This is a fic I've been cooking up for a while ... for all the Spongebob haters like me. So if you'd like to see some certain characters get what should have had come to them years ago, this is for you! The chapters in this one are going to be fairly short, compared to my first fic, but there's not much I can work with, using what I am.

Edited: 11/15/2012

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note or Spongebob Squarepants.

A Shinigami's Fun Never Ends

The barren, dry, depressing wasteland that is the Shinigami Realm seemed to be as unchanging as the flow of time itself. Ryuk, the black-clothed, skeletal god of death sat watching the human world with bulging yellow eyes with a bored scowl on his bone-white face. "I've grown bored with the human world. Ever since Light died and his Death Note was burned, nothing happens anymore. It's just the same old routine, day after day. It's been only six months and I'm already bored as Hell, even though there isn't really a Hell to begin with." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Hmmmmm. Maybe it's time to stir things up again, but let's try something a little more interesting," he said, waving his hand over the viewing portal. The view came to rest on the ocean floor. He was surprised to find entire civilizations existing under water. Ryuk scanned the coral cities until he found one specific individual who seemed to share his views. "This undersea world is just as rotten as the human world," Ryuk breathed through the many sharp teeth lining his large mouth, his blue lips curling and red irises dilating. "Bikini Bottom, huh? What a silly name for an underwater city. Time for some fun."

With that, he walked across the long, sand–covered plains and down the long, winding staircase that led to the portal that linked the two worlds. Ryuk spread his black wings and took flight, crossing over into the human world, coming out over the crystal–clear ocean, he held out something black and let go, letting it sink beneath the waves until it was out of sight. The Shinigami let out his trademark psychotic, maniacal laugh and returned to the Shinigami Realm to watch the developments from afar. This should be good for some decent entertainment, Ryuk thought as he flew away laughing hysterically.

Who did Ryuk see? Like I gotta ask, right? I think the real question is: Who's gonna die first? Take a guess. I DARE YOU!

Next chapter: next Saturday (Oct. 2nd)