A/N: I really feel like writing this week so yay for you guys, updates! Thank you all for your alerts and favoriting and reviews

Disclaimer: I don't own Shugo Chara! Get off my back, man!

Amu's POV

I was lying on Nadeshiko's bed, my brain fried. Yaya had finally woken up and pretty much everyone had left after I said I was okay. Except Nadeshiko. She was trying to nurture me and act like a mother.

"You know Nade, you really should be a pediatrician or a teacher or something." She giggled and smiled at me.

"Thank you Amu. So what are you going to do about Ikuto?" I sighed.

"I don't know yet. I understand now that we have strong feelings for each other but I don't know how we'd progress them." Nadeshiko nodded, she always understood.

"I think you two already act close. Being 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' is just a title. It's just a matter of mutual understanding of yours and his affections towards each other, going on date, and having romantic alone time. The rest, such as confiding in each other, you guys already do." Nadeshiko was right. I smiled at her wise words and relaxed until classes began.

Rima's POV

I had been avoiding Nagihiko since the night we all went to the club. I was the only one who knew evidently but I blurted it out anyways. I felt guilty for spilling his secret. I never even asked him for an explanation. I had had enough of hiding from him, I saw him eating breakfast before classes started and no one had arrived yet so I sat down in front of him.

He stopped eating his salad and looked across at me confused," I'm sorry for revealing your secret. I'm sorry for just assuming things. I should have asked you about it first. I didn't mean it when I called you disgusting or when I said I hated you." Nagi looked away and thought to himself for a while.

"It's okay Rima. I'm happy that you came to apologize. I forgive you," He smiled at me and my heart felt lighter," I suppose I should explain myself to you."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I won't think strange of you anymore," I really wanted to know, even if I said that.

"No, I'll tell you. My mother has a dear family friend in the hospital. He husband recently left her and she has two kids. She can't provide for them and my mother and father already have to pay for my tuition so they can't give her much. Nade and I work extra jobs other than our bands to make as much money as we can to make her life easier. As you know, Nadeshiko doesn't like night clubs, but she got an offer. I however hadn't gotten one so I took it and pretend to be a girl. Nadeshiko knows this." Nagihiko continued eating and wouldn't meet my eyes.

I took a deep breath," Wow, you're family is amazing. You and Nadeshiko especially. Being in a popular band, school work, and an extra job? You two are super human. I think what you're doing is wonderful," Nagi was looking at me in disbelief by this point," But that doesn't mean I won't make fun of you wearing makeup."

We both smiled and let out laughs, and then he offered to share some of his breakfast. I'm glad we cleared up the situation. The mood was light and we were cracking jokes when suddenly Nagi got quiet.

"I…I really meant it when I said I love you the other night." I blushed uncontrollably at that moment.

"W-well it's going to t-take you a lot of work t-to make me love you so do your b-best!" I angrily started munching on a piece of bread and Nagihiko laughed at me. I just sounded like Amu. I hate my life.

Utau's POV

I was walking the halls before classes started when I spotted Kukai making out with yet another random girl. My anger heightened and I ripped the girl off of him ant tossed her like last week's special. Kukai looked super pissed but I was more pissed. I shoved him and he hit the wall.

"What's your problem?!" I yelled at him viciously.

Kukai's brow twitched," Me?! What the hell is your problem?! You're the one who came over here and started a bitchfest!" I punched him in the face. I was not screwing around today.

He shut up long enough for me to lecture him," You toy around with girls every day and make them happy then toss them away, you make them cry, and you make them feel like they don't matter, like they're meaningless. What bitch made you a dick? Out with it, I demand an explaination." Kukai sat on the ground and so did I.

He seemed distraught and weak now," Okay Utau, I'll tell you but don't go around and tell everyone," I nodded quickly," When I was about fourteen, I finally had the guts to ask out this girl who was the most popular, gorgeous girl in the school. She was my first love. I wasn't near as good looking as I am now, I wasn't cool either. I was just another awkward middle schooler, but she said yes. I was the happiest I had ever felt at the time. When I asked her on a date she went with me and said she had a good time. The second time we went out she said she did too. After a while, I thought I was in love with her and that she felt the same way. One day we decided to have sex… I lost my virginity to her and right after she dumped me. She laughed and said she never liked me and she only went out with me to get me to forget about her and she thought it'd be nice to have someone to buy her fancy meals and what not. I was bullied at the school when word got out. I left later to join the band Cats-by-Night. I realized girls don't want true love like they all claim. They just want someone to take care of them and buy them things, someone to toy with. So I started to return the favor to the female population."

Kukai and I stared at each other for a while. His eyes were fierce and cold, it made my heart hurt. His story made everything make sense now. Kukai had an unmended broken heart. He still wanted true love but he doesn't believe in it anymore. Kukai looked down at the ground and stood up.

"Whatever, I'm leaving. You're just another girl." I let out a tear and rose from the ground abruptly. I grabbed onto his shirt, still speechless. Kukai looked back at me shocked. I pulled him close to me and kissed him, passionately with all my feelings, all my regrets.

I pulled away from him and he remained surprised. I whispered," I promise I'll help you fall in love with the right girl." I hugged Kukai again; he still hadn't said a word. I didn't need him to, I felt a warm drop fall on my shoulder.

Ikuto's POV

Class was starting soon so Amu would have to talk to me. We do sit be each other in all the classes we have together. She'll probably ignore what happened. I don't know how I'll get her to understand I actually like her. At this rate, we'll never progress any farther. I was walking to first period when I was suddenly pulled into an empty hallway.

I stared wide eyed at Amu," I didn't realize it until just recently when my friends made me realize it but…. I like you Ikuto. Even though you are a perverted, insane, mean, teasing know-it-all… I like you, a lot." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Let alone the fact Amu hadn't stuttered once in that whole confession.

"I-I like you t-too Amu." I covered my mouth in a flash. What the hell?! Did I just stutter?! Amu laughed at me and I was about to make a rude remark when she put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down to kiss her. This girl is full of surprises. And I can't get enough of it.