Hey everyone! So, I apologize for taking so long to update. My life has been crazy busy for a while, and still is, but I wanted to give you guys a little bit of relief from waiting so long. I know this is short, but I didn't want you all to think I wasn't writing any more. I'm trying! And I still love you all! I hope you enjoy!

BTW, reviews are loved! =D

Bellatrix blinked back tears as she remembered her promise to Hermione. The night had passed swiftly and despite all her efforts, she could not think of a single, plausible idea that would allow them both to escape unharmed. She sat on the floor in her room, in Malfoy Manor. It was cold, but she preferred it to the bed. It reminded her of where Hermione was right now...c'mon Bella,THINK!

She held her face in her hands, and let herself sink into deeper frustration. She forced her mind to run through all of her futile escape plans. Her mind was blurred with thoughts of polyjuice potion, floo powder, enchantments, and curses. There wasn't only the issue of breaking Hermione out of her cell, there was also the challenge of escaping without being followed, and then finding a place where they could hide safely. Their only chance was to escape before the Dark Lord returned, and he was expected to within the next week. Even then, it was a long shot.

Bellatrix stood, and faced the window. Outside, there were a few streetlights that provided a faint orange light against the fog that had begun to creep in. There were no signs of sunlight against the horizon, only the stars and moon shone. It wouldn't be long though, and then there would be daylight. Fuck, she thought. She needed to think of something to at least bide Hermione some time before…Bellatrix cringed at the thought of what was to come.

How could she keep her promise? She made an oath out of love for Hermione that she would never let those bastards touch her again. And she was about to fail. If only there were some way….Suddenly, Bellatrix smiled. Of course! She almost laughed to herself as she swung the door open to her bedroom and practically flew down the stairs from excitement.

She was surprised she hadn't thought of it before. I mean, Bellatrix was well known for only two things; Her complete and utter devotion to the Dark Lord, and her temporary lapses in sanity. This was one of those moments where she was quite sure she would live up to the latter.

Hermione sat in the center of the dungeon floor, twiddling with a thin, silver band on her wrist that Bellatrix had given to her before she left. It looked as though it was braided out of unicorn hair, only it felt stronger. Bellatrix said that it would grow warm on her skin when enemies were near. Interesting, and an extremely lovely gesture, but completely useless given her current circumstances.

Hermione stood, deciding that her legs were too numb for any sort of comfort, and began to pace back and forth. The corners of her mouth twitched up in a half-smile as she recalled Bellatrix's strange way of loving her. If she had known only a year ago that she would fall for Bellatrix Lestrange, she would have told someone to strangle her, right then and there. But this Bellatrix. Her Bella, was so absurdly different than she ever could have imagined. It helped her confusion if she simply thought of them as two different people. Who knows, maybe they are two different people. Two different Bella's.

This thought comforted her and allowed her relief from her guilt. The only thing worse than falling in love with someone who is supposed to be your enemy, would be if Ron or Harry found out about it. Just then, the door to her cell was thrown open, and in burst three figures. Suddenly, Hermione felt her heart stop.

"Ron!" she ran forward, and caught him as he was thrust into the dungeon by two death eaters she didn't recognize. She heard them slam the door close and listened as their footsteps faded. Fear had begun to race through her. Hermione couldn't even see him properly through her tears.

"Oh, Ron! I'm so sorry! Now they've got you too! Where is Harry?" She wiped her eyes and looked into his face. "Ah!" She screamed and jumped away. Ron had the biggest, scariest grin on his face she had ever seen. Suddenly he laughed. A high-pitched cackle. Hermione stood there, dumbfounded. Ron stopped laughing and just looked at her.

"It's ok, everything is going to be just fine. I can't believe it worked!" he said. But….it wasn't his voice. It was a woman's voice. Then, a light bulb in Hermione's head flicked on.

"….Bella?" He, or rather, she nodded her head in an unmistakable yes.
