Chapter One

"I dare you to..." I raise an eyebrow at Sora, who scratches his head in thought. He starts looking around my bedroom, studying everything, and I'm guessing he's trying to think of a horrible dare. I roll my eyes.

"Sora, this is-"

"Shush!" He stands up and starts looking around. We've played this game ever since we were little – there's nothing else he can dare me to do. I've done it all – streaked, cursed at my parents, flipped off the mail-man... "I've got it!" I raise my head at Sora's outburst, and he looks evil. A smirk is on his face, which totally doesn't fit his cute features, but what can you do? Anyway he's pointing out the window, and I stand up, standing next to him. He's pointing at a house.

"Okay, I see a house too. So?"

"Ughh you're no fun! I dare you to spend a week in that house – and you can't come out until next Sunday!"

"Um... okay, but why?" He gives me a look like as if I've grown boobs. Which I haven't. Thank God for that.

"You don't know!" Sora's eyes look frightened and he's fidgeting with his fingers.

"Know what?" I match his voice with scared mockery. An irritated look passes through his features.

"You're kidding, right? You don't know about the men that died there?" I shook my head – instantly becoming interested. When there's death, I'm there. "Ugh, I shouldn't tell you – you'll totally back out like the chicken you are."

I scoff, "Try me."

The brunet sighs and sits down on my bed, acting as if he's told the story a million times. Instinctively, I sat down on the floor in front of him; legs crossed and curious eyes stalking his own.

"Well, how should I start it..." He makes a face and scratches the back of his neck, "There was this group that lived in that house a long time ago. I think somewhere in the early 1900's. I dunno the names, but there were eleven of them. Only two woman." I frown – my perverted mind going straight to those men raping two innocent women, "Word on the street, back in the day, said they did black-magic, or some sort of witchery. So no one spoke to them and spoke about them. And they all wore black. I think they were like black cloaks. Something that caused a stir in appearance.

"So all they had was each other. It seemed like their families no longer existed, and they just lived in the same house. Some people thought those men were holding the women hostage. Others thought the women were the ones that started the witchcraft. Needless to say, no one tried to find out the truth. Even today, no one knows what happened in that house. On August 13th, 1903, the fire department got a call from the neighbors who lived in our house. They said there was a fire next door.

"When the firetrucks came, everybody gathered around the house, and there were horrible screams... frightening shouts... everybody could hear a girl screaming in pain and the house erupted in flames. Some witnesses saw a redheaded man by the window before the fire got too serious. Said he was just standing there, looking out, smiling.

"Ever since then, earlier residence reported there were like... bangings on the walls, and doors slamming shut. One girl actually died there. On August 13th, 1945, some girl named Namine hung herself there. That's exactly 40 years before the fire came. No one lives there now – seriously, who would? And well, that's it..." He becomes silent.

I stare at Sora with wide eyes...

And then I burst out laughing.

His eyes narrow dangerously at me. "What?" He snaps.

"You honestly believe that shit?" I let another bark of laugh shudder my body. "That's the most cliché-ish story I've ever heard! But 'A+' on the creativity." The look on his face shows he's serious, but how can I take this seriously? It's a legend – it isn't true. This boring town's ought to make up a story sooner or later and pick on the old abandoned house.

"If you're so high and mighty about it, why don't you prove to me that it isn't true!" Sora snarls. I smirk.

"Don't mind if I do."


I rake a hand through my golden hair. A groan builds up in my chest, but I bite it back. It's windy right now, so some of my hair is still somewhat flying into my eyes. It's frustrating, but I refuse to show it. Leaves gather around the street, and some of them crunch under my footsteps. It isn't exactly a nice sound – what, with my disturbed little mind and gory, horror movies combined – but at least it's a sound. The street is dead-silent, but that might be just because only five houses live on the road. If someone were to sneeze outdoors, I think everybody would walk outside just to see what the commotion was.

I stand in front of the last house on the street. Weird, you would think, to see a fifteen-year-old boy just standing in his neighbor's yard, more or less this neighbor isn't even alive anymore. But nobody questions anything – mainly because they don't care. Which is a good thing, I guess, because it would really suck if I had to explain the stupid dare Sora had given me.

Which leads us back to this house.

A sigh escapes my lips and I look up at the setting sun. The sky is an orange-ish red color. I love watching the sun set. It's absolutely breath-taking. Ever since I was ten, I would watch the sun set whenever I could.

Now it makes me sad to think I've stopped doing that. Now I haven't got as much patience as I had when I was younger.

Now wasn't the time to be standing there, watching the sun until dusk.

I take a hold of the small bag, which had somehow fallen onto the grassy mud, and take a few steps forward. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Imagines of bones breaking enter my mind, causing a slight frown to mark my features. If I'm staying here for the night, the last thing I want to think about is death and horror and gory messes. I'm already scared fuckless to even enter the place. Legends keep echoing in my head. Sora had said all those things just to make me scared. They can't honestly be true.

There's no such thing as ghosts.

After the slight quarrel had passed, I continue my way up the concrete. Now the sun has lowered more. It's making the shadows come out. The darkness. As far as I've known, darkness is the number one thing I can not stand. It's a frightening thought to be looking into the dark and see nothing, but know there's something there. Almost like, as I think of it, drowning in something you can't escape.

My feet step up on the porch steps. The wooden railings are scraped and dried out. It looks as though no one has repainted it in over fifty-years. It's not hard to believe. The flooring is the same, and the steps sound cracked. Almost like they might collapse under my weight. Noting this, I quickly step up the other two steps, hearing the same mewl from them. And now I'm in front of the door. It's a darkish brown, just like everything else, but strangely it looks refurnished. The doorknob, too, looks as clean as ever. As if nobody has ever laid a single finger on it. The small window at the very top of the door is dusted up, but no cracks – nothing.

I make a face at it. That isn't normal, but then again, I think that old lady from across the street might come over here every so often. Maybe she'll come over tonight with some tea. We could chat and drink tea until dawn, and then I could go on with my life. It seems like a pretty good plan.

A smile reaches my lips as I reach for the doorknob, and then my smile fades. Despite the cold weather, the doorknob is warm. I roll my eyes. Maybe there's a furnace by the door or something, I think, turning the doorknob and pushing through. The door makes an eerie creaking noise, but I ignore it and walk through. The place looks old. That's the only way I can describe it. Old looking. In what looks to be a small hallway leading to the living room, the flooring is cracked and ashed. The walls have scratches on them, and there's glass everywhere. Thank God I decided to wear sneakers rather than flip-flops.

I close the door behind me, not casting a last glance, and lock it automatically. It's strange – I have always had this habit of locking doors if they do possess a lock. I think it just makes me feel safer.

I walk through the hallway, ignoring the crunching of the glass under the soles of my shoes, and feel my breath hitch. The living room looks... gorgeous. There's a real dark, kind of blood-red shaded couch in the middle of the room – it looks like a love-seat. A small glass table stands on either sides of it, polished and everything. There's an antique dresser by the window left of the couch, and the wall across from the couch sits a rather expensive-looking television. Sadly, it isn't a high-def colored television, but it looks kind of like mine – big and bulky. The walls are a simple white, but what I note is there's no cobwebs in the corner.

Someone's been here.

My mind immediately makes me think of the old lady from across the street. It is a possibility. Maybe I can ask her tomorrow if she's ever been here. If not, I bet a mailman might've checked the place out. Or maybe a hobo stumbled across the place, found it was empty, and is now plotting its way into being a billionaire.

At least, that's what I'd do.

I take another look around, noticing how... cold it is.

The sun is almost down – I can tell with the shadows becoming more greater.

"...This is it?" A small laugh escapes my mouth, following the sentence. "You've gotta be kidding me."

A/N: -_- Not amused by how short this chapter is. Man, I was writing this in document, and I was pretty happy because this was four-pages, and I thought, "it has to be at least 2,500 words!" I put it on Fanfiction, and BAM! A whopping 1,700 words. D: I'm so disappointed. Anyway I got this idea from reading Marionette and Silhouette. :D Go to my favorites and look at those stories - they are amazahing!

Alright, I've wasted your time enough. I promise bondage, rape, yaoi in the later chapters ;D

Reviews are the air to my lungs~ (Review or I'll die D:)