Danny was angry beyond all comprehension.

After battling the Fright Night for five hours last night he was immediately ambushed by Skulker and Ember, whom had decide that they would stand a better chance if they attacked together instead of separately, for another two hours, then had to fight his parent after they had caught him in the middle of the battle field and thought that he had decided to go on a rampage. When he finally managed to ditch his parents and get back into bed, he managed to stitch himself up and drop his head onto the pillow just as his alarm happened to go off right next to his ear. His response to the sudden and rude awakening, like any sleep deprived teenager, was, unplugging the machine and throwing it out of his second story window where it crashed to the ground and broke into a million pieces.

This was not the smartest idea ever because at that very moment Danny's parents pulled into the driveway and saw the clock break. Like him, Maddie Fenton was not a morning person, coupled together with the trade mark Fenton female anger issues resulted in her charging up to Danny's room and giving him a nice long chewing out about them not being made of money. Danny just gritted his teeth and ignored the little voice in his head screaming at him to tell his parents too shut up and fry them both with an plasma-ray. Once his mother stormed out of his room, Danny sighed and went into his bathroom to shower, then dressed for the morning to come. Ignoring his stomachs despite pleas for a half decent meal, he grabbed an apple out of the bowl and walked out the door to school.

Danny bit into his apple as he slandered down the street and spotted his best friend Samantha Manson, or just Sam unless you want a slow and very painful death. Sam was in her usual attire, black plaid skirt with hints of green, combat boots, purple tights, black chocker around her neck, and black shirt with a purple oval in the middle that showed off her mid drift. Danny couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

"Hey," He said trying not to let his exhaustion show. Unfortunately for him, Sam was one of the few people in Amity Park that didn't posses the clueless jean as they liked to call it.

"Hey, were you up late last night?" Sam said in the gentle tone she normally reserved for when Danny came flying into her window at night, desperately needing medical attention.

"You have no idea." Danny's shoulders slumped as he finished his apple and threw it away. Much to his embarrassment though, his stomach growled very loudly, causing Sam to utter a small laugh before digging into her backpack and pulling out a few of the chocolate covered granola bars Danny loves so much. Danny took them, grateful that he had a friend like Sam that knew him so much, now if only she could see how much Danny cared about her.

The two walked to school while Danny filled Sam in on the details of his ghost fighting last night. When he was finished Sam grabbed him and held him in a comforting embrace, resting her chin on the top of his head. This was extremely awkward because of two reasons. 1) Danny had recently hit a growth spurt and was now a good half a foot taller than Sam, and 2) Danny's head was very close to a certain area on Sam's body that he had often fanaticised about and it was currently making his hormones run wild.

Danny escaped from Sam's grasp and fell a step behind her so he could have a chance to reposition his jeans, that way it wouldn't be painfully obvious to Sam of just how much he enjoyed that hug.

Danny and Sam managed to get to school on time that day. Normally Danny didn't get to school until half way through his first or second period so he was grateful for the break and wouldn't get detention for the umpteenth time that month. As he and Sam went their separate ways to their lockers, Danny let his exhaustion show slightly more. Dragging himself to his locker, he fumbled with the lock and started to get what he needed for today's class. That is, if he's lucky enough that a ghost won't attack and force him to leave early and get another detention.

"Hey, Fen-turd" Dash's obnoxious voice rang out through the halls. Under normal circum stances, Danny would just groan and take the jock's punishment, but today was different. Today Dash's voice sparked and uncontrollable anger in the pit of Danny's stomach that was reserved for only the toughest of Danny's enemies. "I got a D on my history test yesterday. You know what that means?"

Danny roughly shoved the last book into his bag and slammed his locker door so hard that he had left a barely noticeable indent the size of his hand in the door. "Oh shut the Fuck up Dash." Danny shouted as he spun around, a murderous glint in his eyes. The hall went dead silent; all eyes were on the angry Danny and the stunned Dash.

"What did you say to me?" Dash growled, finding his voice and making everyone in the audience shrink back. Everyone, except Danny that is who only glared at the bigger student in front of him.

"Just get out of my way Dash, because I'm not going to pull my punches for anyone today, least of all you." Danny growled back in a voice that wasn't full of cockiness and arrogance like Dash's. Danny's voice was filled with venom, pent up anger, and hate. Dash however, brushed it aside. He was still the same wimpy Fen-Tina he beat up on every day right?

"Fat chance," Dash yelled and threw a punch right at Danny's head.

Danny easily caught Dash's gorilla sized fist in his hand. The crowd and Dash gasped as Danny just kept that hateful glare on his face. For the next few seconds, time seemed to stand still as Danny just stood there, trembling with rage, all of the sleepless nights, all the painful injuries, all the hateful names that people had called him, including his own parents, finally sliced through the last of Danny's sanity. He was going to enjoy this day.

Danny roared as he let loose a vole of punches, until Dash's back made hard contact with the locker. Not waiting, Danny dashed forward and delivered a strong upper cut to Dash's jaw and laughed darkly as he felt several of his ribs splinter when he delivered an especially strong hit to Dash's rib cage. The football star was powerless to stop Danny as he grabbed the back of his letterman jacket and charged forward until Dash's head made a sickening thud as he was rammed head first into the lockers.

"You know Dash, you've been a really big pain in my ass for a really long time and today it ends." Danny shouted as he twisted his fingers in the bully's hair and slammed his head into the locker again and again.

Danny threw Dash backwards and laughed again as the jock tried to crawl to safety. "Oh no you don't, I'm not done with you yet." Danny said and grabbed Dash's throwing arm, twisting hit behind his back and kicked his elbow. Danny laughed out of insanity as Dash screamed in pain.

"You are nothing compared to me Dash, I could kill you in half a heart beet, I could kill everyone if I wanted to." Danny pulled Dash's head back and punched him in the throat the brought his knee up and made contact with Dash's face. Blood began flow freely as the bridge of his nose shattered on impact.

"You think you own this school? You think you control everything that happens in here because you have the students and teachers wrapped around you little finger?" Danny grabbed Dash's throat and lifted him up to his eye level. "From now on, I'm in charge of this school, and if I see you or any of your other lowlife friends even so much as thinking about bulling any of the other students, I will make sure that you spend the rest of your lives in wheelchairs." Danny growled and punched Dash in the head again, sending him into unconsciousness.

"Mr. Fenton!" Danny's head snapped up to see his teacher Mr. Lancer standing at the front of the crowd with a furious look in his eyes. "To my office NOW you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Actually Mr. Lancer, I think you're the one who has some explaining to do." Danny stood up, his usual baby blue eyes were filled with suppressed anger and hate for the teacher, making them look sharp and frosty. "Where were you about two minutes ago when Dash was preparing to beat the crap out of me again, like he does to everybody every day?" Danny's voice slipped into an eerie growl again as he slowly and menacingly started to advance on his teacher.

Mr. Lancer's intimidating stature crumbled to pieces as he found himself terrified of the student came towards him. He was startled when his back touched the cool metal of the lockers, not even realizing he had been moving backwards and began to panic as Danny got closer.

"You're nothing but a selfish old man. You constantly favour the popular crowed and don't do a damn thing when you know that a student has been hurt, whether it's physical or mental, you just brush it off and find some way to blame the victim by saying they're lying and give them detention." Danny's hands were balled into fists, but he kept them at his side.

"I... I don't-" Mr. Lancer stammered, but was quickly cut off by Danny's furious voice.

"DON'T you DARE try to even deny it. Every student in this school hates you because you're too selfish and uncaring to lift a finger and help the people who actually need it. You're nothing but a fat old man who's done nothing with his life; you don't have a wife, kids, or any other family that you're even close to." This time Danny just smiled cruelly at Mr. Lancer before he said one last insult in a low and chilling voice. "You're worthless."

Danny turned around and walked down the hall, the crowed parted to let him though except for Sam, who could only stare in shock at him, until he grabbed one of her wrists and dragged her with him. Mr. Lancer shook with fear as the image of Danny's cold and ruthless eyes burned fresh in his memory. He slumped to the ground, realizing that everything Danny had accused him of was true, how he favoured the popular crowed, how he let the young children get beaten, it was all true. And now he hated himself for it.

Outside of the back entrance of the school, Sam finally managed to snap to and pull her wrist from Danny's. "Danny, what the hell was that all about?" Sam scolded him, however if any of it sunk in, Danny didn't show it. He just stared at her with a strange emotion. "You can't just use your powers like that in public. What if your secret got out?" Sam was practically screaming, but Danny only subtlety smiled a flirtatious smile and began moving closer. "D-Danny..." That was all Sam got out, because immediately after Danny had closed the gap between them and firmly pressed his lips against hers.

It didn't take long for Sam to realize that what was happening was real and start kissing back with the same intensity. After a minute or so they broke apart for air. Sam started at Danny in shock; never in a million years would she have thought that he returned her feelings.

"Where did that come from?" She asked, still breathless from the passionate kiss.

"I was feeling bold, but I think the real question is, do you return my feelings?" He asked, a little bit of nervousness in his voice.

"That depends," Sam's voice took on a seductive tone, like when she had been taken over by Undergrowth. "What are your feelings about me?"

"Sam... I'm in love with you, I always have been, I always will be." Danny's voice was quiet, fearing that he had said too much. But those fears were put to rest when Sam's lips stretched into one of her rare smiles and she pulled him back into another kiss. The kiss was interrupted this time by Danny's ever bad timing, ghost sense.

"I gotta go." Danny sighed and changed into his alter ego. "Meet with you at the Nasty burger after school?"

"It's a date." Sam said and watched the halfa fly off into the distance.