AN: So, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you have fun reading it :)



Written: August 4- August 14, 2011

Posted: August 14, 2011

Previously in L2LTE

but i wouldnt say mean things to me just yet. kataras been seeing jet secretly ever since you two have been dating.


"She's with some guy named Jet-er-kan-tosh working on a project for history. Satisfied?"

Jeterkantosh? No way. She was with Jet.

"I gotta go." In a fully fledged sprint, I grabbed my phone and keys and rushed to my motorcycle. There was no way I was going to let this happen.


More vigorously this time, I began to shake the vault so hard, causing one of my hoops to fly off, but I didn't care. This plan was not turning out how I wanted it too.

1 minute.

Crap. Crap. CRAP! Then, the door handle began to jiggle. A dark figure slipped in and closed the door behind him, before suddenly locking eyes with me.

"Katara, what the hell are you doing?"

Chapter 8: Rioting with Rivals

I was dumbstruck. I couldn't see his face in the dark room, which was a good thing because I didn't want to see the anger in his eyes. Before I knew it, he had reached up and gripped my wrist tightly. I felt fear devour me as he pulled me up. His pull was so strong; my hand had slipped through the crack with such ease. Then, remembering the papers in my hands, I clung to the bed bar, pulling down.

"Get the hell up, now!" He hissed. I quickly took out the old love notes from Zuko and placed them in there face down to replace the real papers. Just my luck, I got stuck again and he thought I was refusing to go, so he yanked me up once more, gracing my hand from the cellar. I forced the papers into my pockets as he dragged me out of the dorm and under the moonlight. I looked up to see where he was taking me, and my eyes just happened to come across a forest...that we were heading straight into.

This is it.

He's going to kill me right here, right now. He's going to leave my body here to rot and go back to his dorm and sleep the night away. Goodbye, life. Just as I had finished saying prayers and goodbyes, I noticed that we were deep into the heart of the forest. At this realization, my heart sank into the pits of my stomach. He then spun around quickly to face me. My blue eyes filled with fear locked with golden eyes full of rage.


"Why the hell were you in there? Huh?"

"Zuko, I -"

"So I guess it's true? You've been seeing him ever since we first started dating, and you have the right to accuse me of being a player?" His voice raised approximately 10 octaves before he realized it and lowered it. I could feel the tears rising in my eyes.

"No, Zuko I was only -"

"No, Katara! I don't want to hear it anymore!" He threw his hands up in angst and brought them down on top of his head. He then sighed and looked down at me. I felt like a child who had just been caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar before dinner under his glare.

"You may actually want to be there, but at this point, I honestly don't care," he gripped my wrist again like before, but this time was dragging me out of the forest. "You're coming with me." I felt so stupid. There I was this afternoon yelling at him and making all these accusations and he was rushing over at twelve something in the morning to save me? He really does care about me. By the time we had got to his motorcycle, Jet was leaning against it, glaring at Zuko.

The chocolate haired boy looked at me. "I knew you didn't bail on me," he then looked at Zuko. "You were forced." Zuko had let go of my hand and walked up to Jet.

"I'm not going to tell you this again. Stay the hell away from Katara."

"Well, what if she doesn't want me to? I mean, I was following your orders...until she called me and asked to have a meeting in my bedroom, so am I really the one you should be talking to?" Zuko snapped. He gave Jet a punch to the face that knocked him to the ground.

"I DON'T CARE IF SHE CALLS YOU! DON'T ANSWER!" He then yanked me onto the back of his bike and sped off like a mad man...because he was. The entire ride back to my dorm was silent. And in those silent minutes I tried to muster up something to say to him. An apology? But there's still the whole ex girlfriends situation that he has refused to explain, so maybe he's just as guilty as I am! Well, he did try to explain in the hall today, but I didn't let him, just like he won't let me.

Zuko suddenly came to an abrupt stop at my building, pulling me out of my thoughts. I hesitantly and awkwardly got off and grabbed the sleeve of his white T-shirt before he could pull off. He turned to glare at me, but I could tell that in his eyes, he was really hurt.

"Zuko, you have to listen to me. I-"

"I don't have to listen to anything you say."

"Come on, let me talk to you! Please Zuko, just -"

"Goodbye, Katara," he muttered before speeding off once more, His sudden movement tugged me forward, tearing the bond between my hand and his shirt. Left dumb stricken and partially hurt, I began to walk back to my dorm, when I accidentally stepped on something. I lifted my foot and looked down to see that there was a black slide phone on the ground. As I picked it up, I opened it to see that it was on someone's text message screen. I noticed that the owner was having a conversation with Azula. I begin to scroll down to peep at the messages until it hit me: this was Zuko's phone.

My heart began to race as I continued to read.

song jin june mai

those r names of ur exes

no those r names of girls ive liked and one is of my ex

oops then i guess i told noel wrong


noel...katara's waterbending lab partner

Oh my gosh! That means that Zuko wasn't lying! He really didn't know what I was talking about. That means Noel is a liar! No, she was only trying to protect me. Azula's the liar. She's a pain in my Southern Tribe behind! I saw that wasn't the end of the conversation, so I started again.

but i wouldnt say mean things to me just yet. kataras been seeing jet secretly ever since you two have been dating.

your a liar

if u dont believe me, then y did she just leave out the dorm all dressed up?

That's when the rain started to pour.

That was the end. I guess that's when Zuko came for me. And now he thinks that I never loved him…that it was all a joke; that I'd played him. That bitch.

I shoved Zuko's phone in my pocket along with the papers, and marched into my dorm. I unlocked the door, stepped in, and slammed it behind me. Apparently, everyone was still up because Suki, Toph and the head BIC all stepped out from Azula's room looking worried.

"Katara? What's wrong?" Suki asked, taking a step towards me. Toph was leaning on the door frame and Azula stood right in the middle, smirking at me.

"My, my, my, sweetie, you're a mess," Azula said in sweet voice. "Want a towel?" I'm sure Azula was expecting many things to happen at that moment: most likely for me to yell out a few unkind words, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting this.

I walked straight up to her, ignoring Suki's "What are you doing?" and Toph's "Sugarqueen?" and mimicked Zuko's hit to Jet earlier, knocking her to the ground. Except Azula was fiercer. She grabbed my ankle and pulled me down with her, yanking my brown locks. I dug my nails into her porcelain skin, before suddenly seeing two strips of earth leap from the ground and lock around me wrists. I looked over to see that Azula was chained, too.

"What the hell just happened!" Suki screamed at us. I looked Suki in the eye before spitting the terrible truth from my maw.

"Azula broke me and Zuko up. He hates me now, but before, I hated him. She's a liar and jealous because I have a real relationship and pissed because he chose me over her bitchy friend Mai!"

"Seriously, Cherry Bomb? You've got some issues just itching to burst."

"I don't know what that peasant is talking about! I was with you guys the whole time!" Azula batted her eyelashes and pouted her full lips.

"I've got proof!" I leaned my head to my right. "Check my pocket for a phone. Read the texts."

Suki reached in my pocket as instructed and read the texts aloud for everyone. When she was done, she tossed it on the floor, and glared at Azula.


"So? What are you gonna do? Throw me in jail, Velma?" She then looked at me. "And you, too Daphne? Well let's just text Fred and tell him roll down here in his Mystery Machine."

"Shut up, Crazy Lady," Toph instructed. She then lifted my chains, allowing me to stand up. "But that's a good question, what are we going to do with her?"

"Punishment," I replied, feeling the urge to step on her, hoping she'd go SQUISH like a buggy.

"I can definitely come up with something good," Toph rubbed her hands together and gave a small maniacal chuckle.

"Well, I'll leave that up to you guys. Right now, I gotta talk to Zuko."

"Tara, it's like, 1 am. Go to sleep, then swing by his dorm. Sleep." Suki pleaded with her large navy blue eyes and I nodded my head lightly. I picked up his phone and closed my room door. I stripped down to my underwear and threw on a blue tank top with a cupcake on it with a pair of black shorts. I dove in the bed, his phone held tightly to my chest. It then began to blink. I opened it to see that it had returned to his home screen and that the battery was low. But I really paid attention to was the screen saver. It was me and a shirtless Zuko in the pond smiling, him kissing me on the cheek. I could feel the tears building in my eyes. I had such a great guy, and now he's gone.

I can't remember the last time I had done this… it was probably when my mom passed, but I went to my closet and pulled out my guitar and a notepad. As I closed my eyes and listened to the storm outside, the lyrics and notes flowed endlessly onto the paper.

Well I

I guess it's been a while

Since I've seen the sunshine

Since I've smiled

And me

Who's so well versed

Is feeling so damn empty

Is at a loss for words

Forget what it's like

To just feel okay

Prayin' for the day when there is

No more rain

And I-eeyyyyyyyyeee

I don't want wanna do anything but cry

Oh and I—eeyyyyyeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

(I don't wanna do anything but cry)

Well I

I hardly feel alive

I'm going through the motions

Though I don't feel like tryin

The hole in my heart

Is getting bigger by the day

Wish that I could crawl inside—

Hide away

And I-eeyyyyyyeeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh and I-eeeyyyyyyyee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, I'm so low

I'm almost to the bottom

Oh, no where to go

Even my soul has left my body

Oh, and I-eyyyyyyeeeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, and I-eeeyyyyyyeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

And I-eyyyyyyeeeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

And I-eeeyyyyyyeee

I don't wanna do anything but cry

And with that final word, and final tear rolling down my cheek, I closed my pad, got back in my bed, and cried.

AN: So, I know it's really short, but I've so busy with back to school stuff! But I hope you liked my little surprise twist—that it was really Zuko that found her and not Jet. Please don't be mad for the suckiness! And I hope you liked the song, it's called Cry by Alexx Calise. I heard it on Dance Moms (a tv show on Lifetime) and instantly fell in love with it. By the way, there will be more songs throughout this fic, but it's not a song fic, there is still a plot and you guys are gonna love me :D Well, please review! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Reviews are the reason that I HAVE NOT started working on another chapter for "Breathless"! I got like 80 something hits, and only one review! So,you want more? REVIEW! Wanna know what those papers were ? REVEW!LIKE SEDDIE? REVIEW! PLEASE JUST REVIEW :D