Headphones 21

Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 © Inagaki Riichiro and Murata Yusuke

KH: Well, this took me forever to think up, but about three days to write! So, I might change a few things around, come daylight… including grammar!

Thanks to:

Thank-you doodle808 for the review! I don't know if you're even still reading this… if not, I'm going to miss you! If so, yay! Hahaha, I'm glad you liked the song I picked, hehehe. *Gasp* you know Hiruma too well… Well here's the chapter, the victor is in this chapter, the song fic will be in the next.

Thanks to Nekokratik for reviewing! I'm glad you found it awesome with the song. I happened to listen to that song about 15 times while writing that chapter… 21 is blackjack, that's where you have to get 21 or less, if you get above, you lose, but yeah, it's not gonna be a normal game… No, thank-you for reading~

Thank-you killmemarzgurl for the review! Thanks, I really couldn't do fireworks indoors, but Hiruma would have been like 'who cares, just do it, they'll pay for the damages later Kekeke!' So yeah, fireflies~ I hope you're still reading this fic, if not… sigh, I can only blame myself…

Thank-you Liz for reviewing! Hahaha, Hiruma wouldn't die, he would turn into a zombie and eat Yamato's brains…

Thank-you Stargazer for reviewing! I'm so sorry! *Sobs uncontrollably* Three months… I'm a horrible person…

Thank-you Lizzie for reviewing! You know, I was like, is this Portuguese? Then I went to translator google… and it was! Hahaha, oh Hiruma will be jealous throughout this whole fic because of Sena's non- intentional flirting! Um, I'm not sure if this was what you were saying, but there is a bit of Musashi Sena in the last one~ Well, here's a new chappie, hope you like it!


Bold- Japanese & titles

Italicize- English

Bold & Italicize- Emphasis

Chapter 12: 21-12-2-1

The crowd of well dressed peoples gathered around in front of the stage, while some construction was being done around them, not that they were paying attention. Instead they were minding the small brunette standing nervously beside the blonde devil, both were holding a microphone, but Sena was fiddling with the cord of his.

Sena had changed back into the golden dress and heels, and under the spotlight he was glowing. Thus most of the men from the audience were leering at him, and thus Hiruma was glaring at the audience.This was the reason Sena was nervous, okay, standing next to Hiruma got him nervous too, but the glaring got him really nervous. If the games didn't start soon, he fears that someone was going to need an ambulance, and that someone might be him, again… (KH: You know Sena is going to try to intervene… He's just too nice for his own good.)

"I really don't want to go to the hospital again…' Sena whimpered softly to himself as a tear slipped his defense, he quickly tried to wipe it away discreetly, but Hiruma having the devil's ears heard, and saw.

'Che…' "Alright, listen up! I suppose most of you know how to play 21, but for those who don't… figure it out your own fuckin' selves!" Hiruma cackled.

Everyone sweat dropped.

"Now listen up, this is no ordinary game of 21! You're playing for chips, but these chips can't be bought with money! You'll only be able to acquire them through-" Hiruma turned to Sena, who then nodded and walked over to an object under a red curtain, which was almost camouflaged with the red curtains behind them.

Pulling the curtain off the object revealed the object to be a prize wheel with numbers in black and white.

"You can only spin this roulette wheel once, each company gets one spin, and everyone from said company will get whatever amount they land on" Hiruma looked around to see if anyone would try and protest, if they did, disqualification!

In their hearts, the audience knew Hiruma would have no qualms against disqualifying anyone… So they all kept quiet; that is until one person spoke up.

"There is only one 21 slot, the chances of getting it is about 4.76190476%" a blonde in a white suit sitting at a table stated, everyone turned to him, and then turned back to the wheel, some started to count, but really couldn't calculate it in their heads.

But they knew he was probably right, of course that went without saying since everyone knew HE was always right, and that this man was just as scary as Hiruma, only he was bit less devilish looking.

'They could be twins…' Sena thought, glancing back and forth between the man and Hiruma 'Except Yoru is not really blonde…'

Hiruma narrowed his eyes "the chance of getting 21 chips is 4.761904762%" Hiruma smirked as the other blonde man rolled his eyes, "the chances of getting 12 is-"

"14.28571429%" the blonde man answered.

"… 38.0952381% for 2 chips, and-" Hiruma talked into the microphone,

"42.85714286% for 1 chip" the blonde man finished, smirking at Hiruma, whom looked bored.

"Hmph" the blonde man chuckled as he leaned forward in his chair, Hiruma's eyes met his and a new competition was born!

"What does it all mean?" someone asked as the decimal war led off topic… blond man vs Hiruma on who could recite pi the longest.

"Um, I think it means there's only a small percentage you'll be able to actually get 21 chips, the chances goes up as the amount of chips goes down. I'm not really good at fractions and decimals, but I know how to count. There is one 21, three 12's, eight 2's, and nine 1's, they make up 21 slots" Sena spoke into his mike and smiled, while nodding his head a little.

"Oh!" everyone nodded, getting it better than the two blondes complicated explanations.

"Please remember to be careful everyone…"

"What do you mean, Ms. 21?" Riku asked, looking up at Sena, Riku hands were in his trouser pockets.

"Well, if you know Mr. H… I think you know this isn't an ordinary game…"

"…" 'That's true…' they all thought.

"I think different amount of chips are needed to play at different tables, and there probably will be different amount of surprises being installed at different tables… I mean when setting up tables you shouldn't have to use a power drill, right Musashi-san?" Sena asked Musashi, who was in construction garb, pulled out a power drill.

"Mm" he nodded, and then put on his earphones and goggles on as he started to drill. Mamori ran on stage, as Sena handed her the microphone, and Mamori handed Sena two items.

"If you check under your chairs, you will find earphones and goggles, please put them on!" Mamori directed as the other guys from Deimon had on t-shirts, jeans, boots, gloves, goggles, and yellow helmets. They already had their earphones on.

Everyone placed the earphones and goggles on and everything went silent except for Mamori's voice.

"As you can see, there is heavy construction progressing, please remain within the vicinity of the stage area, thank-you" she handed the microphone back to Sena, but remained by Sena's side.

"M-my hotel…" an elderly man in a suit sobbed.

"D-don't worry, I'm sure Mr. Hiruma is going to put everything back the way it was before after the games…" Sena tried to reassure the man 'Hopefully…' Sena thought the last part.

'Che, yeah right…' Hiruma thought as he continued his pi battle "892590360011330530…"

"5488204665…" the man recited along with Hiruma.

"…" the crowd just watched them for a few minutes, when Sena said,

"Why don't we spin while the construction is going on, so please choose a member from your group and form a line starting here on the stage, everyone will get a turn, there are enough chips in case everyone gets 21"

"That isn't going to happen though" Mamori told Sena.

"Really, I thought it could…It usually happens for me…" Sena muttered out loud.

Everyone in the audience looks at each other, and they formulated a plan.

"Ms. Twenty-one, could you do us a favor, it would help make things go a lot faster"

"U-uh, o-okay" Sena agreed.

As the second to last person, or rather, as Sena spun for the second to last group, the Pi battle was coming to an end. At the 999,990th place of Pi, the blonde man made a mistake and Hiruma cackled and said the last ten digits he knew.

"9346431991. You lost"

"Hmph, not bad… for a brat"

"Keh, if I'm a brat, then you're fuckin' archaic!"

"…" the atmosphere was dark, that the static between the blondes' glares could be seen…

"U-um, Mr. Hiruma… A-are you done speaking with your friend, because the construction is complete" Sena directed, like an airline hostess directs passengers on board a plane, to Musashi and the gang, who were wiping the sweat off their faces, or taking their yellow helmets off.

"He's not my fuckin' friend!"

"Ah…" Sena flinched closing both eyes and pulling both arms in to shield himself, "He's… not?" Sena opened one eye. 'Looks that way to me…'

"No… he is not, that's Lewis D. Clifford, Vice President of The Pentagram" Hiruma eased off, since he saw Sena was clearly weary of him.

"There are politicians here?" Sena asked blinking.

Hiruma face palm, as Clifford chuckled.

"That's the Pentagon…" Hiruma explained, "But the president of the United States' son is here…" Hiruma turned to another blonde man in a white suit.

"Eh… sou na (no way)…" Sena looked around, then turned to Hiruma "Ano… Mr. H, what does he look like?" Sena whispered, but everyone heard him.

"…" 'She really doesn't know! ?' they all thought as they turned to a very large man, in actuality a teenager, with blonde spiky hair, like a lion's mane, whom had a black tattoo on his face.

"Oh, so the little Chihuahua doesn't know, that's sad…" the leering man/teen/beast sighed, and smiled, revealing his slightly sharp jawl.

"D-did he just compare me to the small dog some women keep in their purses?" Sena turned to Mamori, whom nodded while avoiding eye contact with the tattooed blonde.

"Yes, yes he did" Clifford smirked as he stood up. The big blonde man, walked up to him, a very tall tan man with tattoos stood next to him. Then another brunette man who tried (failed) to move suavely across the floor came up to them, and finally smiling man with a panther headband waved goodbye to two blondes, one with freckles and glasses, the other with five o'clock shadow and large muscles, and joined the other four wearing white suits. Everyone else sort of tensed up when they gathered, especially Yamato.

'Oh, there are five of them… Wait, that means he thinks I'm small… why is he sad? Is it because I don't know something?' Sena thought, apparently he didn't sense the tension, like always. "Oh, I'm not that small, and just because I do not know something, does not mean I cannot learn. In fact, I like learning new things"

"Oh…" Clifford asked.

"…" 'Damn it chibi, stop talking, you fuckin' sound like you're flirting with him!' Hiruma mentally shouted.

"But knowing everything…hm, that would give most people headaches" Sena grabbed his own head and tilted it back and forth slowly.

Some people chuckled, while others agreed. Yamato especially, looked like he was proud of Sena.

"If there is something I need to know, I'll learn if, if I don't need to, then I don't have to. What's that saying… enjoy the simpler things in life, correct?" Sena pondered, then nodded and then looked at the five and smiled earnestly.

"…" Clifford stared at Sena for a moment. Then concluded 'she' genuinely thought this way and then smirked, while nodding his head "yes, that's correct"

"Phew, for a moment there I thought I had another saying wrong. Idioms, never got understood them in Japan, I'll doubt I'll understand them here"

"So you really are from Japan?" Yamato asks, speaking up.

"Ah, h-hai" Sena nodded.

"So, why did you come to America, to achieve your dream of becoming a star?" Yamato continued to ask.

"Um, it's not that grand, I was just hoping to meet a friend" Sena turned to Takami, and Sakuraba whom looked surprised.

"T-that's it?" Sakuraba asked, 'All she wanted to do was see Seiko? !'

"Yup… but then I got duped into signing a contract… I do have a working visa, since I knew I would need to get a job to live in New York, I'm not that dense…" Sena raised one finger.

Some people chuckled, while others felt pity.

"But… I never expected to be singing… I can't believe so much has happened in the last 3 weeks that I have been in America"

"…" 'Only three weeks…?' 'That's a lot to adapt too, and all that happened'

"Do you like it here? Would you go back home if you could?" Yamato asked, his expression saddened a bit, but he tried to keep that brilliant smile up, if only for Sena to answer him honestly.

"Well, I nearly got mugged right when I got off my plane… Almost had a heart attack from a person whom picked me up from the airport because said person likes to give extreme joy rides, forced to dress up like someone's doll on multiple occasions in clothing I fine uncomfortable" Sena smooth out his dress, "then got shot at, and now I'm here…" Sena sighed.

"Mugged? Wait wasn't there something on the news about that…" "Yeah, that pickpocket that confessed to the police that a crazy girl drop kicked him when he tried to mug her… Ms. Twenty-one…?" some people muttered.

"Heart attack after heart attack…" "Forced to dress up like that, well she does seem like the type of girl who would wear something less revealing…" "Shot at…I would have quit at the mugging…" more people began to murmur.

"Like I said" Sena continued, everyone quieted down to listen to the timid 'girl'. "I just wanted to see a friend, and I have, already. I would have love to go home … but being under-contract…" Sena grimaced a bit.

"…" 'Who could do a thing to a child?' Julie thought as she hugged Kotarou's arm.

"But I'm kind of glad, that Mr. Hiruma is the demon he is" Sena smiled.

"…" 'Hiruma…' everyone turned to the demon.

"Because of him, I got to meet everyone here, it's been fun, and I'm not dead…yet. And hopefully not anytime soon" Sena nodded smiling.

The crowd laughed, and some sighed a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad that Hiruma did what he did too… I got to meet a very interesting lady" Yamato stated as he walked up to the stage.

"Ah, about-" Sena was going to deny being a lady, but Hiruma's hand cut him off when it clasped over his mouth.

"You talk way too much, alright let the games begin!"

"MM, pft eh mm oh, et" Sena pointed to Clifford.

"What?" Hiruma asked, taking his hand off.

"Pah, haha, I said but they didn't go yet, The Pentagram Corporation" Sena stated then rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand/ glove.

"We didn't acquire our chips yet" the tall tan man stated with his arms crossed.

"Yes, I'll spin, and we'll definitely get 21 chips" the brunette man with the square chin smiled, his teeth sparkled.

'Reminds me of Taki-san…' Sena blinked.

"No Bud. Let Ms. Twenty-one spin for us, we'll get 21 like everyone else" the man with the headband stated as he pointed to Sena.

Sena just blushed and look away when Hiruma turned to glare at him.

"What did Panther just say?" Hiruma asked, or rather, hissed.

"Panther? Oh, he's panther… Ano… to let me spin, and I'll get them 21 chips… something like that…" Sena kind of went quiet at the end of his sentence as he scooted away from the seething blonde.

Clifford turned to Panther, and Panther explained that everyone got Ms. 21 to spin and 'she' got everyone 21 chips…

"Is there some sort of mechanism, or a button she pushes?" the tall Native American asked Panther.

"No, Tatanka, I saw her, she just spins it! And bam! It lands on 21… she's lucky! Right Hiruma!"Panther turned to Hiruma.

"…" Hiruma didn't answer.

Everyone turned to the blushing brunette, whom coughed and muttered out a "I'm not allowed to go to casinos…*muters* bankruptcy…"

"…" 'Note to self, don't gamble against Ms. 21'

"Oh really, let's see you win a game of poker with me" Clifford challenge.

Sena turned to Hiruma, and Hiruma just scoffed,

"Fine, but you're playing while everyone else is playing 21" that meant Clifford was out of the race to sing with Ms. 21…

'If Clifford isn't playing… then I have a chance…' most men in the audience thought as they broke up and started for the game tables.

10 minutes into the games, BOOM! BOING! CRACK! * insert screams after each sound effect*

"… What was that last noise?" Sena asked Clifford as they continued their poker game.

CRASH! Sena flinched.

"Ignore it" Clifford ordered, and Sena nodded slowly as he focused back on the game. To make things more interesting they decided to wager chips… cash chips. So far they anted up $30,000.

Now the question is: where did Sena get the money?

Answer: Hiruma.

"Man, I would have folded by now… but they're still going at it…" Panther swallowed as he pulled his collar and loosen his tie. (When Clifford dropped out, the rest of this companions did too… they didn't really care for the competition anyways.)

Now the stakes were at three quarters of a million, people who lost all their chips in the 21 games are coming over to watch.

"Is her hand that good?"

"21-dear, are you sure you should be betting more?" Julie asked as she walked beside Sena.

"I have a very good hand, I'm confident, no need to worry"

"B-but the pot is 1.2 million now" Julie looked wearily.

"… how much is that?" Sena asked.

"A lot" Kotarou summed up.

"Hm, that means with a little more I can probably buy my contract off of Mr. H and go home…"

"You forget, this is my money you're playing with. If you win, it's all mine anyways; if you lose, you'll owe me…" Hiruma came up behind Sena, placing both hands down his shoulder and whispered into his ear, making Sena shiver.

Hiruma took one look at Sena's hand, and stood up to walk away.

"…It was bad huh?" "The look on Hiruma's face was a pissed off one…" "The poor girl shouldn't have played with a gambling god…"

"Hm… well I'm out of chips…" Sena thought as Clifford smirked. Sena looked up and said "I call your bluff"

Clifford revealed his hand. Four of a kind, queens.

Sena revealed his hand. Straight flush, hearts. Sena smiled brilliantly. "I won"

(O.O) Everyone was silent, as their mouths hung open. Clifford stared at Sena's hand, then up at the smiling boy.

"Hpmh" he smirked, "You really do win all the time, don't you?"

"Ahaha… I don't know why, I just do…" Sena laughed wearily.

"Hm… let's play again sometime" Clifford got, from his seat and smirked down at Sena.

Sena just blinked as he digested the information, "A-Ah, okay, but maybe not for money… I feel kind of bad… taking this…" Sena looked down at the pot.

"Oh you won't take it?" Clifford asked.

Sena divided the pot back into two piles and handed Clifford's half to him. "Let's play goldfish next time" Sena smiled brightly, which stupefied Clifford and his friends for a moment (except for the President's son who was grinning the whole time).

"Then it's a date"

"U-uh, okay…?" Sena stated/ asked 'Aren't dates usually between a man and woman… wait, outings with friends are also dates… right?' Sena pondered for a bit. Clifford found Sena's pondering face/ pouting face, quirky, which was a good thing.

'Really interesting…'

"Wait, if Ms. 21 had a great hand like that, then why did Hiruma look so sour?" Kotaro asked as everyone cleared that corner of the ballroom.

"Oh, I think he said something about me owing him if I lost… but I won…"

"…" 'Pervert!' Kotaro and Julie thought, as Akaba just Fuu'ed darkly.

"Wait! Sena, even though you won, you gave half back! That means!"

"Kekeke, that means you owe me 1.5 million dollars fuckin' midget!" Hiruma cackled.

"N-No!" Sena shouted as he fell to his knees.

"MS.21!" "Is she okay? !" "What happened? !"

"Hiruma happened…" Julie explained to the concern men, especially Kakei, Sakuraba, and Takami.

'I'm ruined… well at least I made some friends…' Sena looked over at the bemused and arched eyebrow Clifford. (Panther then told Clifford what Hiruma said about the debt, and he chuckled)

"You're mean…" Sena mouthed, only to have Clifford smirk.

Meanwhile, a horde of men glowered "Hiruma…"and were about to ambush the devilish blonde when the announcer came on the stage and announced.

"And we have a winner! And the person with the most chips is Takeru Yamato of the Alexander of Rome incorporate!" the announcer held up Yamato's arm, like he had just won a boxing match.

"… What happened to his hair?" Sena asked as he stared up at the stage. "In fact, what happened to everyone…?" Sena looked around, half the people looked charred, the other bruised, and some were laughing hysterically about pretty birdies… (KH: Trust me, you don't want to know...)

Yamato, who was now walking down off the stage, and up to Sena, who was helped up by Julie, had an afro and soot covering his face.

"A-are you okay Takeru-san?" Sena dusted off the soot from the front of Yamato's suit jacket.

"Ahaha, this is nothing, I won't be taken down so easily"

"I-I see… you're amazing" Sena smiled wearily.

"Oh, I would do many more amazing things, if that meant a date with you" Yamato leaned closer. Usually women would blush when a charming handsome rich man was complimenting them… but Sena's a man.

'Date… there that word is again…' "R-Really…?" Sena asked, he was getting a little uncomfortable at distance between them.

"Yes, you're more amazing than anyone I have ever met" Yamato backed off, feeling Sena's apprehension, and just smiled.

"…" this time Sena really did blush.

'Sena really is like a shy school girl, I can't come on too strong, or I'll scare her away…' Yamato thought for a moment.

"Oi, shouldn't you go fuckin' change?" Hiruma stalked up to the two brunettes with the amber and honey eyes.

"Oh, that's right, you should change into something casual, easier to move in, and I'll do the same… and maybe I'll just stay that way this time, I mean… this dress is really hard to put on by myself…" Sena pulled the tangled spaghetti straps of the golden dress to emphasize, hectic.

"Oh, why is that?"

"Well, we're going to be moving around right?" Sena stretched his arms upward.

"Hm, couldn't we just do a love song?" Yamato smiled.

"A love song?"

'That way all the moving we'll be doing is in each other's arms' "Yes, that way, we'll just have to face each other, on stage. Besides, you were in pain in that last number, weren't you? You were limping a little" Yamato got closer, unbeknownst to Sena (the dense).

"Ah, you saw that?" Sena asked, leaning in, making Yamato smile.

"Break it up, go fuckin' change, you have 10 minutes!" Hiruma pulled Sena away, 'That leering pervert! If he so touches the midget, there will be fuckin' hell to pay…'


Confessions, confusion, and firearms… The two bright eyed brunettes under one spotlight, what will happen?

KH: Alright, I don't know what love song has two people singing it… hm, I gotta do some hw! No, not that kind, I have until Aug 31st to write fics without the hindrance of… school…

If you have any suggestions on what song the two will sing, it can be loving love or hate love or breaking up love, anything, it could a duet or if you choose to vote for a song that only has one singer, I can make use of that too! Just tell me, I don't know that many songs…