Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.


Seth had been a frightened child.

Easily afraid, there had been many a night when he had climbed in bed with Leah, mumbling intelligibly about 'ghosts beneath the bed' before hogging the pillow and rolling himself up in her only blanket.

Tonight however, it was different.

He was only fourteen, barely old enough to understand what life was going to be for himself and then, one right on top of the other, his life dramatically changes. Not as if hers didn't as well, but she was used to the way the world worked and for this innocent child to be thrown into the middle of the storm was inexcusable.

It was that night, after his change, their father's death and their mother's newly-found catatonic state, that he climbed into her bed.

He curled against her side and sobbed silently for what seemed like hours, her arms wrapped around his shaking torso before sleep overtook him, and he rested in the comfort of her embrace.

Just like he did as a child.

When the monsters came from beneath his bed to scare him.

This time, it wasn't monsters, it was vampires and werewolves and a terrible thing called Death.

She didn't judge him for it at all.

Author's Note: This is from a really old prompt. I'm going through them on LJ to keep me writing. I really rather like this a lot. Reviews are love. -Delta