Summary – Dissidia, a hodge-podge reality where the only constant is never-ending conflict. Sephiroth sacrificed his life two cycles past to gain knowledge, Cosmos sacrificed her life during the last cycle in a bid to end the conflict once and for all, yet Dissidia cycles again.

Disclaimer – Dissidia Final Fantasy, all of its characters, situations, and utter awesomeness are the property of Square Enix. This fan fiction merely shows my continuing affection and appreciation for the ever-evolving wonder that is Final Fantasy.

Author's note – If the rumors are true, there's a second Dissidia game in the works. Since this story focuses fairly tightly on only five of the original characters, it's highly doubtful that anything from my story will parallel the official and soon to be revealed canon. Still, I thought it best to start posting this now, before the release of the second Dissidia game, so that I don't try to incorporate what will most likely be conflicting canon. I've got a feeling if I try to do that, I will give up and never complete this story.

Möbius Break


"I protest!" Cosmos turned her face up in appeal toward the unseen greater god or gods who watched the conflict of Dissidia. It was these powers that dispatched Shinryu at the end of each cycle to erase the combatants' memories and otherwise imposed some sort of order upon a proceeding that was by its nature disorderly, given the intrinsic nature and presence of Chaos. "My warriors won the last conflict, so the benefit of selecting the first warrior for this cycle should have been mine!"

Laughter rolled around her. The laughter, like the voice, was singular and myriad, male and female, whisper-soft and Armageddon-loud and seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere at once. "If it had been you, Lady of Order, who stole the first pick, Chaos would have just cause to entice intervention. As it is, Chaos' actions are in keeping with his essential nature. There is no reason to take the advantage away from him."

Cosmos' shoulders slumped at the pronouncement. Once decisions were handed down, they weren't changed. She rebuked herself internally for not tending to the worrisome matter when she had first become aware of it. Now, through her inattention, one of her warriors was in peril.

Not of losing his life within the cycle of conflict. In a way, she had become jaded to the death scenes of her chosen warriors – she had witnessed each one so many times they were all familiar to her. It wasn't that she didn't care – far from it. But, as long as the cycle was intact, unbroken, so too were her warriors' lives. Losing their lives within Dissidia was nothing more than a temporary time out from the battle. It was the same for Chaos' forces. The defeat, and pain, and deaths were real enough, which is why she had begged Shinryu for some of the dragon's cast-off scales eons ago so that the resting places she had created for her warriors after their defeats cast a gentle balm of amnesia over their suffering.

But now, Chaos had forced her hand. Cosmos had intended to select a different warrior this cycle to safeguard the imperiled one from the ultimate danger. If he were called into Dissidia as he were now, bearing the remnants of his last journey here within his very soul, he wouldn't just die within the cycle and appear in Cosmos' recovery area until he'd regained enough courage and strength to fight again. Nor would he appear within his own reality in his proper place and time. He would die – the true death of unbeing.

"Please..." Cosmos didn't realized she'd uttered her broken plea aloud.

Again that indescribable laugh. "Surely it doesn't matter that much who has the 'first pick' advantage this cycle."

"No, it's not that – though having that first selection is important. The one who possesses it shapes the framework for the entire conflict. But, this time, with the warrior Chaos selected, he has forced my hand. I must pick a known warrior who opposes him directly, and he..." Cosmos' voice choked off in half a sob.

"Cosmos?" For once, the voice, rather than didactic or amused, was soft – concerned, even.

"If only I could throw the conflict before my warrior could claim his crystal, he would be safe, and perhaps I could find a better way to safeguard him in further cycles, but..."

"A forfeit, by a god, is not tolerated." There was the steel in the voice that Cosmos was used to hearing.

"And that is the cause of my distress. Are you certain you cannot enforce the rule in this instance?"

"The decision will not be changed."

Cosmos thought furiously. She knew that she had only a moment or two more to do something, anything, to stop the tragedy she feared before this celestial overseer tired of the conversation and left.

"Though I cannot forfeit, and I am more constrained by the rules than my adversary, may I beg some latitude in how they are enforced this cycle?"

The answer was long in coming, as if pondered, and perhaps discussed at length, first. "It is not without precedence. After all, your action last cycle forcing Chaos to attack and destroy you was chaotic in the extreme – and yet, ultimately well within your realm of harmony through the actions of your warriors after your sacrifice."

"This would be along the same lines."

"The cycles have become – repetitive. The unexpected action you took last cycle was a welcome change. As long as you do not stray too far from the harmony and order you are the ultimate champion for, a certain – tolerance – in applying the rules may be in your favor."

Cosmos bowed her head respectfully. "Thank you." Now, at least she had a chance to save her warrior. She had only the faintest inkling of how to manage it, but at least now this cycle wasn't his certain, absolute death sentence.

Author's note –

I hope it doesn't bother anyone to think that there might be other gods watching the events in Dissidia. I'm thinking of it as if the cycle of conflicts is almost an entertainment, like a football game. Don't worry, though. I don't think they will show up or have any other impact on the story. I just needed to get the ball rolling.

Next chapter: Chapter One – Cause of the Champion