
Summary: The young Auran Leafpool finds an injured Kisshu and takes him to her house. Can she teach him how to love again?

I won't bore you with the details. But here is a new story. Set just after episode 45.

Disclaimer: Although I own a lot of things, I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew. If I did, that'd be cool! But I would probabley screw it up. On with the story!

The wind was icy cold, but Kisshu didn't care. He no longer cared for anything as he could no longer feel anything. She had been so final in her judgement that Kisshu knew there was no way to change her mind. He couldn't turn to his brothers. They'd just say 'We told you so!' then walk away and leave him to his moping. At least it would be all over soon. Currently residing in a small cave on the outskirts of Tokyo, he summoned one of his dragon swords and held it to his neck. Without Ichigo, he had decided there was no reason to live anymore. A few tears spilled over his cheeks as he applied pressure and cut his neck. Allowing the blood to spill over his body, he soon let the darkness take him in its cold arms. But he never noticed the slim figure watching him, just a little bit away.

Leaf had never seen someone so desperate to end their life. Never. She didn't know what compelled her but as he fell after previously being crouched up against the cave wall, she rushed to grab him before he hit the ground. Turning him over in her lap to inspect the wound, she found it needed to be bandaged fast if he was going to live. Reaching into one of her belt pockets, she pulled out a roll of cloth and wrapped it around his neck to prevent more bleeding. She would have to get him to her home. She could give him better treatment there. A quick shiver from the boy reminded her that she didn't have much time. She quickly gathered him up in her arms and teleported home; she wasn't going to risk his wound bleeding more. Ending up in the infirmary, she laid him onto the bed and examined him more carefully. No longer in cramped conditions, that cave was tiny, and with brighter light, she could see the full extent of his injuries; and they weren't pretty.

The bare skin on his arms, legs and face were dotted with bruises, cuts and dried mud. He was also almost frozen solid. Grabbing and wetting some rags to try and wash the dirt off, she only managed to place the corner onto his cheek before he let out a small, pain-filled cry and turned away from her. His voice was raspy and had an edge of something other than pain, but there was not enough of it for her to tell what it was. Crooning to him, she stroked his hair with one hand and turned him back to her with the other. She put the rag back onto his face while still stroking his hair. This time he flinched, but didn't pull away. Leaf took this as a good sign. She gently washed off all the mud; always making sure her other hand was either on his head or on his cheek. She was bandaging the last one when he cried out again, this time the pain was being replaced by the other tone and it was,

Fear? He's afraid? She thought, concerned.

He cried out again and she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, pulling herself to him. Once his whimpers had died down, she got a warm, and very fluffy, blanket and wrapped it around him. He grabbed tight fistfuls of it and she petted his head gently.

"I'm going to have a shower, you stay here okay?"

He snuggled deeper into the blanket. She took that as a yes and left him to his rest.

Coming out of her bathroom wearing emerald green boots, hair elastic and belt with belt pockets and earth brown shorts and shirt she stopped in surprise as she passed the doorway between her bathroom and bedroom. There, standing beside her bed, was her best friend, Raindrop. He was the same age as her, thirteen. He had dark blue hair, shorts, shirt and boots, orange eyes, large, pointed, triangular, furry, dark blue ears and a bushy, dark blue tail that was curling at the end. All Aurans had the ears and tail. Leaf's own were tan colored with green tips on both ears and the tail.

"Hey, Leaf."

"Rain," she called, over-joyed. She and Rain had been friends for many years. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you. Everyone back home is worried about you." Leaf looked away guiltily. She had gone off their home planet to Earth. Many other Aurans did that but the difference between them and her was that they had told others where they were going first.

"I'm just fine. Please tell the others so."

"I will. Has Silver noticed you're missing?" Rain asked, mentioning Leaf's former mentor. Aurans were apprenticed when they were six and finished their training at twelve. Their mentors would always be close to them, even though they weren't related. Sometimes the bond between mentor and apprentice was so strong that they later chose each other as mates.

"I hope not!" Leaf replied, twiddling her thumbs.

"You're underestimating me, youngster." A cool, female voice sounded in their minds. Leaf recognised it instantly. She gasped. It was Silverfang.

"Meet me in the infirmary please, Leaf." Her voice rang again in their minds. Leaf sighed as the mind communication line cut off.

"I better go see her. Later, Rain."

"No problem. Don't worry. Silver was probabley only worried about you. I better go. I'll see you soon?"

"Soon." She promised. "Goodbye." And with that, Rain disappeared. Leaf walked off to the infirmary. As she opened the door, there stood a very anxious looking woman with silver hair, clothes and animal parts. She also had soft, amber eyes.

"Leaf. We were all worried about you. You can't just run off like that."

Leaf hung her head guiltily. "Sorry, Silver. But I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to leave."

"I know. You were always like that, child. Why did you save him?"

Leaf made eye-contact with her mentor. "You're confusing me, miss. Am I still getting yelled at?"

"I don't yell, child. I am referring to the boy." She nodded her head towards the bed where the boy slept soundly, unaware of anything happening around him.

"I couldn't let him die, miss."

"But he wanted to, did he not?" Leaf wasn't about to question how she knew that. Silver knew so much, Leaf had long given up trying to work out how.

'Yes, but I think he would regret it later. I want to find him something to live for."

"Very well. He's your charge."

Leaf was shocked that she was getting entrusted with his care. She would've been sure someone more experienced would be chosen to. So shocked she couldn't help blurt out,

"But I only stopped being an apprentice six moons ago. Shouldn't someone else look after him?"

Silver turned to her.

"Your heart led you to him, did it not?"


"You're the one who saved him."


Silver smiled. "Then you are the one to help him. You are not only a gifted fighter but also a gifted healer, both physical and emotional pain. If anyone is able to help him, it's you."


"Anytime, child. Anytime." With that, Silver teleported off, leaving Leaf and her charge.

That turned out better than I thought it would. A bit angsty in the beginning but lightens up further along. More stories and chapters along the way.

Nightstalker of shadows.