A.N.: And here comes the next chapter. Thank you all for the enormous patience in waiting for this story to update. I admit that I had a major writer´s block along with a lack of enthusiasm in continuing this story. I also admit that recently another cartoon caught my attention, which the creator is Lauren Faust, animator of the amazing cartoon Powerpuff Girls and Foster´s Home for Imaginary Friends (not my favorite, but still it was funny to watch).

And the previous chapter was an APRIL FOOLS DAY! I know, it was sneaky on me putting a false chapter of the story, but hey, this one was almost finished and it was April 1st, so why not? But seriously, it means nothing to the story, well, almost. I can tell you that it will not be a part of any chapter, much less the song, but in a way that fake scene is a reflection of the direction that I plan for Martin. It will take time to reach that part, but will happen, songless.

About the song, it was based on Dr. Horrible mini-series "Brand New Day" song. I thought that it fitted Martin in a way. But like I said, it was all a prank, nothing more, and to compensate and not torment my fair readers any longer, here is the true chapter. The fake one will be out before I put this one.

So, I don´t own WITCH cartoon or comic, just this story and OC(s).

First day, first friend and judgment day to finish it

Part 3

Lunch was a tense situation for the girls and Matt. They look once in a while to where Alchemy stood as if expecting an attack. But she only ate her meal in the most perfect calm and peaceful way. It was like she wasn´t threatened by the girls presence.

"Gah, I can´t take this anymore. What is stopping me from blast that turncoat to Kandrakar?" said Irma in frustration.

"Maybe the fact that if we do that now we expose our identities?" said Hay Lin.

"Precisely my granddaughter."

All of them turn in surprise to see Yan Lin who had left the kitchen and joined them.

"Which is why I advise you to not engage her alone. And stay extra vigilant around her. If what you said about her is true then she may be waiting for a better occasion to force you to reveal yourselves." said Yan Lin.

"Or worse." added Will.

"It was like when we had to deal with Stacey and her group." said Taranee.

"Not to mention Shagon." added Matt in a grim way. He doesn´t like to remember that part of his live, but the situation reminds him of that time. A mocking enemy always present in their school as if provoking them to attack.

"True, but unlike them I think that she is capable of revealing everything. Even if she has to reveal herself and the other Fallen. Nerissa would never take such drastic actions." said Yan Lin as she looks at Alchemy.

"You think so?" asked Taranee in curiosity.

"Yes I do. In fact what is happening in Meridian is more than an example of their commitment." said Yan Lin.

At the word Meridian the girls remember their friends there. Elyon and the others were still imprisoned and waiting for a trial that was going to happen today, not to mention that they still hadn´t news of Caleb and Cornelia.

"We have to do something. We can´t let that trial happen or Elyon is a goner." said Irma.

"Do not forget that Phobos has the right to do this trial, at least according to the Meridian law. And Kandrakar cannot interfere in the direct affairs of a world." said Yan Lin.

"So are we supposed to do nothing and watch again?" protested Will clearly starting to get annoyed.

"No, you will go to Meridian this afternoon. You will encounter Cornelia and Caleb and device a way to help Elyon and the Rebels." said Yan Lin.

"But aren´t we supposed to be out of this? Not that we weren´t doing what you said." said Will.

"The Oracle told me that you will have your opportunity to help them at the trial." said Yan Lin.

"Did he have a vision?" asked Taranee.

"He said he didn´t have one, but he is certain that you will be able to help Elyon and Meridian. Also, he said that the shapeshifter will play an important role in helping you." said Yan Lin.

"WHAT?" said all the girls and Matt very much surprised.

"I understand your skepticism, but it´s the true. To be truthful, it seemed that most of the Council didn´t take that claim very well either, especially Luba." said Yan Lin, thinking of the Guardian of the Aurameres. Trying to destroy the Aurameres is a very grave crime, and Luba knows how to hold a grudge like most Basilídians.

"But is he crazy? She is one of them. I bet that she already sold Caleb and Cornelia to Phobos." said Irma indignantly.

"No, she is still at the Passling Mom´s hut with them. I saw that not even an hour ago." said Yan Lin.

"But still, why trust her?" asked Taranee.

"I don´t know the reason, but for now trust the Oracle. He always worked in mysterious ways, but all had their meaning in the end. Also he sent someone to help you this time." said Yan Lin while she thought that this time someone or something may be behind the Oracle even stranger behavior.

"Who?" asked Will.

"You will see who, but for now just do as the Oracle says." said Yan Lin.

"But don´t we still have classes today?" asked Hay Lin.

Yan Lin smiled and snapped her fingers. In an instant various air currents come with such strength that closes all windows in school. But not only that, all doors of classrooms, offices, even bathrooms shut simultaneously. And no one could open them.

The only doors open were of the cafeteria and entrance. Many teachers tried to open the classroom doors but to no avail. After she tried for the 11th time to open the door of her office, Principal Knickerbocker sighed and went to cafeteria to which all students, teachers and other staff members went.

"Attention everyone. In light to what happened we will cancel all classes today. I and a few members of the staff will stay here to try and open the doors without breaking them. So you can all leave after lunch." said the principal.

Every student cheered at the unexpected earlier leave and some teachers also felt the same way. A nice quiet afternoon for a change.

"OHHHH! Did you do this grandma?" asked Hay Lin completely amazed, not to mention the others felt like that too.

"What do you think? She closed almost all doors and windows in all freaking school." shouted and excited Irma.

"This old girl still has a few spells under her sleeve. Unfortunately this takes a toll in my energy." said Yan Lin as she sits to rest a little.

"Are you okay grandma?" asked Hay Lin concerned.

"I am fine Hay Lin. I just need some time to rest that´s all." assured Yan Lin.

"We will help you to the restaurant Ms. Lin. After that we fold to Meridian." said Will.

"And I will go to my house and Cornelia apartment to take Mr. Huggles and Napoleon and fold us to Zamballa." said Matt.

"Good decision young Regent. Zamballa cannot stay unprotected in case this situation is nothing more than a ruse to get the Heart of that world." said Yan Lin.

"Hey, where is Alchemy?" asked Hay Lin.

All of them turned to Alchemy table. She was not there anymore.

Martin leaves Sheffield in a dazing state of mind. So many things are happening these days. First his erratic behavior not to mention his new found nasty temper. It seems that many things can set him off, particularly when he is close to the girls. He wonders why.

But what he wonders most about is the dream of a spider creature of some sort that he saw in a strange dungeon. The creature was actually very familiar to him, he had saw it on Halloween along with the other costumed guys disguised as a snake beast. But in his dream they were real and he released them, along with a prince and several monsters after taking care of a blue ogre and the other monstrous guards.

But what surprised him the most was when the spider turned into a small black haired girl with freckles on her face. For some reason he didn´t feel surprised, in fact he felt... attracted to her for some reason. He could even see his hand covered by a black gantlet touch her face gently.

Martin shocks his head from those thoughts. It was dream, nothing more. His crush is Irma, not some unknown girl from his dreams. Yes, that´s it.



Martin turned to a dark alley from which emerged a figured as tall as him, covered in a brown robe. He couldn´t see the face because of the hood but it seemed that something was glowing on the center of the figure forehead.

"Can I help you brother?" asked Martin assuming that this figure was a monk, albeit a creepy one.

"Actually you can, Martin." said Alchemy as she looks at the surprised Martin, smiling maliciously.

It was an interesting situation, at lack of better word. Interesting and most of all tense. Miranda never imagined that one day she would be sharing a meal with two of her most bitter enemies: Caleb and Cornelia. Fate truly has a strange sense of humor.

She still continues to eat silently as she watches the other two occupants of the small table. Caleb was obviously staring at her, always vigilant as if expecting her to attack. Not surprising, he is always so distrusting of others, especially ones he perceives as enemies. Not that she is that much different. She even distrusted her past allies, after all in Phobos reign only the treacherous and most ambitious ones lived and prospered.

Miranda looks at the other person sited at the table, Cornelia. To her amusement the Earth Guardian was more focused on the green slob in her bowl that vaguely reminded her of a soup. She obviously was hesitant and disgusted to have to eat this food.

"What are two waiting? Come on, eat it. Believe me you need all your strength if you want to save Elyon and the others." said Miranda.

Cornelia was about to eat a spoon, although in very slowly, when Caleb stopped her hand, as if not letting her to eat it.

"Don´t." said Caleb in a harsh and suspicious voice.

Miranda noticed what he was thinking and in a sigh she eats a spoon of each bowl, much to the surprise of the owners.

"Now that you know that it is not poisoned, you may eat it. It is disgusting, but harmless. Although it tastes much better than the food served in the Infinite city´s dungeon." said Miranda in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Which is more than what you deserve." said Caleb in a low yet audible voice.

"Caleb." whispered Cornelia as if reprimanding him.

"That´s all right Guardian. He may be right in his assumptions. Probably I deserve even less." said Miranda in a calm tone that seemed sincere, honest.

Cornelia looks at the shapeshifter curiously. She really seems different than before. The mocked way she looked at others, the predatory glint in her eyes and the malice in her face seemed gone. She looked and sounded much more genuine now. Not the façade of innocent and harmless little girl normally associated with her. She seemed a different person now, or perhaps better yet, changed.

She doesn´t know that if she was truly being sincere or if it is a clever plot. For all she know this may be some sort of plan from her and Cedric in taking both Phobos and the Guardians down. Or her objective is another one. But even in the worst scenario, this may be their chance in helping Elyon.

At least it may be worth to listening her.

Both Cornelia and Caleb ate the soup in silence. She looks at Caleb with worry in her face. They way he is scowling she wonders if it is the bad soup or the current situation. She wonders at how much resentment he seems to harbor in his heart. Only one time she remembered seeing him like this, when he discovered that Nerissa was his mother. And for a few days he remained moody and silently angry until he returned to his normal disposition.

As both finish the soup, Miranda says:

"Now that you have eaten, we can finally discuss things. First let us start with the rescue of Elyon and the others."

"You will start by telling us how to enter the castle unnoticed. Secret doors, tunnels, all the ways that lead to the dungeons." said Caleb in a rough and demanding tone.

Miranda frowns at him and says:


"Talk or I will…" yelled Caleb now preparing to take his sword.

"It wouldn´t do any good if I gave you that information." said Miranda still calm and serene. She even didn´t react to Caleb action.

Her statement seemed to stop Caleb, although he still looks ready to take action again. Cornelia takes her turn to ask before this escalade in a fight.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Cornelia.

"There is roughly two hundred Fallen guarding all the tunnels and secret doors all around the palace. It is impossible to enter without being spotted by one of them." answered Miranda.

"That doesn´t make a difference. With the Guardians we can…" started Caleb but this time it was Cornelia who interrupted him saying:

"…be overwhelmed. She is right, we can´t beat all of them. We barely handled 5 of them. Even if the others are weaker they are still too numerous, and you know it."

Cornelia´s tone seemed to appeal to his senses, and as much he hated to admit, both were right. With that much vigilance it would be suicide to even set a foot in the castle. Not to mention the Guards and Lurdens that would reinforce the ranks of the Fallen.

"I don´t understand is why so many to guard the prisoners. When Phobos captured the Rebels he didn´t put that many to watch over them." wondered Cornelia.

"And as you recall, you were able to free them, with the help of that Guard, Tynar, right? They will not do the same mistake that we did. Not when they are close." said Miranda.

"Close to what?" asked Cornelia.

"To punish the ones they blame. To get their revenge on the cause of their torment, or more precisely, the ones responsible for their fate." answered Miranda in a grim tone.


"CALM DOWN CALEB. YOU ARE NOT HELPING." yelled Cornelia in a pleading tone as she tries to calm down her furious boyfriend.

Miranda stays silent at his outburst, frowning hard this time.

"So you already know who they are. That is not surprising. But you are wrong in thinking that you don´t have your share of the blame." said Miranda in a harsh tone.

"WHAT?" asked Caleb in fury.


"The one who throws the first blow is not the only one who fights the whole war. Besides, as I recall, technically speaking Phobos was acclaimed by the majority of the Meridianites after Queen Wiera and the rest of the Royal family disappeared, right?" said Miranda.

"They disappeared because of him. Your master and your snake boyfriend had something to do with that. I am almost certain that they killed them except for Elyon." snarled Caleb.

"No, Phobos didn´t kill his mother. She was sent to the Abyss of Shadows. As for Elyon father, well… he is dead. That much is true." said Miranda.

"How do you know that? Were you…" Cornelia couldn´t finish her sentence. Her mind had already a very grim image of what could have happen at the time when Phobos rise to the throne forced Galgheita, Miriadel and Alborn escaped with an infant Elyon to Earth.

"What, there? No I wasn´t. I was only three months old at that time." said Miranda.

"That still doesn´t excuse you of your actions against Meridian. You and the others harmed countless innocents and you have the audacity to say that we are also responsible?" asked Caleb in a disgusted tone complemented by a small dose of incredulity.

"You are right in there. I attacked viciously others, cheated and tricked several innocents, submitted them to who knows what. And I did it willingly for the most part. At the beginning it was not that easy but over time I didn´t care anymore. I simply didn´t care." said Miranda in a tone that seemed to defy Caleb and yet Cornelia could almost see the first signs of guilt and remorse.

"But do you know why the Fallen are also targeting you? Because it was the Rebels that stroke first. Sure, Phobos made life almost impossible on Meridian, but who was the ones who stroke against him and his tax collectors? You invoked Phobos wrath and guess who were the first ones to suffer." said Miranda now eyeing critically Caleb.

"We didn´t have a choice. He took almost everything from us. You and the others were oppressing our people." said Caleb defiantly as he glares at the shapeshifter.

"But the true oppression only started after you emerge, correct? Every time you acted, who do you think that we punished? You and your families since you seemed so well hidden? No, it was the peasants that suffered the most. How many I saw being sent to the Underwater mines, or Cavigor, or even to the Abyss itself. And you think that they just cursed Phobos name?" said Miranda.

"IT WAS YOU! ALL OF YOU! YOU WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT! AND WE BEAT YOU!" yelled Caleb now showing signs of frustration and blind rage.

"And that solve anything? We just reemerged, over and over again. And in every single occasion it was not the Rebels or the Queen guard of honor that brought us down, right? Admit it, without Elyon and the Guardians you are nothing." said Miranda also glaring daggers at Caleb.

In a cry of rage Caleb unsheathes his sword, pointing at Miranda. His face was contorted in such a scowl that he seemed ready to kill her. Cornelia watches this in shock. Now she has never seen him with that much rage, that much anger. His murderous look frightened her to the core.

And surprisingly Miranda didn´t seem surprised or in fear. Just standing defiantly at Caleb.

"The moment you draw that sword is the moment that you lost this debate. In fury you couldn´t stand up someone dishing at what you built and lashed at it in anger." said Miranda in a serious tone.

Caleb at first just is wondering why she has not fighting. If she doesn´t react he will pierce her with this sword. He will kill her.

And in that moment something came up in his mind. He wanted to kill her. So much that he almost didn´t care that she was not defending herself. Sure she dissed and insulted the memory of his and his friends cause, but still she didn´t attack him on a physical level. And he had sworn to never attack someone without being attacked first. The Rebels are champions of justice, not warmongers.

And yet his lust for her blood was real. As real as Cedric own lust for conquest and power, or Phobos, or…

…his mother.

With a shocked face Caleb let the sword drop on the ground, visibly shaken by that thought. He looks in shock at the fear still present in Cornelia eyes. For a moment she feared him. Feared him.

"I…I need to get some air." said Caleb now visibly disturbed as he goes to exit the hut.

Cornelia recovers from her own shock and was preparing to join Caleb in an attempt to comfort him when Mama took her arm as if stopping her.

"Mama thinks that is best for long haired girl to let boy alone for a while. He is still shaken by previous outburst. Later you can go talk to him." said Mama as she returns to the kitchen.

Cornelia looks at Miranda who just sat serenely at the table, just looking outside. Oh now she was going to get it. Cornelia was so angry and furious that it´s her time now to give her a piece of her own mind.

"What the hell was that for? Do you save him just to insult and blame him like that? Just to put the blame on him for something that is your fault, along with Cedric and Phobos?" said Cornelia outraged.

Miranda just looks at her and says:

"This is not a question of me blaming him or him and the others blaming me. The real problem is the game of blame." said Miranda.

"The game of blame?" asked Cornelia.

"Yes, and that is what the Fallen will do. What I said is merciful compared to what they will say against Elyon and the Rebels at that trial, believe me. Their objective is more to than just strike the body, they want to strike here." said Miranda as she pointed at her chest, more precisely her heart.

"Exactly where it hurts the most."

Caleb exits the hut slowly, his mind racing from thoughts and doubts. Was it all a lie? All they accomplished just an illusion that even he fell into?

No, that can´t be true. They restored peace and prosperity to their world by making Elyon ascend her throne. They saved all of their people, all of their world.

"No, not all of us." thought Caleb, as he recall the several times that Phobos and his men still threatened their land. Even when they were imprisoned it wouldn´t stay that way for long. His mother and now the Fallen proved that.

He wondered if the aftermath of Phobos fall was dealt as it should have been. When they imprisoned them, with no trial or judgment for obvious guilt in their part, he actually considered that they were doing them a great mercy, a kind act that they didn´t even deserve.

"But was that the only reason? Or we made them our trophies, not prisoners?" wondered Caleb, as he remembers the sense of pride and almost need to gloat at seeing Phobos and Cedric behind bars. It felt so good, so twistedly good humiliating them like that. Or when he hunted down the Tracker. And more and more events that he starts to see in a new light.

And truthfully speaking, most of his anger from before wasn´t all directed to Miranda, she was just a reminder of the recent triumph of their hated enemies. His anger comes more of the fact that they have lost, not just because of Phobos return to power.

Ironic, the bitter defeat that he dreamt for Phobos was also handed to him just recently.

Was she telling the truth? In the end there is no true right side on a war, even if your case is more holy than of the other? In the end both seem to share a part of the blame for causing and /or fighting in a war? Maybe she is right after all. Maybe he is nothing more than a warmonger like her or Cedric. All of his infancy was spent mostly fighting, mostly for the Rebels that his father formed when he was eight.

And then there is his issue with his mother. His father may have forgiven her deeds, but he can´t, as he can´t forgive Phobos or Cedric or Miranda.

"A monster can´t save others from monsters. Only a monster would hate his own mother."

That thought. It haunted him in his delusions. And the small emergence of guilt.

No. He didn´t make any wrong to his people. It was all Phobos and his lackeys. And now these Fallen, traitors to their own kind. They were all the same in the end.

And Caleb and the Rebels would end this long war, for good this time.

"Pass it."

"Here it comes."

The ball goes from hand to hand between the kids while they play at recess. Meanwhile, Nissa is just sitting on the ground, drawing something with a stick. While she wishes to play with them, part of her fears that they may reject her like the kids at the orphanage.

Rejection. That is something that she is very familiar with. It seems to follow her all of her life.

Lillian watched the black haired girl at the playground, playing in the sand with a stick, looking sad and miserable. She realizes that she looks in their direction from time to time, but eventually shakes her head and returns to her drawing.

"Why is she looking at us like that?" asked Chris Lair, Irma younger pesky brother and one of Lillian´s recent friends. They had known each other before mainly because of their older sisters, but they only become friends after last Halloween.

"I think that she wants to play with us." said Lillian.

"Then why doesn´t she ask us?" asked Chris.

"I think that she fears being teased by us." said Lillian still looking at the girl.

"That´s silly." said Chris. He notices Lillian distraction and decides to have some "fun" with her.

"CATCH!" yelled Chris launching the ball at Lillian.

"OUCH!" said Lillian as the ball hit her head. It was not a strong throw, it just caught her by surprise since she was not focusing on the game.

"HA HA!" laughed Chris.

"Cute, very cute Chris." grumbled Lillian as she picks the ball.

Lillian looks once again at Nissa. She didn´t know why, but she decided to talk with her.

"CATCH!" said Lillian launching the ball at Chris.

"HUFF!" said Chris surprised by the strength of Lillian throw. When he was preparing to throw back at her, he notices that she is heading to Nissa direction.

"Hey, what are you…"

"Chiuuuu!" said Lillian as she moves toward Nissa as silently as possible.

As she draws near, she could see the drawing on the sand. While no Picasso, it was reasonably well considering it was drawn on sand.

"Nice drawing." said Lillian as she is behind Nissa.

"Yeah." said Nissa.

Her eyes widen in surprise as she jumps and looks at the smiling face of Lillian.

"Hi, I´m Lillian. Want to play with me?" said Lillian.

"Humm…" Nissa tried to find the words, but her shock didn´t let her form any coherent word.

"What is this?" asked Lillian as she looks at the images.

"It…it is just an image of a story." said Nissa.

"Really, which story?" asked Lillian.

"It's a made up story. More accurately I dreamt it several times." said Nissa.

"Really? That´s so cool." said Lillian in excitement.

"You… you think?" asked Nissa uncertain.

"Yeah, why shouldn´t I?" asked Lillian now confused.

"Well, the other kids that I met always thought that it was a weird thing. They thought… that I was weird." said Nissa sadly which makes Lillian to frown.

"You shouldn´t listen to jerks like those kids. You are not weird." said Lillian.

"Really?" asked Nissa in surprise.

"Yes, really." said Lillian smiling as she extends her hand.

Nissa hesitantly extends her hand and eventually shakes Lillian hand with assurance.


"JUST A SECOND CHRIS!" yelled Lillian at Chris.

"So, Nissa right? Do you want to play with us?" asked Lillian.

"Maybe I shouldn´t UAHHH!" yelled Nissa in surprise as Lillian drags her to Chris and the others.

"Come on, it will be fun." said Lillian.

As the two children leave the sand, the wind undo the image drawn it. The drawing depicted a woman with long black hair dressed like a fairy surround by lines that intersected and assumed the shape of a jewel. At the side of it was a pendant, resembling the Heart of Kandrakar.

Continues in part 4