Thanks to Skullgal94, AirRaider23, and Sam for reviewing!

About a few days later, the picture of Ratigan had been replaced by a newspaper clipping of Basil and Dawson bowing and Veronica curtseying before Queen Mousetoria, apparently being knighted for their bravery. The headline read, 'Queen Honors Detective', along with a few subheadlines, 'Queen Praises Detective Basil, Medal to be Given,' 'Veronica Thompson Pardoned For Crimes,' and 'Time Runs Out For Ratigan.'

"To be thanked by the queen herself," Dawson said, regarding the clipping. "Oh, how very thrilling, eh, Basil?"

"All in a day's work, Doctor," Basil said, as he placed Ratigan's bell on the mantle.

"Oh, Dr. Dawson, you were so wonderful," Olivia said, and Dawson chuckled bashfully. "And so were you, Ronnie," Olivia said, as she hugged Veronica, and Veronica returned the hug.

"Indeed," Flaversham said, just as he looked at his pocket watch. "Oh my, we're late to catch our train. Come along, Olivia."

"Yes, Father," Olivia said, before she hugged Basil. "Good-bye, Basil. I-I'll never forget you."

Basil leaned down and put his hands on her shoulder and smiled, as he said, "Nor I you, Miss…Miss Flangerhanger."

Olivia smiled and shook her head and Veronica stifled a giggle at her lover.

"Whatever," Dawson said, with a chuckle.

"Good-bye, Dr. Dawson," Olivia said.

"Good-bye, my dear," Dawson said.

Olivia then hugged Veronica again, as she said, "Bye, Ronnie."

"Bye, Olivia," Veronica said, before she looked Olivia over and said, "You know, you remind me so much of my little sister. Take care, now."

Olivia walked over to the front door, turned back, and whispered, "Good-bye."

And then, she was gone.

"Well, um…not a bad girl, actually," Basil said.

"Not at all," Dawson said, putting on his hat, before he sighed and said, "Well, it's time I was on my way too."

"But, um…but I thought…" Basil began.

"Well, the case is over," Dawson said, as he put on his jacket. "Mm…Perhaps it's…Well, perhaps it's best I found my own living quarters."

"But…" Basil said, before there was a knock at the door. "Oh, now who can that be?"

Dawson opened the door to find a woman standing outside.

"I-Is this the home of the famous Basil of Baker Street?" She asked.

"Indeed, it is, Miss," Dawson said, taking off his hat. "You look as if you're in some trouble."

"Oh, I am!" The woman sobbed, as she wiped her eyes. "I am!"

"Then, you've come to precisely the right place," Dawson said.

Basil put his arm around Dawson and said, "Ah, allow me to introduce my trusted associates, Dr. Dawson and Miss Veronica Thompson, with whom I do all my cases. Isn't that right, Doctor?"

Dawson seemed a bit surprised at first, but then understood what Basil was asking him, before they both shook hands and Dawson said, "What? What? Oh yes. Yes! By all means."

"As you can see, Dawson and Ronnie," Basil said, "this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead district and is troubled about the disappearance of an emerald ring missing from the third finger on her right hand. Now, tell me your story, and, pray, be precise."

That evening, Basil and Veronica entered Holmes' flat. Veronica was hiding something behind her back and, instead of the tank top and skirt she wore, she had switched it in favor of a sea foam green dress.

Once they were seated under Holmes' desk, they both began talking.

"So, this is how you learned your craft?" asked Veronica.

"It is indeed," Basil said.

Veronica smiled, before she glanced up and said, "I had a dream last night, while you were holding me."

"What was it about?" Basil asked.

"It was about my family," she said. "I saw how they died. Ratigan had his thugs trap them in the house and then they burned it to the ground."

Basil nodded, as he hugged her and said, "It is an awful thing to dream about, but at least, Ratigan is now paying the price for what he did."

Veronica nodded, before she said, "I wonder if Holmes has a lover."

"Probably," Basil said. "Why? Are you considering leaving me for him?"

Veronica laughed and shook her head, as she said, "No, I wouldn't dream of it. I just wonder if he does and I can imagine what she looks like."

"What do you think she looks like?" Basil asked her, looking interested.

"Well," Veronica said, "she's a very beautiful woman, yet she has a sad aura around her. She has long flowing black hair as dark as midnight and eyes the color of the sea after a storm."

"Really now?" Basil said.

"Yes," Veronica said, before she remembered what she was hiding from Basil and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you! Close your eyes." Noticing the confused look Basil was giving her, she explained, "It's a surprise." Basil raised an eyebrow, wondering what surprise she had for him, before he obliged and shut his eyes. "Hold your arms out," Veronica said, and Basil did just that.

Veronica slowly pulled out what she had been hiding. It was a new violin. With a smile, she placed the bow in Basil's hand, while placing the violin in his other hand.

"Okay, now you can open them," she said.

Basil opened his eyes and, upon seeing the violin, said, "Ronnie! It's-How did you?"

"I scraped together my savings to buy you a new one to replace the one you sat on," Veronica said.

"Really now, Ronnie, you didn't have to," Basil began.

"Yes, I did," Veronica said. "After all, it's the least I could do, especially after you allowed me to stay here and provided a roof over my head for me."

Basil smiled at her, before he said, "I also have a surprise for you. Close your eyes."

Veronica smiled and closed her eyes, and then she felt Basil's lips press against her own.

Once they let go, Veronica said, "When did you realize you were in love with me? You couldn't have fallen in love with me the minute we met."

Basil paused to think this over, before he said, "The moment I thought you had died after Ratigan had dragged you down with him." He held her in his arms and kissed her once more, before he said, "Shall we go back?"

"Yes," Veronica said, with a smile, as he escorted her over to the secret passage. "Let's go home."

Once they reached the passage, they both kissed again, before they went into the passage and Basil shut the door behind them.