
Franziska, Age 18

I'll never leave you, Franziska. he says, a soft smile crossing his usually frowning mouth. Don't worry. She hates the sound of his voice. It is arrogant, it is superior, it is better. She suffocates from the sound of it, the hands of the damned pulling her deeper and deeper into the flames. The venom resting in her soul quickly reaches the tip of her tongue and she wants to spit it out, wants to call out his deception, but it's always the same with him.

She can't do it.

It is all lies, she clearly knows. Everything he's told her since he went to that foul country has been lie after lie. It eats at her like rain eroding mountains, like rivers breaking off parts of cliffs. Each lie fuels her angers immensely, each lie sends a fire to her brain, a fire to her traitorous heart. The child she has so carefully locked away in a corner of her mind all those years ago climbs out and cries, cries like that day her mother left. She'll tell him one day, she thinks. One day she will call out his falsehoods and tell him of her grief. She will grab onto his jacket that smells like ink and incense and cry her eyes out. She'll tell him her worries and her wants and everything else that only foolishly foolish fools do. But that is all one day, one day that seems so distant from now. Like the rest of her foolishness, she keeps it tucked away from others.

After all, she is still far too proud.


He likes to think that he was a carefree child. One of those children who would touch roses even with knowing their consequences. It was the way his father raised him after all, to always follow what your heart told you, and it was the way he thought it would stay. How ironic that now he is man that only thinks of consequences and more consequences. The lies that his father told him never to tell fly out of his mouth now, as easy as breathing. But with her, there are no consequences.

Everything falls away at the hinges with her. Stoicism he has so carefully built himself out of to show professionalism crumbles at the mere thought of her. Maybe it is because he has known her all his life. She knows him like she knows the rules of law. Her hand slowly moves to tug at her sleeve, a sign that shows her apprehensiveness. She bites her mouth, a scattered line of marks dot the inside of her bottom lip. The vigor and passion that are normally in her eyes die out, flames that are put out by a water. Though she seems to be the vulnerable one, he feels more a mess then usual when she does this. It makes him feel vulnerable. It's not suppose to be like this. The person who he once viewed as a sister now sets his senses into a feverish chaos. This is not suppose to happen, he thinks as she darts past him, leaving a whirlwind of lavender and spice behind. Goodbye Miles, she says. The use of his name surprises him slightly and disorientation grabs onto him. This is all a phase, he thinks, he hopes. He digs his nails into his skin, leaving little crescent moons with his fingernails. He laughs, a dark, bitter sound.

He never thought he would lie to himself.

New series? Should I continue? I wrote this more as a way to think of more storylines for my other series for phoenix/maya and to try a different style of writing, but this couple also sparks my interest, he.

Tell me what you think, readers!