A/N: THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER FOR "FEELINGS ARE ILLUSIONS"! This chapter is set up differently than the others, focusing mainly on what happens in Castle Oblivion with a twist. A lot of the dialogue comes from Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and the scenes are short and fragmented. I think this way I am able to tell what happens in Castle Oblivion quickly and focus on the motives in the chapter. I want to thank everyone who has reviewed on this story and to all those who have read this, it means a lot to me. I'm thinking about writing another story but I do not have any ideas on what I should do, so I have a poll on my profile that asks what pairing you are more likely to read. If you liked this story and want to read something else I would really appreciate feedback either in a review or on the poll.

Thanks again and enjoy the last chapter.


Zexion knew Marluxia and Larxene were trying to overthrow the Organization. He had heard them talk to each other in the library when they thought he was elsewhere. Marluxia wanted power, and with that power he believed that Demyx would acknowledge him. He had a strong feeling that Xemnas knew of their plans because he sent them away before they could stir too much trouble. Of course if that were true then Vexen, Lexaeus, and himself were sent there to actually complete the mission and keep an eye on the two traitors for any signs of betrayal. The only thing he couldn't could place was Axel, why was he sent here? Sure the pyromaniac was annoying and constantly causing trouble but sending him here would likely backfire, knowing Axel he would be persuaded by Marluxia to join him. Axel was more useful than Demyx, so wanting to get rid of him was unlikely, unless Xemnas felt that Axel was a traitor as well. He would have to investigate this matter with his fellow apprentices.


Axel was furious, well as furious as a Nobody could be. He knew Demyx bailed on him to be with Zexion, he could add two and two together. What he didn't know was why Demyx would choose to be with a recluse instead of him, it didn't make any sense. If Demyx didn't want to be with him then so be it, he would get his revenge.

Axel walked into a small room and closed the door behind him. The room was small and lined with bookshelves. On a small desk Larxene sat watching a camera that was currently following Sora, who was trying to remember a girl's name from his childhood. He walked up behind her and looked at the struggling boy. "It looks like Sora's memories are changing."

Larxene looked up from her screen and up at Axel, who's face displayed pure hatred. Seeing the unusual sight made her smirk, he would be so easy to manipulate right now. "Axel what brings you here?"

"I have to give this to you." Axel handed her a small card shaped like a crown.

"Looks like it's my turn to play." She stood up and stretched her arms over her head. "I've been waiting for too long to have some fun."

Axel knew Larxene and Marluxia's plan to overthrow the Organization, and he couldn't pass up a chance to get rid of these annoying characters. And it would help him get his revenge on Zexion. Playing along, Axel replied "Don't break him Larxene." He needed to let them think he was on their side if his plan was to work. "After we complete the mission we will need him if were going to take the Organization."

Larxene looked to Axel, a sly look on her face as though she expected this from him. "So you're in on this too? Keep quiet about it until the time is right." Without waiting for a reply from Axel she walked out of the door.

Axel slumped onto the couch to wait for his plan to go in motion. He would first destroy Marluxia, just because he chased after Demyx. Larxene was merely a pawn to get Marluxia to trust him, he could care less what happened to her. Then he would go after his main target, Zexion. He would allow Zexion to learn of their plan to overthrow the Organization and he would have to kill him because he would know too much. If the others were killed in the process so be it. Actually he would be better if Vexen and Lexaeus died, they would be suspicious of Zexion's death otherwise.


Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion sat in a circle around a small table, papers scattered around them as they thought of a plan to stop Marluxia and Larxene. They knew that the traitors wanted to use Sora to assist them in taking over, therefore, they needed someone who could fight against Sora and win. Currently none of them would be able to defeat him when Sora was being watched.

Zexion smelled another presence in Castle Oblivion and a smirk appeared on his face. Riku emanated darkness, he would be the perfect pawn. Of course they needed to convince Riku to join them in their struggle, which wouldn't be easy. But if what he heard about the boy was true, he was strong but had many weaknesses, therefore it would be easy to overpower him. If put in a battle against Sora he would have to manipulate to fight, but that was Zexion's specialty. "I have a solution to our problem."

The remaining two looked up from their paperwork and starred at him in confusion.

"Riku has entered the castle and I believe that he will be of some use to us."


Larxene returned to the room where Axel still sat, planning out the fine details to his scheme. "Axel, surprised you're still here." He shrugged in response. She was going to continue talking but her attention was diverted to the portal that opened in the room. She scoffed when Vexen walked through, followed by a small boy with white hair.

"Vexen what is that?" Axel asked, leaning forward in his chair.

"I created a replica of Riku, Sora's best friend. I came to lend a hand." Vexen replied, motioning to the boy behind him.

"What? You couldn't capture Riku yourself so you made a replica of him! How precious!" Larxene laughed into the back of her hand.

Riku Replica stepped forward, bypassing Vexen. "I am not the same as Riku, I am better than he is."

"You expect this clone to be able to defeat Sora?" Axel asked, leaning forward. Another piece of his puzzle being added, he knew this replica would be useful in more ways than Vexen could ever imagine.

Vexen glared at Larxene and Axel. "Of course I realize that this is not the real Riku, but think of the possibilities this could bring us."

Larxene walked up to Riku Replica and grabbed his arm, pulling him toward the door. "I think he'll be more useful if we alter him and give him Riku's memories." Before Vexen could intervene Larxene created a portal to Namine's room and disappeared.


Later that day, Vexen ran after his creation, who was hurrying to fight Sora. The Replica believed that he was Riku and his soul purpose was to protect Namine, even if it meant hurting Sora in the process. Vexen did not have this in his calculations. Sure it was good for the apprentices if the replica could defeat Sora, but it would also allow the others to manipulate the replica depending on the situation. He wanted this fight on his own terms, but of course the others had to intervene. Luckily for him he had a trump card, he would give Sora the memories of Twilight Town, something that only belonged to Roxas. This would mess up their plans because Sora would realize that something was wrong.


"What is Vexen doing?" Larxene screeched when Sora received the Twilight Town Key. "Has he finally lost it!"

Axel was amused with this turn of events, apparently his plan was working. The apprentices of the lower floors were working against them already, things were moving fast. "It'll be fine as long as Sora doesn't catch on. If he counts this world as a world he just doesn't remember there shouldn't be a problem."

Marluxia walked into the room after hearing Larxene's voice trail town the hallway. "That was a cunning move for an old man." He laughed, flowers trailing behind him as he walked. "It seems like they are trying to ruin our plan, although I do not know how they found out. Something must be done." He turned to Axel with full confidence of his loyalty to him. "Rid us of our traitor."

Axel's smirk grew wider with these words, Marluxia was just asking to be eliminated. For now he would play his part and go after Vexen, but it wouldn't be long before he went after another target. He created a portal and stepped through to the replicated Twilight Town just before the gates of the mansion.

"If you continue to seek Namine your heart will become Marluxia's pawn!" Vexen yelled, trying to persuade Sora from falling into Marluxia's trap.

"I'm no ones pawn!" Sora yelled, his grip on his KeyBlade tightening.

"Namine is..." Before Vexen could finish his sentence Axel arrived.


Zexion and Lexaeus once again sat at the round table. "Vexen is gone. We now have proof that Marluxia is trying to take over the Organization." Zexion mumbled before taking a sip of his coffee. He knew he should have been sad when hearing of the news, especially since he used to see Even as a father figure when they were apprentices, but being away from Demyx made him cold once again. "When Marluxia first arrived he was so infatuated with Demyx I did not consider the possibility that he would be power hungry."

Lexaeus nodded.

"It will not be long before they come after the two of us next."

Lexaeus could hear the lack of emotion in Zexion's voice, he knew that their plan to separate him from Demyx was working. Now that he saw the effect on his friend he regretted asking Xemnas for this favor. Somehow Vexen was gone and Zexion was more unemotional than he was before meeting the blonde. "Zexion do you miss Demyx?" It was not often that he spoke, but he knew he needed to tell Zexion what they planned.

"Lexaeus go capture Riku." Zexion did not want to answer that question, therefore, he ignored it. He could not miss Demyx because he could not feel. He knew the possibility of Lexaeus succeeding in this task would be slim, but it was their only option. Marluxia would see them as hindrances and eliminate them, Riku would be their saving grace. "Don't disappoint me."

Without another word Lexaeus walked to his final battle with regret on his mind. He could not focus on the battle because he was torn. Somehow instead of saving Zexion he ended up making the situation worse, he only wished that one day Zexion would forgive him.


Axel knew Zexion was the only apprentice left, things were going according to plan. He convinced Namine to restore Sora in order to thwart Marluxia's plan and save Sora. Now that Roxas was the only Nobody he liked he had to save Sora, Roxas' somebody. Of course it wouldn't be long before Marluxia and Larxene discovered he betrayed them. And now Riku Replica was off to Sora to find out who's memories were real. Now he had to wait for Larxene to go after Sora again, but this time she would be defeated due to Sora's need to protect Namine. It was not easy to pull everyone's strings, but this was real entertainment.

He waited around until he heard the sounds of battle from a floor below. He knew Larxene was battling Sora, it wouldn't be long before he went after his next target, Marluxia. Once he was sure Marluxia would be taken care of by Sora he was going to go after Zexion, his main target.


Zexion desperately needed to get Riku on his side, Sora was killing off the Organization and he knew that Marluxia would be after him soon. He walked across the battlefield where Lexaeus was eliminated. He walked to where Riku was located knowing he would have to face the boy himself. For once he was unsure what the outcome of the battle would be, he couldn't manipulate anyone to fight for him.


Axel walked out of a portal where Marluxia was bullying Namine into erasing Sora's memories completely. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Marluxia turned to face Axel, anger evident on his face. "Axel, you traitor. You said you agreed to our plans."

"Remember the order you gave me, 'Rid us of our traitor', I believe that your attempt to overthrow the Organization makes you the traitor." Axel smirked before pulling out his weapons and throwing them toward his enemy.

"I'll just have to kill you!" Marluxia yelled, pulling out his scythe.

As the battle began Sora appeared to protect Namine, just as Axel planned. Marluxia grabbed Namine to use as a shield, which angered the small boy. After Axel attacked Marluxia regardless of the hostage, Sora turned his attention to Axel, who then persuaded Sora to attack Marluxia. Knowing that Sora would easily defeat flower boy, Axel exited to find his true victim, Zexion.


Zexion stumbled out of a portal after his fight with Riku, his entire body was injured and he was exhausted. If he had stayed any longer he would have perished, he was lucky that he escaped when he did. He heard the sound of a dark portal opening and he looked behind him only to find Riku Replica and Axel standing there. At first he is startled, thinking the replica is the real Riku, however he realized that it was the replica.

"Wouldn't you like to be real?" Axel asks the replica. He wanted to kill Zexion with his own hands but he thought it would be more horrifying for Zexion, seeing how already got defeated by Riku, to be killed by the replica. "All you need is the kind of power the real Riku doesn't have, if you can get that you can be a real person, not Riku nor anybody else." Axel paused to let what he just said sink into the replica, this was far too easy. "You wont just be a copy of someone else, you will be unique, your own self." With these words he knows he has the replica right where he wants him.

Startled by what Axel is saying, Zexion asks "Axel what are you saying to him?" He never knew exactly what Axel's role in all this was, but he was beginning to think that Axel was after him for personal reasons. He stole Demyx from Axel and now he was going to pay the price.

Ignoring Zexion's question, Axel continued to talk to the replica. "You know, he's as good a place to start as any." Amusement lacked in his voice because he didn't want the replica to know that he was being used, but he couldn't hide it from sparkling in his eyes. Revenge was sweet.

"You cant do this!" Zexion yelled at Axel, but he knew that it was futile. The replica grabbed his coat and lifted him off the ground, pushing him into the wall he was using for support. Zexion tried to struggle but he was too exhausted from the previous battle.

"So sorry Zexion, you just found out way to much." Axel stated, amusement laced every word. He waited a long time for this moment and he was going to relish in it. When he noticed Zexion begin to fade Axel turned to leave.

"Are you saying this had nothing to do with Demyx?" Zexion managed to choke out, wanting to know the true reason why Axel was killing him. He seriously doubted it was because he found out about his treachery.

"Maybe a little." Axel mumbled. "I told you Demyx was mine, but now both of you will suffer." Axel stated before leaving the room.

The replica dropped Zexion once Axel left the room. "I do not follow his orders, but if I did not comply I would have been killed. I want to be my own person, but killing you will not accomplish this, however, I believe that it is too late. You will die from these wounds so I will take my leave."

Zexion watched the replica leave, dropping a small bottle of green liquid on the other side of the room. He thought about Demyx, knowing that the cheerful Nobody will be crushed when he finds out that he is dead. In order to spare him the misery he knows will come he used what little power he had left to create an illusion in Demyx's mind, forcing him for forget that they were friends, if not more.


Demyx sat in the gray room and starred into space. He wanted to know when the members sent to Castle Oblivion would return, but no one would tell him. Apparently the only ones who knew was Xemnas and Saix, which wasn't surprising. As he sat there he felt a sharp pain in his head, he lowered his head to rest against his legs and the pain disappeared within seconds. Something felt different but he didn't know what, it almost felt as thought he was missing or forgetting something he thought he should have. Deciding he was being silly, Demyx hurried to Xigbar who returned from the Superiors office with a grim face.

"Demyx, what do you want?" Xigbar asked, being unusually mean. He had just found out that all the members of Castle Oblivion were gone, except Axel.

"Did Xemnas say when they would return from Castle Oblivion?"

Xigbar could see hope in the poor boys eyes, and he knew that if he told him the truth that it would devastate him, even if Axel was returning. He knew he couldn't hide the truth from him for long, especially once word got around that they were all eliminated by Sora and Riku. " Yeah. Demyx, Axel is the only one coming back. Everyone else was was eliminated."

"What? How could..." Demyx couldn't ask, everyone was gone. Sure he never really knew the others very well, but it was still sad to hear that they were gone. He really wanted to get to know them more, even if most of them didn't like him. Vexen always seemed irritated at him but he sort of seemed like a father figure who was never truly upset. Lexaeus was always extremely silent but always protected Demyx when he was in trouble. Larxene and Marluxia on the other hand he could probably live without but he was still shocked that they were gone. And Zexion was...well...quiet and kept to himself, he was probably the Nobody he knew the least about.

"Look I know it must be hard but at least Axel is alright."

Demyx looked up at Xigbar. He could see the pain in the older males face but knew that he was trying to hide it from the rest of the Organization. At first Demyx didn't understand why considering the only person Xigbar really enjoyed talking to was Xaldin and then it hit him. Three of the fallen members were part of the original six and had close bonds with one another, even if it didn't look like it. Deciding to keep this observation to himself Demyx responded to what Xigbar said. "I didn't hang out with him before he left like I was supposed to and I regretted since." Demyx was relieved that Axel didn't die, but that weird feeling came back to him. "When is Axel coming back?"

"Soon, I don't know when." Xigbar replied, amazed at how well Demyx was taking Zexion's death. "Are you sure your alright, I mean Zexion..."

"Zexion? I'm sad that he's gone, but we were never close. He hardly talked to me and he was always mean to me. I'm more upset that Lexaeus is gone, he was so nice." Demyx butted in, confused on why Xigbar would mention Zexion. As far as he could remember the two of them never close, if anything they were far from it. He tried to remember times when he was around the smaller Nobody but every time he tried he always drew a blank. It was almost as if the two of them never talked, but that would be impossible because he knew he talked to Zexion at some point. Then he felt something wet fall down his cheek. He wiped the tear away, confused on why he was crying, but he couldn't stop the tears from coming.

A/N: Edit: I looked at some of the reviews and I read a wonderful review that made me look back on this chapter. I did not realize that the ending seemed rushed and I apologize for that. Thanks again for reading and if I get a chance I will try to rewrite this chapter to make it longer.