This is from Christian's P.O.V and it is also the basis for the sequel. Let me know if you want me to continue.
It'll also feature Alex and Mason pretty prominently as well

I was sitting at the bus stop by Waverly Place, suitcases at my feet, when she came by. Angelic face, blonde wavy hair, golden brown eyes; simply heaven on legs.

I rejoiced inside when she sat next to me. I was so glad I'd decided to rest up last night and leave today instead.

I pretended to be focused on the Wizard Newspaper I was reading, sneaking glances at her sad face every now and then. In all honesty though, I'd read the article in front of me a couple of time already out of boredom. It was about werewolves, interestingly enough, and how the virus they'd come up with had led them to be able to reverse the effects of a werewolf bite on humans and magical creatures.

The pretty girl sniffled and I decided it was my time to swoop.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked her.

Inside, I scolded myself. Great opening line Chris.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she said, looking, acting surprised when she finally saw me.

"Do I know you?" I asked. "You seem familiar."

"Yeah, you do too but I don't think we've met."

"You from around here?" I asked.

She looked wistful. "I used to be. I came to visit someone but I don't think he wants to see me."

I was mildly shocked but I exaggerated. "Who wouldn't want to see you?"

"My ex-boyfriend," she answered glumly.

Uh-oh, baggage alert. Better suss out the situation quick.

"Bad breakup?" I inquired politely.

"No, I just haven't seen him in a long time and I'm pretty sure he's moved on. Like I should."

Sweet. Even if I'm only a rebound guy, I'm cool with that.

"Where are you headed now?" I asked her.

She shrugged, looking lost. "I don't know. I haven't been able to contact my parents and God knows where they are right now or what they're doing."

Just then the bus I was waiting for arrived. I shot her a parting glance before stopping dead. Take your chances Christian. Don't let this one slip away.

I stepped away from the bus and turned to her. "Do you want to get a coffee?"

She indicated the bus which was starting to leave. "Don't you have to be somewhere?"

"I'm in no rush," I said with a smile.

She nodded. "Okay."

We started to walk and I realised I didn't even know her name, nor had I introduced myself.

"By the way, I'm Christian-"

I stopped myself. I'd been about to say Greyback but that was the werewolf name handed down from generation to generation. It belonged to an identity I no longed possessed.

"Grey, Christian Grey."

Note to self: Do not forget to make sure Grey is the name on all of your licenses otherwise you are screwed if you get caught.

I held out my hand and she shook it. "It's nice to meet you Christian Grey. I'm Juliet, Juliet Van Heusen."