"Don't you think for a moment

That you aren't worth all of it."

-Meg and Dia "The One"

Pain, hurt, misery

are all things that you know well

(too well.)

You've watched him flip through girls

like there's no tomorrow

And it hurts you to see that

because you just want him all to yourself

(but you had that chance, once upon a time.)


You've watched him be hurt

(one too many times.)

none of those girls deserve him

because he's justtrulyfuckingbrilliant

and they're just monsters.

They made his life a living hell

but how could you claim to be any better?

when you played with his head(&heart)

not once

not even twice

but three damn times?

You're just as bad as they are

(if not worse.)

But you have something those monsters don't

you have a piece of his heart.


You've cherished that prize of yours.

You've polished it, dusted it, taken care of it

because it means to you.

You went through so many miserable, restless nights

to earn it.

But those nights were nothing compared to

what you had to give in return.

Your unblemished, perfect, neverbeentouched heart

in trade

for just a piece of his heart

(his broken&bruised&battered one.)


For a while now, you've been wondering

when does enough become enough?

when is it time for you to give up?

when should you go?

You're not getting anywhere

(and you doubt you ever will)

because of everything you two have gone through

(everything you've done.)

So when is it time to give him back

what is(was) rightfully yours?

Merlin only knows when that time is

but, when it comes, you know

for sure

that you don't want your heart back

(because now it's useless.)

The lyrics above belong to Meg and Dia's song "The One." I love that song and so should you!


This was done for Mystii's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry for it being late!


Fangz mew for betaing! Some Scred&Scorlor ice cream sounds truly amazing!