Poke Ranger Academy

Hi! I am pokegrl123. Before I start the dialogue, I want to say this is my first story. I do not own pokemon, but I own a girl named Avery and Molly (Except I changed Molly from Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown, a little bit). I'll describe Avery later in the story. Avery is mostly based on me. The shippings are pokeshipping, contestshipping, ikarishipping, oldrivalshipping, Lyra&Khoury, questshipping, and the shippings I made up, brilliantshipping (Avery & Richie), smartshipping (Molly & Max), parentshipping (Solidad & Reggie) and gameshipping (Yellow and Lucas).

Chapter 1: Rough Start…Maybe not, never mind

Me: Yes! My first story!

Paul: Weirdo…

Me: When did YOU come in here?

Paul: Just now.

Avery: Misty! I need your mallet. Can I borrow it?

Misty: Sure.*Gave Avery the mallet*

*Avery hit Paul* SMACK!

Paul: Owwwwwwwww! That hurts even more than Misty's hit!

Avery:*Smirk* I am more tomboyish than Misty.

Ash and Misty: Pokegrl123 does not own pokemon.

Me: Ash! Get out! On with the story!

(Regular POV)

Avery woke to the sound of music, chirping, and random noises. "They must be awake" thought Avery. She got ready for the first day of ranger school.

Downstairs all of her friends were all ready eating breakfast. Avery wore a black t-shirt with a blue stripe across, capris, a blue ribbon as a belt, her purple glasses (she is nearsighted), an orange/blue cap, blue tennis shoes, and her red sling bag.

"Hey, sleepyhead," mocked Misty.

"Like if. I usually wake up WAYYY earlier than you. I am just tired," mumbled Avery.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast," cried Dawn.

Avery quickly ate her breakfast and noticed her friend's clothes.

Leaf is wearing a blue puffed sleeved shirt with a green stripe, a green skirt, black leggings, blue slip on shoes, a blue cap with May's signature sign, and her red over the shoulder bag. May is wearing a red bandana with a purple half pokeball on the front with a magenta heart in the middle, a lavender t-shirt, a purple pleated skirt, purple slip on shoes, gloves, a gold bangle, and her yellow waist bag. Misty is wearing a red tunic with a blue sash, fingerless gloves, capris, yellow shoes, and a yellow pack. Dawn is wearing her regular hat, a detailed mini dress, black leggings, sky blue platform boots, and her yellow backpack. Solidad wore a green spaghetti-strap tunic covered by an orange vest, capris, green platform sandals, and a yellow duffle bag. Molly wore a red drape, blue tank-top, yellow skirt, a blue rolling backpack, and black high heeled boots. Lyra wore her regular outfit. Marina wore her regular outfit. And Yellow wore the same clothes without her hat.

"Why are you staring?" asked Solidad.

"Because this is ranger school not a regular school. Can all of you go change, but Yellow, Misty, Solidad, and Lyra?" asked Avery.

"Fine," Replied Leaf. Moments later...

"Much better," replied Misty.

(Misty POV)

At school, Avery, Solidad, Yellow, Lyra, and I were in the top ranger class. The rest was in the second rank ranger class. We walked to our classroom and saw 5 boys playing. Immediately, Avery ran toward the boys and became friends.

"Strange," I thought, "Avery and the raven haired boy looks awfully like brother and sister." She saw the group coming closer and Avery a started to introduce us.

"Hi! My name is Ash Ketchum." said the raven haired boy.

"Pika! Pikachu!" cried the little yellow pokemon on Ash's shoulder.

"Aww! What a cutie!" cried Misty, rubbing Pikachu's cheek.

"Chaa!" purred Pikachu. Ash smiled.

"Azu! Azurill!" answered Azurill.

"Nice pokemon…Azurill right?" asked Ash.

"Right!" I replied.

The group happily talked until the bell rang.

"Good morning class. I am Miss Twilight ," said the teacher.

"So far, so good," I thought.

(May POV)

"This isn't a great start," I thought. I was in the middle of class when 5 disgusting and annoying boys started to tease Dawn, Molly, Marina, Leaf , and me.

"Paul Taylor, Max Maple, Jimmy Silver, Gary Oak, and Drew Hayden, report to the office immediately!" said Mrs. Smiths.

"I knew it!" I thought, "Horrible start."

That's it. Kind of lame, but I promise to update soon! :) :) :D :P

Paul: Like if.

Me: Shut up.