This is my first story.

Summary: Set during the pary but it's different than the movie.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the movie. I own nothing.

Mary saw Brie and Brit laughing along with Natalia while pointing at her. Everybody was watching the 11yr old version of Mary dancing on the television screen.

"Oh no." she whispered.

Careful to not look at Joey, who was behind her, she handed Tami the tray of crab cakes and left the house. She could hear them laughing until the door closed. When she got to her room fresh hot tears were replacing the ones that had grown cold.

She wanted to blame Natalia and her two followers for everything but it was also her fault. She knew there was no way a big star like Joey Parker would wanted her, Natalia and the twins had just helped her not forget it.

Knowing she wouldn't be able going back to the house or the party Mary changed out of her maids outfit, got her boom box and skateboard, and left her room. Riding to the only place that could make her feel better.

Once the dance studio came into view Mary slowed down, coming to a stop, and walking the rest of the way to the window she used to sneak in. Deciding to use the mirror instead of just seeing through it she opened the door of the two way mirror and walked into the other half of the dance studio she usually only saw.

Placing the boom box on the counter she plugged it in, letting the song begin to play. After stretching she got into position and began to move with the flow of music.

While her body went with the sway of the song, Mary's mind went to Joey Parker. Not on what his reaction might have been once he had seen the humiliating video of her but to how they had moved together. Mary had always loved to dance, she felt alive when she danced, she found reassurance and belonging in every move she made. With Joey it was all that and more. Like someone who understood her, maybe even cherished her.

Tami had told her to tell Joey she was the girl he had been looking for but Mary knew he would only be disappointed. She was a maid without parents, living with a woman even he didn't like.

Taking her mind off him, Mary only thought about the music, her moves. How it felt when her body moved with the rhythm. She closed her eyes, knowing the expansions of the room like the back of her hand.

Halfway through the song it stopped but Mary didn't, thinking the boom box was starting to give out. She kept dancing until the song ended in her head. Coming to a stop she opened her eyes, feeling refreshed and energized. Even though the studio was freezing she didn't feel it. There wasn't much light in the room, only what came from the street lights and moonlight coming through the window. The place felt to quiet but she dismissed the thought, doing a couple dance moves she had learned watching Joey when he had taught dance class a week earlier. While she was spinning she collided with something. It wasn't the wall, it was softer. But the floor wasn't as she fell.

Mary felt someone fall on top of her. When she looked up, she looked into the green-hazel eyes of Joey Parker. They were both quiet as they got up. 'What was he doing here?' she thought.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Mary nodded, taking a step back. He was so close and she couldn't think straight. "What are you doing here?" she finally asked.

"I wanted to see that you were ok. You ran out so fast."

Mary looked at him suspiciously. "You followed a girl you barely know to a dance studio two miles away

just to see if she was ok?"

Joey laughed, "You got me curious. When I saw you run out of your room on your skateboard with the boom-box I decided to follow."

She smiled, "Find anything interesting?"

"A girl with some serious moves."

Mary laughed, "Thanks."

Joey shrugged. "So you think I'm totally kissable?"

Mary blushed. "Psh, no, I-, psh no." She started laughing.

"It's ok, I thought it was cute."

Mary smiled, but then a thought came to her head. Joey had seen her dancing, that means he could know who she was. Now that the video was out she could tell him but she knew he'd be disappointed. Trying to not make it obvious, she started picking up her things. She had to get out of here.

"Thanks for coming to look for me." She said as she met his eyes. "But I have to go. Dominique will freak if I'm not there helping with the party."

Joey made a sound. "More like slave over it." She heard him mutter.

Mary shrugged.

Suddenly he grabbed her arm. "You don't deserve that Mary." His eyes were such an astonishing color. She could get lost in them. But she wouldn't. 'Get a hold of yourself Mary.'

Before she could say anything he went on, a peculiar look on his face. "You seem so familiar."

"Maybe it's the shrimp." She said trying to lighten the mood and distract him. He seemed so close to figuring out who she was.

Finally he let go with a shaky laugh. "Maybe."

"Thanks again. I gotta go." She didn't wait for a reply, just left through the window she had come through.

Read and review please :)