Long Lost Sisters

Summary: AU Maura finds out she has a sister, whose arrival in Boston raises some tricky questions.

Note: A huge thanks to Jess for betaing this, I really appreciate it. As always comments are motivation. Let me know if its worth continuing.

Ch. 1

"Is it lunchtime already?" the medical examiner said without looking up from the body she was examining.

"Um…are you Dr. Isles?"

The voice was unfamiliar, causing Maura to shift her focus from the body to the woman who had just entered the morgue.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else. Yes, I'm Dr. Isles. How can I help you?" Maura said, sizing up the blonde in front of her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but the woman seemed familiar.

"I'm Dr. Arizona Robbins, I…I have a letter for you," the woman said, showing the medical examiner an old yellowed envelope.

Maura peeled off her purple latex gloves, dropping them in the trash before she stepped forward to accept the envelope.

"Can I ask why you didn't just mail this?" Maura asked, curious as to why the attractive doctor was hand-delivering her mail.

"I…She asked me to," the younger woman said, diverting her gaze to her shoes.

Maura opened the letter anxious to understand what was happening. As her eyes devoured the words before her, the color quickly drained from her face.

Just then Jane ran through the doors, her nose in a case file.

"Any progress with our latest 'vic,' doc? Oh I'm sorry," Jane said, finally looking up from the folder, "I didn't realize you had company" Noticing Maura's pale complexion, Jane quickly approached her friend, placing a comforting hand on her arm.

"Maura, honey what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jane was becoming more concerned with each passing second at Maura's lack of reply.

Without moving her gaze from the blonde Maura mechanically handed Jane the letter. Jane took the letter and read it quickly. When her eyes reached a particularly intriguing sentence the detective's eyes jumped to the blonde then back to the honey highlighted brunette beside her.

"She's your sister?" Jane breathed out.

"Half sister, I'm really sorry about the circumstances," Dr. Robbins said.

"Circumstances?" the taller brunette asked.

"My…Our mother died. I didn't know Dr. Isles here existed till a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry I didn't make it here sooner but I, well I was more then a little scared to meet you."

Maura was still staring rather blankly at Arizona and Jane sensing her friend's distress stepped in.

"I'm Jane Rizzoli by the way," Jane said, extending her hand. Arizona accepted.

"Arizona Robbins. Look, I know this is a shock, so I'll give you some time to process," Arizona said while reaching into her pocket and handing Jane a card.

"That has my cell, email and the name and room number of the hotel I'm staying in. I'll be here for a couple of weeks…getting things settled. Feel free to call whenever," Robbins said before turning to leave.

Jane turned her focus back to Maura, but not before noting the well-shaped backside of the M.E.'s sister.

"Maura, sweetie why don't you sit down for a second" The detective said guiding Maura into the computer chair. Jane crouched down in front of the doctor and clasped her hands in hopes of getting Maura to focus. At a loss for what to do, Jane resorted to her own defense mechanism.

"Well at least this sibling is still alive" Jane quipped. Maura let out a choked laugh before the dam broke and she started sobbing. Jane pulled Maura to her, letting the smaller woman cry, and rubbing small circles on her back.

Maura finally got her breathing under control and pulled back slightly from her friend.

"I…I'm sorry."

"What for? Maura, it's quite a shock to find out you have a sibling and that your birth mother is dead. I'd be more concerned if you weren't a little freaked out," Jane said, still worried for the usually collected medical examiner.


"I don't know, Callie. She barely said anything. Though her girlfriend seemed nice," Arizona said leaning into the Latina.

"Too bad you guys didn't know each other growing up. It would probably have been nice having a gay older sister to help you figure stuff out," Callie said, brushing some hair out of Arizona's face before kissing her.

"Mmm," Arizona moaned into her girlfriend's lips. "True, but you never know how long it took her to figure it out."

The two sat in silence for a while just soaking up the peace the other brought them.