Bellatrix woke to the sound of screaming. Not for the first time either. For the past week, a high pitched screaming coming from the dungeons echoed throughout the entire house. It was a terrible sound. The sound of pain, suffering, and torture. Every time she heard that sound, her heart skipped a beat and her stomach did a back flip. This screaming haunted her nightmares. And it wasn't the sound that caused her the most pain, it was the thought of the horrible things they were doing to the person making the sound.

Bellatrix couldn't bear to hear the sound for another moment. She flipped the covers off of herself, and swung her feet off the bed. She heard another scream and quickened her pace. Down the stairs, through the hall to the left, down another set of stairs, until finally she reached the dungeons and faced a thick metal door. For a moment, Bellatrix hesitated. She knew she had the authority, that was for certain, but what would the others think? She could just say that she wanted to torture their prisoner herself, but they would notice if the screaming stopped.

Her thoughts were interrupted by another terrified scream. Suddenly none of it mattered. All that mattered was that the screaming stopped. Bellatrix raised her fist and knocked three times. She waited for an answer. Moments later, the door swung open, and who did she come to face? None other than Lucius Malfoy, himself. Bellatrix's own brother-in-law.

Lucius stepped out of the shadows into the orange light of the magically enchanted torches, closing the door behind him.

"Good evening, Lucius," she greeted him, in her usual slithery tone. The same voice she used when speaking to any of the dark Lord's followers.

"Good evening, Bellatrix. Although, it is almost good morning by the looks of things. My, how time flies when one is having fun, wouldn't you say?" he grinned, menacingly.

"Indeed, Lucius. However, don't you think a break is in order? I believe it is my turn to have some time with our….guest. I haven't tortured a mudblood recently, and I feel the need arising." Bellatrix lied smoothly.

"Yes, of course. Now that you mention it, I am feeling quite tired. I think I shall retire to bed, good night."

Bellatrix watched him strut up the stairs with an extreme air of importance. She hated that about him. Once she saw the last glimpse of his cloak before he disappeared into the darkness of Malfoy Manor, she quickly opened the door and swooped inside, slamming it behind her. Her eyes were used to the darkness by now and the faint orange light shone throughout the room. The dungeon was always completely empty save for the one prisoner it held at a time, who could always be counted upon to be cowering in the back corner.

This time was different, however. It held a young woman of about 18 with long, bushy hair tied back in a messy plait, deep brown eyes, and rather large front teeth. She was incredibly beautiful, however, and even as she stood in the middle of a dank, dirty, blood-stained dungeon, she held a determined and dignified expression. Bellatrix stared at her, longingly. She looked up and down this girl, noticing every bruise, scrape, cut, and spot of blood as though it were a badge of honour. Horrible little reminders of the bravery and refusal to give up that had caused them.

Hermione Granger watched Bellatrix's examination of her. She seemed as though she were trying to heal all of Hermione's injuries with her eyes. She felt completely vulnerable, and it was unnerving to see this woman holding an expression of such…caring. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes. Bellatrix's were watery. Seeing this startled Hermione, and she broke the eye contact, quickly finding a spot on the floor to gaze upon. Why was she acting like this? Bellatrix Lestrange was supposed to be this ferocious killing machine who's only thought was to please the dark lord. And yet, here in front of her, stood a woman filled with compassion.

Hermione sensed her approach. It was slow, almost painfully slow, filled with uncertainty. She dare not look up, for fear that Bellatrix would suddenly snap back into her old self again, and begin to torture the living daylights out of her. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her face. A gentle, soothing hand that seemed to wipe all of her cares away. The fingers brought her face up, so she was looking directly into the eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange. And yet, it wasn't Bellatrix at all. Her face was not contorted with rage, or hatred. It was simply, calm, beautiful, and sad. Hermione stared into her dark eyes and found, not hate, but instead….love?

Hermione's entire body melted at the sight of her. All thoughts of long days of torture, of suffering and anguish, simply melted away.

"You are so beautiful," said Bellatrix, breaking the silence with her soft voice on the very edge of tears. Bellatrix delicately leaned in towards her, and Hermione didn't resist. She felt as though she were under a spell. If she were, she never wanted to break it. Never resist it. Their lips met and Hermione's eyes closed. It was so nice, feeling close to her. Their lips moved against each other, warm and soft. Hermione felt their lips open and their tongues intertwine. She wanted this moment to last forever, but it was interrupted all too quickly by Bellatrix. She moved away, and instantly Hermione felt the loss. The lack of their connection was almost painful, but she moved away too.

"I will never let them hurt you again."

Bellatrix drew her into an embrace, as Hermione sobbed, allowing the pain of the last week to flow through her.

"Never?" she asked, through tears.

Bellatrix drew her face up and kissed her gently, "Never."