Different Place, Different People, But Still The Same...

The Flight

I do not own any characters, they all belong in the book twilight :p they belong to Stephanie Meyer, Good Books Girl!

I know it seems weird that I left Phoenix and moved to forks but I really had no choice, I couldn't stay and live with Phil anymore. Ever since my mum died while giving birth to Riley he has treated me different, I think he has resorted to using me like he would have mum, but I'm not mum and I will not let him use me that way, so I left, to go live with my real dad Charlie, in forks, taking my fourteen year old brother with me. Don't get me wrong I hate the rain and love the sun, but I really don't think I could have handled talking care of Riley while I was still at school, and so Charlie volunteered to help me. So now here I am on a plane with my brother headed to the most rained on place in all of America. Lucky for Riley he doesn't mind the rain.

I was shocked out of thinking when the person next to me started talking to me. She was short, had black hair that was fairly short and stuck out everywhere, she had golden eyes and a cute face, she was also very pale and had

"Hi! My names Alice, what's yours? " I couldn't believe it, I never got talked to in my old school I was always the loner, no one ever talked to me, now this pixie (and I say pixie cause I don't know what else to call her, I mean she literally looks like a pixie) sitting next to me decides to talk to me you see how I would feel I was stunned, she must think I'm weird staring at her like this...

"Isabella, but everyone calls me Bella" I tell her but I'm sure I must have sounded breathless or something like that, but she smiled.

"so, Bella why are you heading to the most rained on place in America?" she asked laughing

"uhhh... I'm going to live with my dad..." that was all I could say, I mean there was no way I was going to tell a total stranger about what happened at my old home and why I left it, I mean really?

"nice, sounds fun!" wow she had sooo much energy, I could only laugh a hard humourless laugh

"So what about you, why are you going to forks?" I asked

"Oh, I live in forks, with the rest of my family, but I wanted to go shopping in a non-rainy town for once, plus the area around forks doesn't really have the best of shops" she said smiling, and laughing, I had to laugh with her, she was just that type of person

"OH!" she said "this is my boyfriend Jasper" she said point to the guys sitting on the other side of her, he looked kind of strained, his eyes were a golden colour, just like Alice's, he has blonde wavy hair, he was very pale, like Alice, and had scars on his face, you could see them very well, and I'm sure most other people wouldn't notice, but I did.

"very nice to meet you ma'am" he said

"nice too meet you too. Bella" I said sticking out my hand for him to shake

"uhhh... His not the touchy-feely type, sorry Bella I should have told you before"

"oh" I said taking my hand back " no problem Alice" just then Riley's movie finished and he took out his headphones

"Are we nearly there yet Bella?"

"umm, I'm not sure" I said trying to look around for the time

"we have fifteen minutes left" I heard Alice say, well that was weird, how did she know that? There's not even a clock on this damned plane. Nah she most likely where's a watch. I decided

"thanks" said riley putting his headphones back on to listen to music for the rest of the flight. Hat when I heard Alice gasp, she was staring straight ahead, like she was seeing through the seat in front of her, except her eyes were blank. Jasper was staring at her and talking to her. She broke out of then, and stared right at me, looking slightly scared, before turning to Jasper and talking to him so lowly that I couldn't hear her. The rest of the flight went on as normal, Alice and Jasper talking to each other and Riley listening to his music.

We got of the plane and Charlie was there to pick us up Alice said goodbye and that she would see me later. What was with that? Charlie led us to his car and we drove off, the drive home was about two hours, so I put in my headphones and started to listen to my music, when my favourite song came on, Charlie decided to talk, so I paused my music and took out my headphones and listened to what he was saying.

"Bells, this is how its going to go, you cook and clean, and if the house isn't clean and my food isn't on the table every time I'm there will be a punishment, and I can guarantee you wont like it, alright?" I gulped but nodded. How could this be happening? I moved to forks to get away form this, I didn't think Charlie would be like this I meant he is the chief of police for fucks sakes! Thank god Riley had his headphones on and couldn't hear what we where saying, he knew what was happening with Phil and he didn't need it now, he needed to finish school, his a good kid.

"Good, do this and your life here will be fine" he said smiling.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

Ok, ok I know it's a short chapter but I had to start somewhere

Review will make it go faster XD

Ok guys I'm going away for a week with no internet so the next chapter could be up tomorrow, the next day, or the next day. But if its not, it will be up by the 12th of October :D thanks guys!