:D Hello loves! This isn't anything special. Just a bunch of one shots that I've decided to string together. It involves my OC Virginia and Amaya Loves Joo's Alaska. But, this will not be a joint fic, just me borrowing her OC... Unless she decides she wants it to be a joint fic... Whatever xD I do recommend reading It's Cold in Canada and Sweet Little Virgina first.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the OC Alaska. I do own my OC Virginia and Amaya. :3

Alaska had done it! She managed to sneak into… Whatever meeting this was.

It wasn't exactly a world meeting, because it only contained the Allied Powers; but it really wasn't an Allied meeting because WW2 ended awhile ago…

Allied Powers Reunion Meeting type thing? Eh, whatever… None of that really mattered because she was here for one thing: to see her Father Russia, da!

Poor Alaska didn't get the chance to see him anymore since she was bought by that stupid America, so when she heard of the meeting, she rushed right over!

Not that she really minded being American territory, because of it she was able to create relationship with Canada, although secret.

Alaska stopped when she recognized the idiotic yelling of America from behind a closed door.

'I managed to get into the building… but how do I get into the meeting room?' Alaska thought, ear pressed against the door, 'Maybe I could-'

"Alaska! What are you doing here?" A voice with a slight southern accent exclaimed.

The normally stoic girl jumped in alarm before whipping around. There stood Virginia- at least, Alaska thought it was, she never really bothered to get to know the other states- giving her a curious look.

"I came to see Russia, da," Alaska replied, narrowing her eyes at the other, "What are you doing here?"

Virginia shrugged. "Well, ya see, Louisiana was busy, 'n so was Georgia… And so was everyone else I usually hang out with… And I got bored… and nothing was on TV… So I decided to come see America!" She finished, grinning at the pale girl.

Alaska scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Why would anyone want to go see that idiot?"

"He is not! He's a respectable man who comes up with great ideas that everyone loves! He told me so himself!" Virginia exclaimed, but not loud enough to catch the attention of the meeting countries.

Alaska could feel her eye twitching in a mix of annoyance and disbelief at the older state. Was she serious? What an…

"Vozduh golovu." Alaska mumbled, slipping into her native tongue. Frowning and giving Virginia a final glare, she turned away from her and went back to figuring out a way to get in a unnoticed…

"Hey Virginia… You wanted to see America, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"You know why you should never English food?"

"Why's that, Amérique?"

"You wanna keep your taste buds, don't you!"

"You bloody git!"

America laughed at his own joke as England fumed. Not like it mattered; this awesome reunion idea was his anyways, so England could suck it up. He was about to tell another, probably offensive, joke when a sweet voice interrupted.

"America~! I came to help you~!" And that's when America was almost tackled to the ground by Virginia.

"Virginia!" America stammered, blushing, "What are you doing here?"

"Doing what ever you want me to, silly!"

At this, poor America seemed to turn a darker red when inappropriate images flashed through his mind. You see, America had quite the obvious feelings for his state Virginia, and they were noticed by everyone except Virginia. So, the air headed girl would always panic when America turned red, assuming he had a fever. Like now.


"Russia~!" Alaska yelled, jumping into the tall nations arms. She was successful at getting in unnoticed by America, but only because she sent in Virginia first as a distraction.

"Anfisa? What are you doing here, da?" Russia asked, surprised, although that was unnoticed due to his calm appearance.

"I came to visit you! I never get to see you anymore since I was bought by that stupid American!" Alaska exclaimed, turning to give the said American a glare.

"A-Alaska, you brought Virginia too?" The soft whisper of Canada asked, catching the attention of Alaska.

"Well, yes. I used her to get in…"

"Not. Cool. Alaska." America said, glaring at the said state. "Not cool."

Alaska shrugged before grinning to herself. 'Pay back for not letting me see Russia.' She thought, remembering the prior chaos.

Apparently while America was off daydreaming due to Virginia's comment, France dragged Virginia away after hearing the same comment as well. Most likely to take advantage of the oblivious southern belle, but that's another story. But before that could happen, America snapped back into reality, pulling Virginia away in a heroic manner before threatening France. ("I swear to God, if you lay one finger on her, I'll-)

While that was occurring, Virginia seemed to find a way to bump into Russia before she started screaming bloody murder and attempted to hide behind Canada. This of course, resulted in Alaska becoming frustrated and before she could yell at the other state, Canada seemed to panic and tried, but failed, to get Virginia to calm down before America noticed.

It all happened quite comically, really.

So this was where they were now: America grasping Virginia hand, dragging her away from the building where the meeting/reunion had been held in an angry fashion while Alaska and Canada followed quietly behind.

"But I thought it was fun, America!" Virginia whined, letting herself be dragged by her country.

"I-It could have gone worse…" Canada agreed, shyly glancing at Alaska. America gave a loud, immature huff as he continued his brisk pace.

"America, I'm hungry… Can we get McDonalds?" Virginia whined as her stomach gave a quiet growl.

"Of course we can."

Alaska rolled her eyes at the two before smiling at Canada. Figuring that America was to preoccupied with the whiny Virginia, she reached out and grasped Canada's hand.

Too bad for her Virginia turned around.

Vozduh golovu- Air head

So yeah, this is only a mini-series, but that may change. But I'll only update this whenever I feel like it or when I get tired of Amaya yelling at me. Hopefully, future chapters won't be this short, this one was just a pain to write. But yeah, hope you like it! :3

*Note: If you have a state OC and you think it would be interesting to include them in here, PM me the details and I'll think about it. I promise no guarantees, however, so don't feel bad if I say no.*