

Anyhoo, Tenipuri Omegle is still continued.

Ask Zaizen!

Ask Zaizen! is an application on Zaizen's blog where you can ask anything to him. Type your name and your question, and then he will answer it, well, if he wants to.


Hello, fellas. Zaizen's here. I made this because I was bored. That's it.

Take note: I am not Dr. Phil. Don't expect me to solve your problem properly, but if you follow my advice, you'll see that it totally works.



Ryuuzaki Sakuno

Ummm… what should I do if a person I am interested in doesn't pay attention to me? I'm waiting for your answer. Thank you.


Here is my answer. Kick him in the head so he will realize. Make sure he isn't wearing his cap to make greater effect. But if you don't have guts to do that, just let him go. He's not the only guy who lives in this earth.


Kawamura Takashi

I have a crush, she's my classmate. We are good friends and often belong to the same study group. I am sure she's single, and I think I want to confess this feeling to her. The problem is, I am too shy and get nervous easily, and I am afraid of rejection. I am also worry that we won't be friends anymore and become awkward after I ask her to go out. Please help me!


Grab your racket. Good luck.


Kato Kachiro

You're so cool!


Yeah, I am.


Ooishi Syuuichiro

Suppose that I have a friend who has ESTJ personality while I am an INFP. How am I supposed to behave? Because our personalities are totally different, and strangely we get along well, but sometimes there are times when he really doesn't get me and he starts to be mad at me because he thinks I don't understand him, but besides that we're very best friends.


So what do you worry? He's still your friend, right? Tsk. You're wasting my time.


Tezuka Kunimitsu

The objective function minimum value x 3y which satisfy the equivalents 3x 2y = 12, x 2y 8, x y = 8, x = 0 is…


Eight. I don't have to explain, I am a genius after all.


Osakada Tomoka

I know I love him, and I know my friend loves him as well. But! Somehow, there's another guy who always annoys me, and I don't know how come I start to like him! On the other hand, I don't want to compete with my own BFF. Who is the boy I like actually? I'm in dilemma! Help!


Hahahahahahaha, girls. Their hormones work so fast.


Horio Satoshi

Why people always doubt my two years experience?


Who the heck will believe it, anyway?


Echizen Ryoma

Why are you so cocky?


As if you're not.


Kikumaru Eiji

Nya! I have a problem with homework and Fujiko! Fujiko said that now I have to do my homework ALONE, and stop looking at his! I think Fujiko is sick of me and wants me to do those freaking assignments on my own… what should I do? I don't want to be his enemy but I can't do my homework by myself! XO


It's your fault to be stupid. Pay attention when teachers lecture the class and stop doing acrobatic all the time.


Mizuno Katsuo

What is the best way to be tennis pro? Because I have practiced a lot and I still can't beat Echizen :(


You can't beat Echizen because his father is The Samurai and he donates his tennis genes to his child. So, if you want to beat Echizen, your mother must be Echizen Nanjiro's wife.


Kaidou Kaoru

I hate your teammates, those baka gays. Especially Koharu.


Tell him. Not me.


Shusuke Fuji

I heard you hate classic literature, but English is your forte. So, why do thou loathe it?


Cuz i fink itz boring n i dun lyk shakespeare. hes a copycater, dun ya noe dat?


Momoshiro Takeshi



Yeah, thanks.


Inui Sadaharu



Err… no. Thank you.

Tezuka's question was taken from my high school's math book, wahaha. And eight is the right answer.

I'm not really sure that Ooishi's personality type is INFP, but he looks like one :D

By the way, this app is kind of formspring. The difference is that this is made by Zaizen himself and is part of his blog, not an independent account.



How did he make it?



How should I know?


After reading this (and Tenipuri Omegle and/or Zaizen's Blog) maybe you'll start thinking that I'm a very random person and do like to write random story—that's hella true. So, care to drop your random reviews?)