Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Please forgive me for the long wait. I hope you continue to read and review. Thanks to those who have read and review. Also, I'm sorry for any mistakes I have made. Thank you.

Also, this is the final chapter. Sorry if you don't like.

Anyway, here I go.

Saving a Life

Chapter Ten

June 5, 2017

As time went on, Berwald and Tino returned to Stockholm with some of Tino's old things that stored. But also, Tino was becoming very weak. He would sleep for most of the day. Finally, Berwald took him back to base.

Waiting outside Tino's hospital room, Berwald sat down on the floor with his face in his hands.

"Sweden," someone called out. Berwald looked up and saw Svein and Mathias coming his way.

"How is he doing?" asked Svein.

"N't w'll," said Berwald.

"He'll be fine. The doctors will know what to do," said Mathias. They sat down next to him and waited.

An hour passed until a doctor came to inform them and the news wasn't good.

"Tino isn't doing well. There seems to have been something in his system that is weakening him," told the doctor.

"Can you make him better?" asked Mathias.

A sad expression appeared on the doctor's face and he shook his head.

"We don't know what is in his system and I don't want to try anything that could cause him more problems. You can go in to see him. I'm sorry," said the doctor.

"How long does he have?" asked Svein.

"Not much. Two weeks at the most. I'm sorry again," said the doctor and he left.

Berwald stood there in shock. Then he stepped back until his back hit the wall and slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor. Svein and Mathias stood next to him, also in shock.

After a while, Berwald stood up and walked into the room. He saw Tino lying on the bed, asleep. Svein and Mathias waited outside the room.

Walking up to the bed, Berwald sat down on a chair next to the bed and took hold of one of Tino's hands and holding it in both of his hands. They were like this until Tino slowly opened his eyes.

"Berwald," muttered Tino.

Berwald stood up from his chair and looked down at Tino, who looked straight into Berwald's eyes.

A small smile appeared on Tino's face and he said, "I'm not going to make it, am I." This caused Berwald to look away. Tears started to appear in Tino's eyes and go down his cheeks.

Looking back at him, Berwald wiped away his tears and said, "I'm sor'y."

"Its not your fault, Berwald. You've made my life pleasant and I thank you for that. Thank you for everything, Berwald," said Tino with a large smile on his face.

As Berwald looked at him, tears began to appear in his eyes too. He laid his head on Tino's chest and started to cry. Tino was a bit surprised at this, but then smiled and rubbed the back of his head to soothe him.

After a few minutes, Berwald slowly began to calm down and took his head off Tino's chest, looking at him. Tears were still in his eyes.

Tino reached up and wiped them away. He then wrapped his arms around Berwald's neck pulled him closer to him, hugging him.

"I love you, Berwald," whispered Tino, kissing the side of his head.

Berwald blushed and gulped.

"I…love…you…too…Tino," said Berwald, trying to be as clear as possible. He gently wrapped his arms around Tino.

Tino also blushed and smiled.

Berwald pulled a bit away and kissed Tino on his lips in a gently kiss. Tino kissed back.

June 26, 2017

Time passed and Tino was getting weaker. Berwald stayed with him the whole time, only leaving to go to the bathroom or freshen up. Svein and Mathias would bring him meals and would stay with them sometimes.

On this day, Tino was at his weakest. He wasn't going to make it to the next day according to the doctor and it seemed to be true. Tino was gasping for every breath.

Berwald was sitting on the bed, holding Tino's hand with both of his hands.

"Ber…wald," gasped Tino. Berwald looked at him.

"I…think…it is…time," panted Tino.

Berwald's eyes widened at this and tightened his hold on Tino.

"Berwald, can you do a favor for me?" asked Tino.

"Y's, 'nyth'ng," said Berwald.

"Have a… good life. Continue… to live, have a… kid or two, but don't… give up… on life. Please… continue… for me," panted Tino.

"I w'll," said Berwald.

"And…also…I…love…you," said Tino.

Berwald cleared his throat and said, "I love you too." He continued to mutter this, holding him tighter. He began to cry and repeatedly kissed Tino on his head.

Tino smiled and closed his eyes, never to open them again. Berwald continued to hold him, crying. He lied down on the bed bring Tino down with him. He held onto him even when Berwald passed out.

September 26, 2019

A few years had passed and Berwald had continued his life like promised Tino.

He was sitting in his bedroom on his bed, looking at the last picture that he had with Tino. It was taking in the hospital a little more than a week before he died. It showed Tino and him sitting on the on the hospital bed, holding each other. Svein and Mathias were also in the picture on either side of the bed. Everyone had a smile on their face.

As he looked at the picture, the door opened and a little boy entered the room.

The boy was five years old and was three feet six inches. He had pale skin with short blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a white sailor shirt with a blue collar, a matching hat, and blue Capri pants with white knee-high socks and black Mary Jane shoes.

"Daddy, are we going to the park?" asked the boy.

"Y's P'ter, we 'r'. I'll be th're 'n a min'te," said Berwald.

"Ok," said Peter. He left the room.

Berwald looked back at the picture and smiled. He kissed the picture of Tino and said, "I m'ss ya, T'no."

Finally done. Sorry if it sucked. Please continue to read. Hope you have a night. Bye.