Warning: This chapter is a little on the disturbing. I usually don't like to write things like this, but it just kinda came out, and it came out good...in my opinion. It's a little on the dark, creepy, disturbing side, so if ya don't like that sort of stuff: Turn back now!

Prompt: Spider

Disclaimer: I do NOT own DBZ or any of the characters. They belong to Akira Toriyama.

Long blue curly hair danced with the winds that blew through the trees. The bare branches lurched out, trying to grab the unruly strands as she rushed down the narrow path. She knew she shouldn't look back, but she couldn't control the reflex. Her head whipped back to look over her shoulder causing a large curl to loop around a stray branch. She screamed as the branch pulled her back, and tugged harshly at her hair and scalp. Tears welled in her eyes as she stopped to untangle the hair. Her breath came out in panicky breaths as she continued to look down the darkened path from which she'd come.

'Please don't find me, please don't catch me.' The mantra continued to chant in her mind as she still struggled to unwrapped the threads of hair. 'Please!' Shaky fingers and blurry eyes continued their diligent work. 'Oh, come on!' She closed her eyes, jerking what was left of the tangle from the gnarled branch. "OW!" the cry passed her lips as her eyes closed tightly from the sharp pain.

A lone wolf cried from somewhere out in the darkness of the trees.

Bulma gathered the heavy material of her skirt in her hands as she began to sprint again. Her heels were long lost, and her bare feet were numb to the pain of stepping on rocks and fallen branches. She couldn't stop, though. That man….monster was still chasing her, and she wasn't going to let herself get caught! She couldn't be bound to that creature for all eternity, she just couldn't. Refusal on her part was what had started this chase in the place. A chase that would eventually end with her as the loser, and perhaps the loss of her life.

She struggled for breath as her footsteps grew heavier and her mind ran dizzy. If only she could catch a break, hide away somewhere long enough to catch her breath and strength back. Her eyes squeezed shut and she gave a sharp shake of her head. Fighting off the dizzy feeling, she continued on her trek, her steps redoubling and growing stronger. The extra effort only exerted her body faster. Her mouth opened to take in heavy breaths as her breasts pressed against the tightness of the top of her dress. A another branch reached out and caught hold of a curl. She cried out again as she continued her sprinting run, the chunk of hair pulling free and setting a fire on her scalp.

The thundering sound of heavy paws pounded in her ears. She could hear the snapping of twigs and rustling of bushes just off to her left and a few paces behind her. A sharp noise-a mix between a growl and bark-caught her attention and she turned her head to the side. She knew that at any moment the creature was going to attack and there was nothing she could do about it. So, her eyes closed tightly as she waited for the impending doom, only to be caught by sticky silk.

A silent scream ripped from her throat as she twisted and tried to pull away from the thick threads that had her stuck. The wolf gave out a keening wail that ended in a whimper. She pulled a hand free as she continued to struggle against the web. The wolf gave out a short, sharp bark. Her head tried to lift itself, but her hair was glued to the thick strands of silk. The freed hand raised to start pulling her hair free, but suddenly stopped at the sound of a low growl. As her body stiffened, thinking the wolf was finally going to pounce, another sense caught her by surprise. The web was shaking, yet she wasn't moving. Was her body unconsciously trembling? She took a shaky breath to try and calm her nerves, but the web only vibrated more.

Her neck craned up-as much as possible-to see a fuzzy black spider leg. The leg moved down, and another one appeared. Her heart soared and dropped at the same time. She winced as she maneuvered her head even more to the side. At the sight, her breath once again quickened and her heart tried it's hardest to burst through her chest. "Vegeta." The name came out as a dying murmur.

An arrogant and knowing smirk turned black lips up. His nose growing ever smaller as his face rounded out, although the head still maintained the flame-swept look of his hair. Fangs grew and overlapped his bottom lip as the face transformation continued. His large narrowed eyes morphed into black, round, protruding spider eyes as the area around them flattened out.

Panic kicking into gear, her free hand started pulling at her hair again. Tears gathered behind her eyes and spilled forward. 'No, no, no. This is NOT happening!' Her hand continued to rip at her hair, leaving long strands still stuck to the web as she jerked her head further away from stickiness. One of the long legs came back into her field of vision and her efforts became more panicky and less effective. 'What did I do to deserve this?' A long clawed leg landed next to her head, and all the air in her lungs rushed out in a scream. She made the mistake of looking up to find the giant creature hovering over her, it's face looking down at her. She screamed again as her eyes closed tightly and tears continued there ever flowing stream down her cheeks. Her life flashed behind her closed lids. The times she traveled with Goku. The first time she met Yamcha. All the inventions she had created.

A loud growl ripped through her flashback, making her eyes open. Looking in front of her, she saw a large grey wolf. The same wolf that had been chasing her through these woods, and now it was distracting the spider's attention away from her. The wolf's fur hackled as it crouched, it's back slightly arched, in attack mode. It's sharp teeth bared as a deep rumble of a growl emitted from it's throat. Slobber was slowly seeping through it's teeth as it continued to growl and stare at the spider.

The spider moved, it's front legs moving to rest just above her shoulders. A shudder ran through her body, and she once again closed her eyes as she prayed that the two creatures would put an end to the other. The wolf inched closer, it's body stiff and prepared for the spider's attack-oh so it thought. Instead of rushing the wolf, like the spider normally would, it lunged from the webbing. Venom laced fangs pierced right above the wolf's right shoulder.

The wolf gave out a wail before roughly shaking it's body as it's teeth turned to bite at the arachnid. The spider quickly maneuvered so it perched upon the wolf's back, fangs still sunk into flesh. Another violent shake from the canine loosened the spiders hold. The wolf rolled, completely dislodging the spider from it's body, but the damage had already been done. The spider scurried back to it's original prey, as the wolf once again snapped it's jaws in an attempt to catch the black creature. Venom flowing through the wolf's system slowed it's normally quick reflexes. The sluggish feeling making the body heavier and eyes droop. The canine gave a pathetic growl as it's golden eyes flicked from the retreating spider to the blue-haired woman. Another sad whimper left the wolf's half opened mouth as it attempted to drag it's body closer to the web.

"Yamcha, I'm so sorry." Bulma's free hand came to cover her mouth as the flow of tears became thicker. "I never meant for any of this to happen," she sobbed. The spider climbed back onto it's web and beside her. It's claws grazed close enough to cut the fabric of her dress, but not her skin. "Just get it over with, you sick bastard!"

The spider's facial features morphed back into Vegeta's. "You brought this upon yourself, woman." The spider's cephalothorax morphed into the muscular naked chest of Vegeta, and the two most fore-front legs changed into his arms.

"Why did you kill Yamcha?" she cried out as his hands rested on her shoulders. Her eyes flicked from his to the pair of hands.

"Oh, I didn't kill him." A deep chuckle flowed between them. "He's just paralyzed for now. Aren't you?" Vegeta's neck twisted to look over at the prone wolf.

The growl wasn't loud enough for Bulma to hear, but she saw the wolf's lips peel back to reveal it's teeth. "I won't let…" The growled words were deep and barely heard.

"Won't let me what?" Vegeta's sharp voice barked. "And just how do you propose to stop me when I do start getting what I want?" Harsh laughter cut through the silence of the night and Bulma's heavy breathing.

"Please, stop it!" Her hand rested on his left forearm, drawing the creature's attention back on her. "Please," she begged, "there's no reason to take Yamcha down with me."

Vegeta sneered. "It has nothing at all to do with you. I can't stand weak and pathetic creatures like him. The fool needs to learn his place." Fingers danced along the creamy skin of her shoulder and toward her neck.

Her head raised on instinct as his fingertips brushed over the smooth flesh. The breath she was about take hitched in her throat as the tips brushed down to her cleavage and along the swell of breasts. "And w-what of m-me?" her voice shook with fear.

He smirked, the black eyes glistening over with excitement. "You?" The eyes flicked back to the wolf, then back to her. His tongue flicked out to sweep across his upper lip. "Are going to be dessert." The creature morphed back into it's full spider form and scurried off the web to enjoy it's dinner.

Covers were violently thrown off the small female body as it sat up in shock and fear. Her mouth was slightly parted as she inhaled heavy breaths. Blue eyes blinked a few times before tightly shutting and reopening. "What the fuck?" A hand reached up into the mass of blue curls on her head. "That was kind of fucked up," she muttered to herself as she pushed the blankets the rest of the way off her legs. She climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom where she splashed her face with cold water.

It'd only been a few weeks since her….mistake with Vegeta. A mistake that her mind apparently wasn't going to let her forget about it!

She looked at herself in the mirror. Deathly pale skin and blood-shot eyes stared back at her. She gave a heavy sigh as she glanced away. If only she could get more than a few hours of sleep without having some fucked up dream, it would do her wonders!

She had ended things Yamcha that next day-after being with Vegeta. Luckily for her, Yamcha hadn't questioned why. He had only agreed too readily that they should spend some time apart. That perhaps it would help bring the feeling back that they had shared so long ago.

She snorted. "Fat chance." There was no way she could go back to Yamcha after what she'd done, after the things she'd felt, after the way he had left her. It wouldn't be fair to either of them. That and she wasn't too keen on feeling like a slut, and running back to Yamcha would definitely invoke that feeling. So now, all she had to do was wait for Vegeta to return, and hope he wouldn't do anything drastic when she approached him.