Well, this is my oh so creative way of avoiding doing my DBQ.

Plus, this weekend is President's Day, so thank you George Washington and Abraham Lincoln for being born… well, whenever it was that you were born that resulted in two federal holidays in a row and no school.

Sorry for not updating for a while. I actually really like this story.

Speak Now and Other T. Swift Songs

Much later that night, Chenoah sat up on the balcony all alone. She just didn't get it. Why on earth wouldn't people pay attention to her like they used to? It used to be all about her, but now she was almost as insignificant as May was!

What had gone wrong? Was it her hair? Maybe, if she changed it up a bit people would notice her a bit more than they were. Or, she could even change it a few times everyday! Yes, that would certainly work! It had to!

But that boy James. What to do about him? All he seemed to care about was that stupid idiot Sophie! So what, they were cousins and all. From the way they looked at each other, you would have thought that they were about to make out, or something. Stupid Sophie, stealing her spotlight. There was only one option: She would have to kill Sophie. Maybe Sally, too. But, Sirius was the kind of boy that thought with his pants, so she would probably be able to distract him.

May, of course, was no threat at all. Chenoah might even be able to let May have an ugly boyfriend, or something, if everything worked out to her advantage. Who knew what the future might hold for these four amazing girls?

"It'll hold a lot of parties, new boys, out of characterness, Mary Sues, destruction of canon, ingnoring important main characters and their plot lines that will play significant roles in the future, and Lily bashing." Said a voice behind her

Chenoah turned around to see Sophie standing behind her.

"How did you know that?" gasped Chenoah

"I can read minds and see the future."

"You guys, it was so absotootely perfect! And now, we're probably going to be together forever!" sighed Sally dreamily when three of the four girls were sitting at breakfast in the Great Hall. All of them had piled on the food, because, after all, they were like human black holes with their uncanny ability to burn all of those calories with out even trying.

"Hey, guys." Said Remus as he sat down along with Sirius

"Oh, Sirius! I am so happy to see you! For our wedding, I think that our colors should be…" began Sally, but Sirius cut her off

"Hey, I was thinking that maybe we should have an open relationship, Sally." Said Sirius

"What do you mean? We're going to be together forever, aren't we, Sirius?" asked a very confused Sally

"Yes, we will, I suppose, but with an open relationship we can still date other people with out having to break up. Do you see what I'm saying, Sally?" said Sirius very slowly, in the hopes that if he talked slower then maybe she would catch on a bit faster.

"Wait, stop talking so fast!" whimpered Sally as she struggled to comprehend what Sirius was saying

Attempt wasted, Sirius noted mentally.

"Hey, guys." Said James as he sat down with his friends

"Where's Sophie?" asked Chenoah

"Oh, just look up there!" whispered James excitedly as he pointed to where his cousin stood before all of Hogwarts, looking as if she was about to sing.

"Oh, great." Muttered Remus, who knew he should have seen this coming

"Hey, everyone, my name is Sophie, and I am a musician. I had a very hard child hood. You see, after the meteor came while I was reconciling with both of my sets of parents, there was a bus full of small Cuban children trying to get into the United States of America. The government wouldn't let them come into the country because it was against the law, or something stupid like that, so I decided to represent their case in court. However, the District Attorney was actually working for the Mob who was helping out the government who ordered them to kill me. Thankfully, I happen to be telepathic and I was then able to alert the CIA who were actually the KGB in disguise which meant that I would have to go undercover. However, before I knew it I was being kidnapped by a rouge agent. He raped me and then left me to die, but I was able to get to a hospital. I found out I was pregnant, but decided to keep the baby because I already loved it. But, before it was born, I was in a bar fight and-"

"Oh, shut up!" yelled someone in the Great Hall

"Yeah, you're right! You all just want to hear me sing, don't you? Well, here it goes!"

"Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday
When I caught your eye
And we caught onto something, I hold on to the night
You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me
Were you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me
This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak
I don't feel welcome anymore
Baby, what happened? Please tell me
'Cause one second it was perfect
Now you're halfway out the door
And I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said, forever and always
Oh, oh
Oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest
That made you run and hide like a scared little boy?
I looked into your eyes, thought I knew you for a minute
Now I'm not so sure
So here's to everything, coming down to nothing
Here's to silence that cuts me to the core
Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute
But I don't anymore
And I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said forever and always
Oh, oh
Oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it, baby, I don't think so
Oh, oh
Oh, back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?
Back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?
'Cause it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
Oh, I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when we said forever and always
And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it, baby, you said forever and always"

"Thank you, and I love you all! I wrote that myself!" yelled Sophie, as she waltzed off stage

"That was terrible." Muttered professor Snape, who was sitting at the teacher's table

"Did you guys hear that? Sophie loves me!" whispered James ecstatically to his friends

"There is something seriously messed up here." Remus muttered to himself

"I know, Remus! I should be the one up there singing and being loved by my teachers and peers!" said Chenoah angrily

As the group was leaving the halls, something terrible happened.

"Well, Mr. Potter and friends, I see that you have let your places un cleaned. Ten points from Gryffindor." Sneered Snape as he walked away

"Wait, when on earth did Snape become a teacher?" said Remus

"Oh, I'll bet this is because I refused to let him seduce me!" whimpered Chenoah

"Let's face it, Sophie is a whole lot better at the "Sympathetic Character" role, Chenoah." Stated Sirius

Well, there's the new chapter.

Yes, I know that Snape should not be a teacher.

Please review.